Exciting times for Homeopathy 
and  All Complementary Healthcare modalities!

A few weeks ago, we reached out to the growing CHC community of certified professionals with news about the Congressional Briefing held on March 15, 2018. The purpose of the Bipartisan caucus was to provide legislators and other policy and regulatory officials the opportunity to understand how shifting focus in healthcare to prevention, health and health promotion can create cost savings while improving health outcomes for Americans. 

Dr. Nancy Gahles has been working tirelessly as our CHC Public Policy Advocate to represent the CHC as a Partner for Health with the Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC), at the International Health Policy Consortium and at the National Health Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.

She brings her enthusiasm and drive as an experienced health policy advocate as our profession moves forward to expand the acceptance of our CCH certification.  Nancy is a highly respected homeopath, chiropractor, author and advocate of the profession. She has become CHC's critically needed and savvy public voice to legislators and organizations within the greater health care landscape.

We are excited to share with our certificants the latest press release on the IHPC's Congressional Caucus on Integrative Health and Wellness. 
Read the entire document here!

We live in dynamic times and fundamental changes in the healthcare platform have never been more in demand than today. There is an increasing need for alternative, non-pharmacological, whole-person care options and this presents a favorable opportunity for Homeopathy to re-emerge as a safe, gentle and highly efficacious therapeutic modality.

With the honorable status of the only nationally-accredited organization certifying Homeopaths, the CHC is establishing new solid grounds for the growth of the homeopathic profession.

The CHC is raising the profile of our industry and is working hard towards a successful future for the CCH credentials.

We need your help and support! 
Invest in your Future as a Certified Classical Homeopath.

Our goal is to raise $10,000. What can we accomplish with your help?

  • Maintain a seat on the Board of the Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC.org) as a Partner for Health
  • Advocate for the mission and vision of the CHC
  • Promote the CHC national accreditation and advance our position as the " gold en standard" for certified homeopathic practitioners
  • Assist the general public in making well informed and educated choice of qualified homeopaths

Thank you for your continued support!

Visit the CHC's booth to learn more about the only nationally-accredited organization for certified homeopathic professionals. Meet and greet the new CHC President Samantha Conboy and Vice President Noel Peterson.

For more information visit:
The CHC was established as a non-profit 501(c)6 organization in 1992 to support homeopathic professionals in United States and Canada and to empower homeopaths to show a true gauge of their knowledge, abilities, and competence in the homeopathic profession through our rigorous certification process.

Contributions to section 501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on a   United States Federal Income Tax Return.  Income Tax Laws may vary depending on country of origin. A  donation may, however, be deductible  as trade or business expenses.  CCH's practicing in the US and Canada who have donated should check with their tax advisor on how to report the donation this tax season.

Through your support, the  Board of Directors  can continue to support the profession through its certification processes, advocacy, and service to the homeopathic community.

Thank you for your continued support!

To advance the homeopathic profession by certifying individuals who meet and maintain a recognized standard of professional and ethical competence in classical homeopathy and to assist the general public in choosing appropriately qualified homeopaths.
We envision a healthcare system that encompasses certified classical homeopathic practitioners to be accessible to all.
Council for Homeopathic Certification 
"Promoting Homeopathic Excellence Through Certification"