In just TWO weeks, the SECOND Poodle Palooza kicks off and we need YOU. Poodle Palooza 2020 is a virtual event to raise the oodles of dollars that we need to raise our poodles. There will be a Silent Auction running September 30th through October 3rd featuring artists, zoom events, and more. On October 3rd we will host our virtual event including cooking with Chef James Lambrinos of Pasadena's own Bistro 45, a live auction, videos, dancing and fun! Please join John Lloyd Young, Kat Renee, Tim Robbins, Gina Grimm, Deb Dixler Art, Rubaiyat Band, Low Riders Band (formerly War), and many more who believe in our work and have given their support through artistry donations to the Silent Auction and/or Cameos appearances. All of the donations that support direct programs, services, and mission work. You will enjoy all this fun from home, everyone is welcomed!
MSD-WCP is unique. I founded the organization in 2018, because after spending more than a year looking for a mobility service dog to replace my aging one, I was left discouraged and had nowhere to turn. I was told that I could not get a dog because they did not want to rematch my service dog. "Really!",I responded laughing, "Did you just give me an expiration date?"
At age 60, I was told by four organizations that I was not worth taking a risk on to be matched with a dog. Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project was my solution! MSD-WCP, joined with a network of support, to make it possible for more people to have access without so many barriers and to provide disabled individuals with a support network towards FUNctional independence. We also know some people can not handle a canine due to their medical conditions. For these individuals, we have a network of over fifty disabled humans who we work with providing them tools for functional independence.
But, we CANNOT do it alone. We must raise over $23,000 for every service dog team, and thousands more for our education and outreach programming. No contribution is too small. Even $2.88 a week would make an annual contribution of $150. Every contribution matters and makes a difference. MSD-WCP looks at the whole person, pairs the person with our community of dog trainers, dog handlers, and real humans who understand what it is like to live with a disability. So from this place, I ask you to please consider donating to the Poodle Palooza 2020 and joining us on October 3rd to raise awareness, raise funds, and toast FUNctional independence.
Together, we have the power to make a difference!

Poodle Power!

In gratitude,

Janie Clark Heinrich
Executive Director/Founder
Service Dogs having FUN!
Congratulations to these incredible SDiT TEAMS Rasta & Andre, Kevin & Rebecca, Ziggy & Paula, Carmine & Heather who all passed their Canine Good Citizen URBAN! These Teams just keep moving forward! They will each continue working their way towards the Public Access Test at which time they remove the In Training patch and become full working Service Dogs. Their hard work, dedication, and consistency during the pandemic creates additional challenges! Masks on and physical distancing, well done...
Congratulations to this fantastic SDiT TEAM Papi & Abby who all passed their Public Access Test which makes them an official Service Dog Team! The work continues with a yearly Public Access Test and monthly one on one meet up with our Service Dog Trainers. For the life of a working Service Dog, they are meet weekly in MSD-WCP weekly Puppy Meetup staying tuned up with our Service Dog Trainers and workshops about Living with a Service Dog as well as ADA Law.
Congratulations to this working SDiT TEAMS Ramsey & Amy who all passed their Canine Good Citizen!
Your donations make a difference in a human life
- West Coast Project
Opportunities | (530)263-4770