May 2017
The 2017 Culture of Health Deep Dive Report is now available! ALI convened a fascinating Deep Dive featuring faculty from across the University and experts in the field. New to this report is a section on ALI Fellows' reflections following the Deep Dive.
Program News

The ALI Case Collection continues to grow! A new case authored by HBS Professors Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Ryan Raffaelli features the work of 2014 Coalition member Jeff Dunn. Click here to learn more.

Click the image above to view highlights of the 2017 Culture of Health Deep Dive. Photo by Russ Campbell.

The selection process continues for the 2018 ALI Cohort. Help identify top leaders with the potential to be ALI Fellows: Nominate Today!
Fello ws News

Suneel Kamlani's (2016) push to invest in infrastructure is gathering national attention. Mr. Kamlani authored a piece for  Bloomberg on his plan to have states and regional economic zones create their own infrastructure banks.

Aviad Meitar (2016) is resolving conflict with music. Mr. Meitar just finished a pilot program with two high schools in Israel, one Arabic, one Jewish, that uses music to help students start a dialogue and learn about each other.

Vincent de Luise (2013) is rebuilding a curriculum of caring for healthcare professionals. This May, Dr. de Luise will lead groups of Yale University ophthalmology residents and fellows in art observation experiences as part of his " Course in Compassion."

Dennis Scholl (2012) is helping support the arts at Florida International University (FIU). Mr. Scholl will be honored this month at FIU's Frost Art Museum for his leadership and generosity in ensuring that art continues to transform lives in the community.

Steven Strauss (2012) is preparing the next generation of leaders in the public sector. Dr. Strauss organized a conference at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University that brought together nearly 100 guests including prominent journalists Eric Gertler and Edward Wong, and ALI Coalition members Carol Raphael, Bob Meaney, and Tom Keffer.

Anna Penido (2011) is putting students at the center of education innovations. Ms. Penido will take part in a Thematic Residency at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center focused on "Youth as Agents of Transformative Change."

Junko Yoda (2010) is returning to Harvard to lend her experience and knowledge to a course on leadership and organizing. Ms. Yoda will serve as a Teaching Fellow for Professor Marshall Ganz' course, "Leadership, Organizing, Action," offered through the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education program.

Chuck Fleischman leads a group of ALI Fellows through the Grand Canyon. Photo by David Moody.
Faculty News

Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) is making the case for investment in infrastructure. Professor Kanter was featured in a New York Times article on the future of Amtrak and its hope to secure one of the country's largest infrastructure proposals.

Professor Frank Dobbin (FAS) and his colleague Alexandra Kalev have won the Harvard Business Review's McKinsey Award. Professor Dobbin received the award honoring the best article of the year for his piece, "Why Diversity Programs Fail."

Professors Howard Koh and Meredith Rosenthal (HSPH) gave ALI Fellows an important introduction to the "culture of health." Professors Koh and Rosenthal served as Co-Chairs for the 2017 Culture of Health Deep Dive, gathering faculty from across Harvard for the two-day conference.
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