January 15th 6pm

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Post From IQDCalls Chat Room
Chat Room News Excerpts & Highlights Early Tuesday  1-15-19  

Sam I Am  xyz as the article said they will proceed the implementation with an educational campaign whice you always do for a redenomination

Sam I Am  Do you seriously believe that they're announcing ahead of time that they're going to increase the value by 100,000%?

Sam I Am  No country has ever announced a revaluation ahead of time even if it was only 2% they don't announce it until they do it

​How Do I Prepare for a Recession?
January 14, 2019 Kitty Career Advice, Finance 101, The Way the World Works

We’ve gotten a lot of questions recently about a hypothetical looming recession. The stock market has taken a bruising; bellwether companies are stumbling. Do such omens and portents mean that another recession on its way?

The good news is, we can answer this one very easily.

Yes. Another recession is coming.

We know this with 100% certainty.


The same way we know with 100% certainty that Piggy and I will be dead within the next hundred years. It is in the nature of a living being to die, just as it is in the nature of economies to grow and contract. The sun rises; the sun falls. The tides go in; the tides go out. It’s just the way things are.


Samson:  The Central Bank cancels a 2% commission payment for the $20 category and less

15th January, 2019

The Central Bank announced on Tuesday that it has canceled a 2% commission for the $20 category and less

"For regulatory purposes, it is decided to cancel the work of paying 20% ​​commission for the $20 or less category on the foreign deposits of the banks with the central bank," the bank said in a statement received by the Economist News

The bank added that "the decision will be implemented as of 20 of this January   LINK

MilitiaMan: Well well.. Now why in the world would they cancel 2% commission on relatively small category notes of foreign currency? They were probably charging the fee as they wanted to avoid the small frivolous transactions and time consumed in doing so. Now think about it. They are dropping the fee. The CBI is doing this for a reason and I suspect it is for a very good reason. As in they are going to have similar small notes that have more value therefore, they will have to exchange similar notes on a daily basis.. So imo, this is huge.. Unless I missed something here.. lol ~imo~ MM  

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - January 15, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not be accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)

All countries are playing their part geopolitically.

Brexit is being used as a way to remove London as the financial capital of the world.

Brexit is also the UK's GESARA compliance.

The European Union has been checkmated by the BRICS.

NATO is irrelevant and is being dismantled as there is no longer a "Russian threat".