SRPC 2020 Regional Workshop event. ( SPRC Photo)
On Tuesday, Jan. 10 executive director Jen Czysz and equity and engagement planner Nancy O' Connor, attended a meeting with Somersworth city officials to review the draft plan for the  Pathways to Play  pilot project. For those not familiar, Pathways to Play is a Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) project funded by the NH Children's Health Foundation occurring in two phases. Phase I includes mapping publicly funded recreational spaces and facilities, with additional demographic and transportation infrastructure data, in each of SRPC's 18 communities. Phase II, the pilot project with Somersworth, allows for a more in-depth analysis of access and needs for recreation in the Hilltop City.
This week's meeting allowed for Jen and Nancy to meet with City Manager Bob Belmore, Assistant City Manager Scott Smith, and Director of Planning and Community Development Shanna Saunders to review content and recommendations drafted following a lengthy outreach process. The events and activities conducted allowed SRPC staffers to gather invaluable feedback concerning access and needs for three identified parks in the City.
Next steps include awaiting additional feedback from Bob, Scott, and Shanna, which will be incorporated into the final report. SRPC will present on the final report and findings before the Somersworth City Council.
For the overall Pathways to Play project, the maps for each of the eighteen communities have been finalized and are now being distributed to each municipality. These maps will also be available online soon.
For more information on the Pathways to Play project contact  Nancy O'Connor , equity and engagement planner at 603-994-3500.

Pieces of Interest

On Monday, Jan. 13 senior transportation planner Colin Lentz will be attending a meeting of the Policy Committee for the Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) between the Town of Kittery, the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, and the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission (SMPDC). This study, which began in 2018, looks "to identify, and then attempt to solve, compatibility issues that could either impede military operations or continued regional growth.¹"
The JLUS is now at the point where findings are being presented as the draft final report takes shape. A public presentation was held on Tuesday, Jan. 7 to present on potential solutions to the compatibility issues and allow for additional feedback.
At its Jan. 13 meeting, the Policy Committee will review preliminary recommendations in the draft final report and discuss how to implement the plan.
Learn more about the JLUS on the  SMPDC website .

Pieces of Interest

Economic Development
On Friday, Jan. 10, SRPC held a regional workshop on housing, economic development, and transportation at the Community Action Partnership of Strafford County in Dover. This was the first outreach event for updates to three of the regional long range plans: the Metropolitan Transportation Plan, the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy, and the Housing Needs Assessment.
The event was attended by town administrators, planning department and economic development staff, public works representatives, and other town officials and volunteers.
Planned as a world cafe style workshop, three sessions allowed attendees to partner with representatives from different communities to determine goals, develop strategies (e.g. short, medium, or long term), and identify actions for addressing regional issues including housing, economic development, and transportation.
In the coming weeks SRPC staffers will be reviewing and sorting through all of the great feedback received to serve as the basis for these three plans and guide the updates to each.
For more information on these plans visit .
Pieces of Interest

Strafford Regional Planning Commission | 603-994-3500 | |
January 10, 2020