Meetings, workshops, news, and articles for creating cultures of continuous improvement.

December 12, 2018 | Quarterly Conference

Location:  Axis Research & Technologies,  6630 Eli Whitney Drive Suite E, Columbia, MD

Join us for our morning "mini-conference" bringing you examples, case studies, and informative discussions about the tools and methods of continuous improvement.  Network with learners and leaders of the local Lean community!


8:00 am - 9:00 am           Registration & Networking
                                       Continental Breakfast
9:00 am - 9:10 am             Welcome
9:10 am - 10:10 am         Kevin Larsen, MD, FACP
Director, Continuous Improvement and Strategic Planning
Office of the Deputy Chief Operating Officer/OA
Centers for Medicare/Medicaid
Dr. Larsen will present on the successes and challenges of organizational lean transformation and continuous improvement efforts in a service organization.
10:10 am - 10:25 am       Networking/Break
10:25 am - 11:15 am       Eddie Conklin, CHL, Lean/Sigma BB
Manager, Sterile Processing & PRMC's Tactical Lean Expert
Peninsula Regional Medical Center (PRMC)
Eddie's presentation will focus on the use of Lean/Sigma to dramatically improve performance and quality to PRMC's 16 Operating Rooms. The journey includes creating a department's culture of continuous improvement to meet PRMC's expectation of Zero Harm World Class Healthcare.
11:15 am - 11:45 am       Presentation of Certificates
Lean Facilitator Certification Program Graduates

11:45 am                          Close

The Maryland World Class Consortia