Congratulations to our newest homeowners!
Mr and Mrs Turner
31'5 x 66' Ranch with garage in Williamstown, NJ

Mr and Mrs Johnson
31' x 56' Ranch in Salem, NJ
Some great shots of a recent Ranch set in Williamstown, NJ!
"Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is time for home"
Edith Sitwell
Just because the holidays are over, doesn't mean you can't keep your home feeling cheery and warm! Check out some of these great decorating ideas that will keep winter blues at bay!

Ever wonder why you're always cold in winter, even with a cranked up heater and a blazing fire? Keep Jack Frost away from your nose with these tips on how to keep your house toasty warm all winter long!

Looking for recipes that will keep you warm during those chilly evenings?

Delish has got you covered! Check out this winter recipes that will make you warm and cozy!

National Glaucoma Awareness Month
Glaucoma affects millions of Americans each day. Make sure that your eyes stay healthy by regular visits to the eye doctor, and know the symptoms of glaucoma. For more, click here

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and like us on Facebook!
Contact us at two of our convenient locations!
Gloucester County Sales Office and
Model Home Location
1860 N Black Horse Pike
Williamstown, NJ 08094
P: 856-875-0120

Ocean County Office
and Sales Center
361 Main Street
West Creek, NJ 08092
P: 609-857-3183