Cup of Empowerment
February 5, 2018
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word

Join us at Anna's Gate every Tuesday at 3:45 pm for 
worship,  teaching, and filming for our TV show.  


8th Annual
Widows & Singles Valentine Party
February 10, 2018 from  11 AM - 2:00 PM
Call Anna's Gate today to meet deadline for Rothchilds!

School of the Spirit with Jeremy Caris
February 10th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

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Where 's Your Secret Place?

 Dr. CarolMarie

When living in Japan as a child, my Mom would play games with my younger sister, older brother and me to help us adapt to our new place.  One of the adventures we loved was playing "hide and seek" in our house in Nishi-Kunitashi.  My sister was only four at the time, so Mom would help her in the hiding process.   Being the big sister, I had great influence on Shirley and could talk her into almost anything!  My brother was always quick and able to run to the "base" without being found or caught, but Shirley was different.  Mom would put her into amazing places like wicker hampers with a light towel over her and tell Sis to be really still.  Being an obedient child, she would hide quietly and make it hard for me to find her!  After a while I would call out, "Shirrrr-ley, where arrrreee you?" in my sing-songie voice.  And a sweet little voice would respond from the hamper, "I 'm over here-er" as Shirley told of her " secret place" of hiding!  No matter how many times Mom would caution her to not tell of her hiding place, I still could talk her into revealing it!
At Anna 's Gate we are studying Psalm 91 and "HOW" to dwell in the "secret place of the Most High" with all the promises connected with it.  We discovered it is not to be a secret to us and it certainly is not a secret to the Lord who has invited us!  It is to be a secret to who and that which could hinder God 's plans for us!  The plan for my sister was to not be found by me!  But Shirley exposed her hiding place!  God 's plan is for us to be protected and safe from fear, confusion and destruction!  But we like my sister say the wrong thing with our mouths, "I 'm over here-er"!  The way we do this is by agreeing with the lie instead of the truth of God 's Word! We will even do it in the form of a prayer request as we turn to people to meet our need instead of the Lord!  "Oh, please pray for me, I need a job...but you know they are n ot hiring", as we say it to many hoping they fill our need.  I am not saying that you don 't ask for prayer or reveal to a trusted prayer warrior your need.  But what is your motive?  Is it for that person to take care of you?  Or even give you pity? Are you sabotaging yourself by agreeing with the lack?  If you believe they are n ot hiring, then why pray?  Are you going to God to meet your need? 
Psalm 91:2 tells us how to guard our hiding place.  "I will SAY of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!"  We say of the LORD of what and who He is!  We chose to spend time in that secret place with Him!
I remember a time when my son was a teenager and messing with drugs.  The Lord said, "How bad do you want him free?"  I quit my part-time job and spent that time in the Word and in prayer.  We had to adjust our finances and tighten our belt, but that was what was needed! I marched through my house declaring the Word when my fears wanted to overtake me.  I found the scriptures on children and the promises God made me.  I declared the promises instead of my fears!  I refused to go to people and disclose my dread.  I had a couple trusted friends that stood with me in prayer, praying the answer and standing on the promises with me!  I refused to cry out, "Devil, I 'm over here-er!  It looks hopeless.  I will just be angry and feel God let me down!"  Instead, I cried out that God was my refuge and my hiding place!  And..." For me and my household, we would serve the Lord! "(Josh 24:15).  God heard my prayer and delivered Sam.  He loves the Lord and helps many who struggle.  It did not happen immediately, and I had to keep trusting God for several years, but God was faithful!  The key, whether you are praying about additions, finances, health issues or relationships, is to agree with Heaven and God 's Word instead of the fear or bad reports.  We must do our part by getting into that secret place and see God and His Word as our source of life!  We need to trust Him with all that concerns us! 
We can cry out to Him...." I'm over here-er!"  and He will answer!  That is where our " Secret Place" should be!

Please make your reservation TODAY for "He's My Valentine" widows and single gal's party! Invite your friends is the last day for reservations for our Valentines "secret place" together this year!  It's always wonderful!!! 


We would like to INVITE you to bring widows and prayer warriors from your church to Anna's Gate to be in our filming audience on Tuesdays! We air on four local networks as well as globally, via Internet. Call our office (865-803-5445) with your reservation and how many you would like to bring.

We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the  Hebraic month .


When you make a purchase using A mazon Smile , a part of your purchase amount is given to support the work Anna's Gate does. We appreciate your using these businesses and in the process blessing Anna's Gate.

Click above image for details.

Join CarolMarie on
AM Station Joy620 "Drive At Five" 
"Empower Hour" With CarolMarie

Wednesdays from 5-6 pm
or listen live around the world by Internet at  same time EST



If you Live in the Knoxville, TN area
Check out our TV Program!
Anna's Gate 

 Monday's at 9 AM

Channel 12 if you have Comcast 
Channel 6 on Charter 
Channel 6 on WOW/Knolegy 
Channel 99 on AT&T 

Be a part of the audience when we film on Tuesdays from 3:45 to 6:00 PM at Anna's Gate! 

Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912