The Alliance for Public Waldorf Education is offering Summer Professional Development designed for the Public Waldorf Community

July 6-10, 2020: Grade Level Cohorts EC through 8th: Picture of the Grade, Math, Literacy, Science, & the Arts.
Week one is designed for teachers in schools working out of the core principles of Public Waldorf Education, and the schedule reflects the professional development we believe will be most supportive in preparation for entering the classroom. The instructors have all been involved with schools working out of these principles and look forward to forming cohorts specific to each grade in the morning course. The courses in math, literacy, and the arts will form as cohorts combining two grades. Please expect to participate in all the courses for your grade, as the instructors are working together to build up a complete picture. Our hope is that new friendships will form, new insights and practical skills gained, and that participants will leave feeling refreshed and enthusiastic to begin teaching their grade.

July 13-17, 2020: Personal and Professional Development Classes designed for Public Waldorf Teachers, Administrators, and Supporters.
Week Two of the Professional Development offers a combination of theory and practice for educators working out of the core principles of Public Waldorf Education. Designed for all members of the Public Waldorf Community, participants can choose from a variety of offerings, including sessions in Child Development, Anthroposophy, Special Education, Equity and Diversity, Critical Issues in Race, Gender, and Sexuality, Standards Integration, as well as Handwork, Eurythmy, World Languages, Technology, and Games and Exercises for Early Childhood.

Additions and changes to the schedule are possible, please check back for updates. If money and or time are an obstacle to your participation please reach out and we can work to customize your experience. 

Schedules: Click on the link to see each week
Link:  Week #1
Link:  Week #2

Event Site: Alliance Summer Professional Development 2020

ATHENA Therapeutic Eurythmy Grant
ATHENA (Association for Therapeutic Eurythmy in North America) is delighted to announce its 19th annual grant for the school year 2020-21. We are very grateful to the Waldorf Educational Foundation (WEF) for the funding of these grants. ATHENA will ensure that these monies are well used in the furtherance of our common goal of promoting Therapeutic Eurythmy in Waldorf Schools.

Here are the announcement , application , and report form . Please contact ATHENA if you have any questions.
Member Schools Job Postings
As a service to our schools, we will run a list of positions with a link to your school site.

Email Amala Easton  if you wish to place a listing. 
Professional Development and Teacher Preparation
In addition to the summer professional development opportunities listed here, the Alliance Board has built our own collaborative Summer Professional Development sessions in July for Public Waldorf education: by teachers and school leaders, for teachers and school leaders.

July 6-10, 2020: Grade Level Cohorts EC through 8th: Picture of the Grade, Math, Literacy, Science, and the Arts.
July 13-17, 2020: Personal and Professional Development Classes designed for Public Waldorf Teachers, Administrators, and Supporters.

Re-imagining the Role of the Teacher
With Diane David and Anna Rainville
June 29 - July 3, 2020

Great Lakes Waldorf Institute
June 29-July 24, 2020
July 6th-31st, 2020

at High Mowing School
June 29, 2020 - July 10, 2020
Wilton, NH

Transformational Teaching
July 27th - August 7th, 2020
Amherst Junction, WI | Tomorrow River Community Charter Schools

With Eugene Schwartz
June 1-September 30, 2020

June 12-15, Teaching Literacy in Grades 1-3
June 23-26, Teaching Literacy in Grades 1-3
July 6-9, Teaching Literacy in Grades 1-3

June 27-July 11, Teacher Training
July 12-17, 2020, Teaching as an Art (Canceled)
Denver, CO

With Center for Anthroposophy
September 2020, Waldorf Teacher Training
Tuscon, AZ

Community School for Creative Education
June 29, 2020 - July 10, 2020
Oakland, CA

Summer Music Conference
July 12-17, 2020
Phoenixville, PA

Speech Arts for Teachers 
With Helen Lubin
By Appointment
At your school

June 8-10, 2020: Fort Collins, CO | Mountain Sage Community School
August 11-13, 2020: Palmer, AK | Birchtree Charter School

June 11, 2020: Austin, TX | University of Texas
June 26, 2020: Morristown, NJ | College of Saint Elizabeth
July 17, 2020: Stanford, CA | Stanford University

At Linden Waldorf School
June 12-15, 2020
Nashville, TN

At Golden Valley Charter Schools
June 15-19
Orangevale, CA
For more information:

Liz Beaven , Alliance President 
Amala Easton , Administrative Coordinator 

1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218
Folsom, CA 95630

Public Waldorf is a service-mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America and used pursuant to a license.