Jan 20: Public Hearing on FY16 School Budget
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Over the last 6 weeks, and in conjunction with the Town Manager and other Town committees, Superintendent Gutekanst, school administrators and the School Committee have been working hard on next year's Needham Public Schools' operating budget. Now it's your turn to weigh in on the FY 2016 school budget at a Public Hearing next Tuesday evening. 


Public Hearing on FY 2016 School Budget

Tuesday, January 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Broadmeadow Performance Center

120 Broad Meadow Road


Superintendent Gutekanst will make a short presentation on the budget request and then invite members of the community to share their thoughts and comments on the proposed budget. We encourage you to attend and learn more.


If you cannot attend in person, you can email your comments to the School Committee at schoolcommittee@needham.k12.ma.us

1/15/15: In This Issue
FY16 School Budget Request
Know Your Needham Schools
Run for Town Meeting
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FY 2016 School Budget Request

In early December, Superintendent Gutekanst presented his FY 2016 operating budget request to the School Committee (for the school year starting in July 2015). Since that time, the budget has been revised as new information has become available. Currently, the budget request is for $61.35 million, an increase of 5.8% over this year's budget. This represents a $277,000 increase from the December request primarily due to higher expenses for out of district special education tuition. A presentation on the Superintendent's original Budget Request is available here.   


As discussed in the December CNS newsletter, a key driver in next year's budget is rising special education costs. Over $1 million in new special education costs have arisen since July when the current budget year began. These additional expenses have a large impact on next year's budget request, and they are also putting pressure on this year's school budget. Indeed, the School Committee plans to ask the Finance Committee for reserve funds to cover some of the special education tuition and transportation costs that have arisen since the summer. 


The budget proposal will continue to be refined over the next few weeks and we encourage you to learn more and and provide your thoughts at next Tuesday's Public Budget Hearing.


Know Your Needham Schools
On January 28, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Broadmeadow Performance Center, Superintendent Gutekanst will host his annual "Know Your Needham Schools" night for parents. This evening is designed for parents of rising kindergarteners who will be entering the Needham Public Schools in September 2015. We encourage preschool parents to attend this event to learn more about Needham's schools and to meet Dr. Gutekanst in person.

A flyer detailing this event is available here.

Run for Town Meeting!

Town Meeting Members play a critical role in our Town government because most decisions, including all expenditures, must be approved by Town Meeting. School supporters, especially parents of school-aged children, who serve as Town Meeting Members can help ensure the schools' needs and concerns are voiced at Town Meeting. They will also gain a greater sense of the entire Town budget and how the schools fit within this. 


Nomination papers for new Town Meeting Members, as well as town-wide offices, are available at the Town Clerk's Office for anyone interested in running. New Town Meeting Member candidates need only obtain 10 valid signatures of registered voters in their precinct to be placed on the ballot. Nomination papers are due on February 24th. More information is available on the Needham Town Clerk's website.


Want to learn more?

The Needham League of Women Voters, in association with the Needham Channel, has produced an informational video on Town Meeting: its role, how to become a Member and what's involved if elected. 

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