Trinity United Methodist Church
Wilmington, North Carolina
 One Church ~ Two Campuses

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Trinity's Church Website:  Trinity
Trinity Church Calendar: Calendar
Harbor District's Website:  Harbor

Proctors needed . . . Myrtle Grove Middle School is looking for proctors for end of grade testing. If you are willing to be a volunteer proctor on the days of 5/25, 5/30, 5/31 or 6/1, please e-mail Bill at [email protected] or call him at 910-231-7177. The times would be from around 8:25 am until around 11:30 am. 

Upcoming Gathering for our Children ... 
Sunday, April 29th following the 11:00 service we are going to meet at Hanover Seaside Club (601 South Lumina Avenue) to "sweep" the beach to help clean up our Mother Earth.  Everyone brings there own lunches and we will eat, "sweep" the beach then enjoy some fun on the beach together.  

Our 120th Pancake Breakfast . . . will be held on
Saturday, May 12th from 7:30 am to 11:00 am at the FLC. The proceeds will go to Medical Mission International (MMI). Come out and support this worthwhile organization. If you are interested in being a volunteer at any of our Pancake Breakfasts, contact Teresa Lee.

Muffins for Mom . . . Join us on Sunday, May 13th, as we celebrate moms with muffins before and after each worship service.

Trinity's Book Club will meet on  Wednesday, May 30th at 6:30 pm with Wanda Ponton (3008 Hayden Drive). "The Address" by Fiona Davis will be discussed. For additional information, contact Wanda (910-520-1026). 

2 018 Summer Outdoor Concert Series
Trinity on College

Mark your calendars for the 4th Sunday  of 
June, July, August and September 
from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the FLC.
The following are the dates, performing group and food truck for each event:
June 24  -         The Duke Ladd Band - YeMon51
July 22 -           The Clams - Soulful Twist
August 26 -       Folkstone Stringband - Port City Que
September 23 - Low Pressure System - T'Geaux Boys   

Grab a chair, bring a friend, and come out for an evening of fellowship, musical entertainment and good food.

UPDATE your information  with the church office! 
 A NEW church roster will be made available to everyone soon so make sure your information is correct!

Ushers . . . If anyone is interested in ushering, please contact Gary Casteen at (910)471-2125 or [email protected].

A basket of prayer squares made by the Trinity Prayer Shawl Ministry is available in the narthex. Please feel free to share with anyone needing prayer.

Prayer Shawl Knitters . . . now have two meeting dates and times:
the 2nd Tuesday each month at 6:00 pm, 
the 4th Tuesday from 10:00 am -11:30 am, 
both will meet at the FLC.  
Questions call Georgann at 910-599-4604 or 
Gail at 910-620-4411.

Building Rentals . . . Anyone wishing to rent and/or use space at either facility should contact Jeff Whiting at [email protected]

Online Giving! - You can now make a one time gift or set up recurring contributions to Trinity online. Go to our website  and click on "give now" at the top of the page or scan the QR code on the back of the bulletin.
Trinity's Cookbooks  "Tried and True Recipes" are still on sale for $15.00 each and Trinity themed dish towels are also being sold for $5.00. Contact Susan Price at 910-791-7244 or at  [email protected] for more information or to place an order.

Items left in the church office . . . Anything dropped off in the church office needs to have a note attached so we can make sure those items get to the appropriate place/person. 
The Altar Flower sign up sheets are  posted on the bulletin board outside the church office at Market Street. If you are interested in purchasing flowers in honor of or in memory of someone, please write your name on the sign up sheet next to the date you would like, complete an Altar Flower Request Form, and turn the form into the church office.
The Remembrance Tree - If you are thinking of honoring a loved one, please consider the Remembrance Tree at the Family Life Center. You may purchase a leaf for $100.00, a small stone for $175.00, a medium stone for $250.00, or a large stone for $500.00 If you are interested in purchasing any of these, please contact the church office at 910-762-3316.
  Bulletin and Announcement Deadline - All materials for a Sunday bulletin and announcement slides are due in the church office by 12:00 noon on the Tuesday before the desired Sunday.