In these dynamic times, it has never been more important to remain united as well as connected with colleagues and professionals in the alternative medical field.
Once more the IHPC has demonstrated that oneness and clarity in vision, direction and action is critical not only to the viability of the integrative healthcare professions, but a vital component of progress and growth.
As a joint IHPC partner for health the CHC is excited to the share with you the latest update kindly delivered by our IHPC representative and consultant, Dr. Nancy Gahles.

The Integrative Health Policy Consortium (IHPC) wrote to express concern on behalf of twenty-five health provider groups (CHC being one of them) and to strongly oppose to the language in Bill HB 748, which was meant to prohibit the use of the term "certification" to indicate a privately earned certification that indicates a provider has received training and demonstrated competency in their profession. As written, HB 748 would have only allowed the use of the term "certification" in conjunction with a state granted credential using that term.

The IHPC addressed those concerns with the Senate Commerce, Consumer Protection and the International Affairs Committee in Louisiana in a timely fashion and respectfully requested the removal of this prohibition.
As a result, the Senate Committee passed an amended version, which removed much of the language regarding the use of private certification to which the IHPC initially objected.

In times of change and uncertainty we foster courage and strength to endure!  The Capitol Hill Caucus held on March 15, 2018 focused on addressing the opioid crisis. The concept of integrative health approaches for pain care offering improved outcomes with cost effectiveness presents itself as a timely and viable alternative to the opioid epidemic.

The latest article released in JAMA is revealing some extremely alarming numbers:  "deaths attributable to opioids increased 292% (from 0.4% to 1.5%) between 2001 and 2016, resulting in approximately 1.68 million person-years of life lost in 2016 alone. The largest absolute increase between 2001 and 2016 was observed among those aged 25 to 34 years."

The need for non-pharmacological and integrative healthcare approaches is stronger than ever.

Act now! If you haven't done so, it is time to enlist your elected officials to join the caucus. Constituent phone calls are most effective. You can make a difference! Click here for more information on how to call your representatives.

The CHC continues to work tirelessly to advance and raise the profile of our profession. The CCH credentials are a hallmark of professional standard for excellence in homeopathic competency and practice. We envision a healthcare system that encompasses certified classical homeopathic practitioners to be accessible to all.  Donate today . Your support helps the CHC Board of Directors' continued efforts to advocate for to the homeopathic community.

The CHC was established as a non-profit 501(c)6 organization in 1992 to support homeopathic professionals in United States and Canada and to empower homeopaths to show a true gauge of their knowledge, abilities, and competence in the homeopathic profession through our rigorous certification process.

"Promoting Homeopathic Excellence Through Certification"