Welcome To Your May 4, 2018, LGMS Wolves Word Newsletter
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Your Weekly LGMS Reminders
Monday, May 7
NJHS Ceremony 3:15 pm

Tuesday, May 8
Orchestra Concert 6:00 pm
(with Georgia Rae Band - see flyer below)

Thursday, May 10
Buses run 2 hours later than normal time

8th Track - Conference @ Delavan 3:30 pm
JAZZ CHOIR : Jazz Choir will meet after school on Tuesday, May 8th until 4:10pm
VARIETY SHOW : There will be a mandatory rehearsal for all Variety Show acts on Wednesday, May 9th until 4:10pm
STUDENT COUNCIL: There will be a student council meeting after school on Wednesday, May 9th until 3:25 pm. Please have rides arranged in advance.
ORCHESTRA: Orchestra Concert featuring the Georgia Rae Family Band, this Tuesday, May 8 starting at 6 pm. Students should be in the LGMS orchestra room by 5:30 pm. Students should be dressed in their orchestra polo, black pants or a knee length skirt, black shoes and black socks. It is going to be a great concert you don't want to miss!
TRACK: The 8th grade conference track meet is scheduled to start at 3:30 in Delavan on Thursday, May 10th. 7th graders will have no practice this day.
With warmer weather finally on its way, we wanted to remind students and parents of the LGMS dress code which can be found in the Student Handbook. Thank you.

Dress Code
Students are expected to dress in a manner suitable for attendance at LGMS.
1.    Suitable attire does not reveal undergarments, stomachs, or other private body parts. Extreme dress, “tank tops” spaghetti straps, torn/dirty clothing, too tight jeans, extremely sagging, bagging clothes, pajama/lounge wear or clothes with lettering and/or designs considered in poor taste will not be allowed. Shorts need to have at least a 5 inch inseam. Skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length.
2.    Clothing items that advertise/promote or suggest through word or design, alcohol, sex, tobacco, drugs or negative attitude will not be allowed.
3.    No chains (other than jewelry)
4.    No hats or logos that indicate an affiliation with a group which may provoke others to act violently or be intimidated.
5.    Students are to leave all hats/headgear, coats, jackets, windbreakers, winter vests, sunglasses, purses and backpacks in their lockers throughout the school day.
6.    Appropriate footwear is required at all times. Footwear must have a sole.
7.    Anything that can even remotely symbolize, be associated with or attributed to any membership and/or affiliation with any gangs/associations/organizations harmful to the educational process will not be tolerated.
8.    Anything (including hairstyles) that presents a danger to any student’s health/ safety or a distraction to education will not be tolerated.
9.    Anything that administration deems inappropriate or offensive will be asked to be removed, replaced, or corrected. Compliance to the dress code is required to attend LGMS.
This year marked the 50th year of the Lake Geneva Outdoor Education program. This year's 6th-grade students participated in the celebration of this amazing program. Students received special edition "50" Outdoor Ed t-shirts in addition to all the extra celebrating we did throughout camp. We couldn't have asked for better weather to celebrate 50 years!

Outdoor Ed continues to be a program dedicated to teaching students about the outdoors and all the activities and interests it has to offer. Each house of students spent two days learning about life on the prairie, life in a swamp, how to survive in the woods, and the water adventures of a lake. Students also learned how to shoot bows and arrows, conquer their fears on the climbing wall and high ropes course, navigate using GPS, how to start and cook over a fire, and some students caught their very first fish! Evening activities included students performing group themed yells, and comedic skits for their classmates. It was smiles all around, and students begging to go back! 

To view all of the fun, click these links:

Students in Mrs. Mazurek's 8th grade science class participated in a Newton's Laws-themed escape room. They were given 6 puzzles to solve in 30 minutes!
Mark your Calendars!
State Solo & Ensemble - Saturday, May 5 - times TBD
(more info to follow)

Area Jazz Fest - Wednesday, May 23rd - 6:30 PM - Features Gr. 7-12 Area Jazz Bands
This is an exciting night and will feature our guest artist:
Dean Sorenson  The 7/8 Jazz Band will also have a special clinic with him during jazz band that morning.  

Uniform: Red Band shirts , Khaki pants, black shoes/black socks 

Memorial Day Parade  – Mon., May 28 th  – 8:30 am - 11:30 am 

Bands 6, 7, and 8 each march seperately in the LG Memorial Day parade
The parade is at 10 am, with an assembly following at Flat Iron Park.  We will be done around 11:30 am. 
Plan accordingly. This is a required parade and students are expected to be at this event. 
Uniform: Red Band shirts , Khaki pants, black shoes/black socks  

Summer Band - Save the Date - Aug. 6 - Aug. 23 More info to follow

8th grade Only:

8 th  Grade Promotion – Fri., June 1st – 5:30 pm – 8 th  grade band only
Uniform - Promotion gown
This meeting is open to LGMS students as well!
Attend upcoming meeting to learn more!
Click on this link to learn more about the amazing opportunities available for students this summer through the Lake Geneva Summer Enrichment Program! Summer Enrichment Information
The Wolf Gazette is a publication that is designed and published by our LGMS students. Click here to access the most recent March Wolf Gazette
We will once again be collecting Box Tops for Education.

Here is a link of participating products: Box Top Products

Please collect and send in your box tops with your student or drop them at the main office!
Primetime is our building-wide after school student academic support program. Primetime is an opportunity for students to get extra assistance from their teachers. Students at all grade levels are assigned to stay for Primetime when they are missing 3 or more assignments or currently have an F in any class. Primetime is assigned Monday morning in homeroom when teachers go over grades with students. Students who meet the requirements are required to stay on Tuesday and Thursday until 4:15.  Our goal at LGMS is to get all students the support they need to be successful.
The PTO is looking for parents to join and be a part of Student Experiences - Education Enrichment - Teacher/Staff Appreciation - Parent/Community - and much, much more!

For more information, please feel free to contact:
President Tara Trent - 262-729-7443 taratrent@yahoo.com
Treasurer Tracy Smith - 262-215-5661 smithgraphics@yahoo.com
Secretary Lisa Ghent - 262-215-8538 lghent00@gmail.com
BREAKFAST: Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 a.m. The cafeteria area is only open to students purchasing breakfast.

STUDENT PICK UP: If you need to pick up your student during the day, we ask that you please send a note with your student in the morning with a time that you will be picking them up. That way we can write them a pass to hand to their teacher when it's time to leave. This avoids having to disrupt classes by calling in looking for a student.

BUS PASSES: If your student will be riding the bus home with a friend, please send a letter in the morning indicating who he/she will be going home with. We will then issue a bus pass.

LATE START: Late starts are the second Thursday of each month. On those days, school begins at 9:30 a.m. We ask that students not be dropped off earlier than 9:20 a.m. Buses run 2 hours later than normal pick up time.

LATE BUSES: Late buses run as follows:
Monday - Thursday: 3:35 p.m., 4:20 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 3:35 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

LATEX BALLOONS; We have students with latex allergies so please, no latex balloons.

WATER BOTTLES: Students are allowed to have water bottles during the school day - WATER ONLY. Please, no other liquids.
Parents and Students: While we understand that accidents happen, it is important that students do their best to properly care for their chromebook. Should something happen to the chromebook, students should complete a Chromebook Repair Request form and take it, along with their chromebook, to the LMC. Click on this link to view the form and repair costs: Chromebook Repair Info
(Breakfast is served starting at 7:00 a.m. The cafeteria area is only open to students purchasing breakfast.)

4K Registration : It's time to starting thinking about registering your student for 4K! Registration begins January 3, 2018. Please 4K Registration Information

Parental Control Software & Cell Phone Monitoring: Click:  https://goo.gl/6YxS36  for more information about free and low-cost solutions available for filtering and managing all of the devices in your house. They range from basic solutions to those with many bells and whistles such as setting time limitations for your children or blocking or approving any app on your child’s phone. 
This guide is being provided by  smartsocial.com.  You may also be interested in signing up to receive their free parent app guides at:  https://smartsocial.com/newsletter/ delivered straight to your inbox,
every week, over the next few months.

Internet Program: The Wisconsin Public Services Commission has developed a simple and powerful tool, the  Internet Discount Finder , to show people which internet providers offer discounted service where they live. Anyone can simply type in their address and get a list of discount providers in their area. We encourage you to make this information available to all of the families in your school district. They will qualify for a discount even if they are currently receiving undiscounted service.

Destination Imagination : What is Destination Imagination??? DI is a community-based, school-friendly educational organization in which young people apply creative and critical thinking skills to long-term interdisciplinary Challenges. DI is less a program than a process of learning to appreciate and apply creativity. DI participants develop lifelong problem solving, teamwork, and leadership skills.

DI meets every Monday and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the building across from LGMS. For more information, click on this link: DI Info

Title 1 District Wide Information: Title I is a federal program that is used to work with students who would need extra assistance in reading skills. Recently, every school in the Lake Geneva School district became a School-wide Title school . Schoolwide programs allow the schools greater flexibility on how they utilize specialists in each building. Students that are identified as needing extra services in reading will still receive reading services however specialists may also be used in additional ways such as coaching, co-teaching to assist all of our students, and enhance our reading program as a whole.

For additional information, please click on this link: Title I Information
Offerings On Our LGMS Website
Sign up to receive the monthly Lake Geneva School District "Community Connect" e-newsletter.
Lake Geneva Middle School | Phone: 262.348.3000 | Fax: 262-348-3092 | Web:  http://lgms.badger.k12.wi.us/

District Website:  LakeGenevaSchools.com