
July/August 2017 ENews
The Homestead Neighborhood Association normally meets the First Tuesday of every month, 7pm at the OHSU Child Development and Rehabilitation Center; 707 SW Gaines, Third Floor. 

Homestead Neighborhood Association will meet Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 7pm.  The agenda will be available on the website.

Summer in Homestead
Although Homestead Neighborhood Association does not meet during the summer months, we are still busy working on ongoing projects. September 5th is the next meeting of the Association and the upcoming year is looking to be a busy one.  Some of the things Homestead is working on over the summer:


On August 1, 6:30 pm, we will celebrate our neighborhood and National Night Out Against Crime at the Lilac Gardens near Duniway Park at the intersection of Terwilliger Blvd. and Sam Jackson Park Road. 

BE THERE for good food, good neighbors, maybe (if we get lucky), a Portland Fire Truck.  Hot dogs, hamburgers, sodas and ice cream are provided. Salads and desserts will be potluck. 

Music will be provided by Dawson Boyd, performing some of his new songs and Scott Brown, a neighborhood favorite, will have the time to share his great music.


The Homestead Neighborhood will have an information table at the upcoming Friends of Terwilliger Ice Cream Social to be held at the Playground Park near SW Hamilton and Terwilliger Boulevard on Wednesday, August 9, 7-8:30 pm.  Learn more about what 'Friends of Terwilliger' does for the Terwilliger Parkway and Homestead residents.


The Homestead Land Use Chair, Milt Jones is busy working on monitoring and commenting on the Comprehensive Plan Map Refinement project.  A particularly unpopular zone change is being applied to an area on Marquam Hill.  The change is to a CM2 designation which will allow for commercial parking.  The area is already extremely congested with resident parking.  Homestead is not necessarily opposed to the zone designation; only the allowance for commercial parking.  We are working to advocate for a different (perhaps even new) designation which allows the development but without commercial parking associated. 


Homestead is looking forward to proving input to Commissioner Eudaly regarding the new ONI Director position and members are providing their feedback on this issue.

Continued outreach is being made to the underserved renter and senior population within our neighborhood.  Doing so is certainly going to produce a strong sense of community and better neighbor relations.  We are waiting to receive an update from SWNI regarding assistance with our internship proposal.

The Homestead Transportation Committee Chair, Ed Fischer and others are working to refine Homestead's Transportation Priorities List for implementation in the near future!  Homestead recently did a successful online survey to get neighborhood feedback. 

The SW Corridor Light Rail Project is still on the agenda for Homestead.  We are looking very closely at the SW Connector piece, particularly Marquam Hill Access to develop alternative methods for travel to OHSU and the Veteran's Hospital facilities.  It is Homestead's position that any development follows the Marquam Hill Plan and Terwilliger Parkway Design Guidelines.

Jackie Phillips 
Vice-President, Homestead Neighborhood Association 

NOTICE: If you no longer live or own property in the Homestead neighborhood and do not want to receive these emails, please reply accordingly and we will remove your email address from our list-serve.  Thank-you. 

You're invited!                               

Neighborhood meetings are held at 7:00pm, the first Tuesday of each month during the school year at the OHSU CDRC, 3rd Floor, SW 6th and SW Gaines.

You are invited to join us for our monthly meetings and frequent park events!




Your Homestead Neighborhood Association Board