VWHE is looking for women like you!
Dear Colleagues,
Have you...
    Attended a Vermont Women in Higher Education (VWHE) fall dinner or spring conference?
    Served as one of VWHE's wonderful volunteers?
    Heard about the great work VWHE does?
Do you...
    Have an interest in working with some fabulous women throughout the state?
    Have time, energy and talent/expertise that you could dedicate to help grow this volunteer organization?
VWHE is looking for women like you! Please consider nominating yourself or someone you know for a volunteer role on the Vermont Women in Higher Education Executive Board (EBoard).
The Board consists of a group of 12-15 dedicated women who are responsible for working toward the goals of the organization, including the planning and implementation of conferences and events which will further the professional development of women across the state. Ideally, new EBoard members will have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of women in Vermont throughout past VWHE volunteer service. However, a strong work ethic and passion are always welcome, no matter your past service to VWHE.

As you know, women’s representation is an important issue. As an active member of VWHE, you can make a difference in your community and across the state. With a few openings anticipated on the Executive Board in the next year, we want to make sure that the organization represents women on all campuses across the state.
It’s a great time to begin (or continue!) participating in service to VWHE. As an EBoard, we have begun the process of becoming a non-profit entity. We are proud to be supported by sponsor campuses across the state. We have a fresh-face with a new website and increased access to members across the state via email and social media. Apply today to join the EBoard and share your strengths as we continue to grow as an organization.
If you are interested in being considered for a place on the board, please send an email with your interest and resume to Carin McCarthy, ( c.mccarthy@snhu.edu ) by Feb. 15th . If you would like more information, feel free to call me (802-489-5080) or any member of VWHE's Executive Board. You can find our EBoard listing on our website at   www.vwhe.org .

New members will be expected to attend VWHE's annual conference (March 28-29 in Stowe, VT) and our annual board retreat, typically scheduled in mid-June. At the retreat, board members get to know each other and plan work for the upcoming academic year.

On behalf of VWHE, thank you for your consideration. On a personal note, I can share that being involved with VWHE has been one of the most valuable experiences of my career thus far. I'm sure that you too will enjoy and benefit immensely from the opportunity.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Take care,

Carin McCarthy, VWHE Past Chair & Nominations Coordinator