Honoring our Best: Veterans Day Event on Nov. 9 and National Guard Send-Off on Nov. 26
Join us as we honor all who have served our great nation during the annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, Nov. 9 at 11 a.m. Due to wet ground conditions and continued forecasts of rain and possible thunderstorms Friday morning, this event will be held inside the Cumming Fairgrounds' covered arena.

The Veterans Day Ceremony is planned and organized in collaboration with various student groups by one of Forsyth's three veterans organizations on a rotating schedule from year to year. Thank you to VFW Post 9143 for taking the lead on this year's program! 

The event is free and open to the entire community.   Please reserve parking spots in the handicapped parking lot, nearest the arena and next to the cotton gin, for elderly and disabled attendees ; everyone else should park in Lot #3 and walk across Castleberry Road to the arena. Stop signs and cones will be placed at the crossing for pedestrian safety. 

The City is also partnering with the Georgia Army National Guard for a send-off event for hundreds of National Guard members being deployed to Afghanistan. A ceremony will be held at the Cumming Regional Readiness Center on Aquatic Circle on Nov. 26 for the more than 300 soldiers and their families. 

Vehicles will then caravan down Pilgrim Mill Road into downtown Cumming, before heading south on Veterans Memorial Boulevard to Hwy. 400 Exit 14 to then journey to Hartsfield-Jackson Airport. Beginning at approximately 9:30 a.m., r esidents are asked to line the roadways and to fill the Cumming Veterans War Memorial (next door to the Cumming Police Department) with American flags, signs, banners and other messages of well wishes to show the National Guard soldiers how much our community supports them! 

Did you know?  The City of Cumming also presents an annual Memorial Day event every May on the Friday prior to Memorial Day in which local veterans who have passed away are honored. 
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...Holiday Activities Start this Month at the Fairgrounds!
We're excited to announce two new holiday-themed events in the City this Christmas season. 

The first is Winter Wonderland in Cumming - a covered, outdoor ice skating rink that will be open daily at the Cumming Fairgrounds from Thanksgiving Day through Jan. 7. Click here for more information, including complete schedule.

We'll also have Photos with Santa from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, Nov. 23 through Sunday, Nov. 25, and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15 inside Horton Hall. 

On Saturday, Dec. 15, we'll being having the first City of Cumming Christmas Parade beginning at 5:00 p.m. The parade route will be along Tribble Gap/Castleberry Road from Forsyth Central High School to the Cumming Fairgrounds. The parade will be followed by a Christmas festival from 6-9 p.m. at the Fairgrounds, featuring hay rides, hot cocoa, s'mores, Christmas lights and music, and Photos with Santa! 

We are currently looking for groups and organizations to take part in the parade. If you would like to register to participate, please email (Subject Line: Christmas Parade) for a registration form.   

We are also looking for sponsors for both Winter Wonderland and the Christmas Parade. If you or your business/organization is interested in sponsoring either event, please contact the Cumming Fairgrounds office at 770-781-3491. 

Recognizing Our Business Partners: Business Spotlight Begins

Beginning this month, we'll be recognizing various businesses in the City of Cumming that have make great community connections. Through our City of Cumming Business Spotlight on our Facebook page, these businesses (selected by the City) will receive a feature article and photos on the Facebook page, as well as recognition during a Cumming City Council meeting. 

Our first Business Spotlight shines on Andean Chevrolet, one of the City's most well-established businesses. This family-owned business has been selling Chevrolets for 70 years. Check out our profile of Andean on our Facebook page

March of Dimes, Family Haven and Family Promise Recognized by Mayor and Council in October 
Mayor and Council presented three proclamations during their regular meeting on Oct. 16. First, pictured at left, Council honored the March of Dimes with a proclamation recognizing November 17, 2018 as Prematurity Awareness Day in the City of Cumming.

Council also presented board members and employees of Forsyth County Family Haven with a proclamation recognizing October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the City. Family Haven provides a shelter to women and children who are survivors of domestic violence situations. 

Lastly, Council presented a proclamation declaring October 21-27, 2018 as Family Promise Week in the City in honor of the organization moving into a new facility on Hutchinson Road. Family Promise of Forsyth County partners with several area churches to provide a safe place to stay and other assistance to families who are facing homelessness. 

Among other business during the October meeting and work session, City Council:   
  • Approved (with Councilman Christopher Light recused due to a professional conflict) a rezoning application for 10.34 acres, which are currently vacant, from Institutional to Moderate-Family Residential for a proposed 30-unit, single-family detached residential subdivision. Council approved the application with 17 conditions that were recommended by the Planning Board. 
  • Approved an update to the Animal Control Ordinance which was requested by Forsyth County to have 24-hour coverage with County Code Enforcement handling calls from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the Forsyth County Sheriff's Office responding from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. 
  • Authorized the purchase of equipment needed for Forsyth County to take over the City's Police Dispatch services. Total cost is not to exceed $75,000. 
  • Approved a change from AT&T to Comcast for the City's voice service, which will allow for digital phone service for all City locations and save almost $1,900 per month. 
  • Approved a temporary moratorium on the issuance of permits for the erection of metal structures, metal carports, manufactured buildings, manufactured homes and temporary structures within certain zoning districts for five weeks. 
  • Approved amendments to the Zoning and Sign Ordinances, and a revision to the Nuisance Ordinance relating to odors. 
  • Approved two annexations from Automation Direct, totaling approximately 3 acres. 
  • Approved installation of a second gateway sign, which will be located at the intersection of Kelly Mill Road and Hwy. 20, near the historic Kemp House, at a cost not to exceed $40,000. 
  • Approved request to purchase four 2018 Ford Interceptor Utility Police Vehicles at a total cost of a little more than $150,000. 
  • Approved the low bid from Jasper Grading for resurfacing West Courthouse Square. 

Road Closure Continues Saturday, Nov. 10
West Courthouse Square will be closed from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 to finish up a resurfacing project (weather permitting). Traffic traveling in both directions will need to detour around the roadway (which is situated behind the Forsyth County Courthouse Annex, running in front of several businesses including Sal's Place, Happy Family, and El Mezcal restaurants) via looping around the downtown square. All businesses on West Courthouse Square will be open their normal Saturday hours, with parking for these businesses available in their rear parking lots (located near Hardee's). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause! Click here to view a map of the affected area. 

Mayor Troy Brumbalow was among community supporters who welcomed Family Promise of Forsyth to its new offices on Hutchinson Road on Oct. 23. 
City Welcomes Family Promise of Forsyth to New Facility
Mayor Troy Brumbalow was among a large crowd of supporters from various community organizations who helped welcome Family Promise of Forsyth to its new home on Hutchinson Road, inside the Cumming City Limits, on Oct. 23. Family Promise partners with a number of area churches to provide assistance and various resources to homeless families in the county until they can get back on their feet. 

Learn more about Family Promise of Forsyth County here!
Coming Soon
To the Cumming Playhouse

To the Cumming Fairgrounds

Click here for calendar.

To the Cumming Aquatic Center 
Holiday Closure
  • City Hall and all non-essential City departments and facilities will be closed Thursday, Nov. 22 and Friday, Nov. 23 in observation of Thanksgiving. 
  • Planning & Zoning Board - Nov. 20 at 5 p.m.  
  • City Council Regular Meeting - Nov. 20 at 6 p.m. 
  • City Council Work Session (Gallery B, Second Floor of City Hall) - Dec. 4 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance. Click here for previous meeting videos. 

Wishing you a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving! 


City of Cumming
Division of Public Information