April 2018

ALI Coalition Spotlight: David Weinstein (2011) is helping young writers develop their voices and publish on an international platform. Mr. Weinstein's Write the World is an online community of 20,000 teen writers hailing from over 120 countries. Learn more about the impact of his work in our featured video .
Program News

ALI Faculty Co-Chairs Howard Koh and Meredith Rosenthal led the  2018 Health and the Role of Business Deep Dive with presenters from around the university and experts from around the country. Click here to view photo highlights.

ALI has issued a new case in the "Still Leading Series" used during Introduction to Harvard for new Fellows and Partners. Read the full case featuring Bob MacDonald, former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs and CEO of Procter & Gamble.
The search continues for the 2019 ALI Cohort! Help ALI find its next group of leaders dedicated to social impact.
Fellows News

Haifa Al Kaylani (2017) is making a difference to empower women globally. Arab News recognized Ms. Al-Kaylani for her efforts to help women in the Middle East and North Africa, and the American University of Beirut featured her in their book For All Conditions of Men: Stories of Women.
Eduardo Elejalde (2015) is working to uncover the causes of severe mental illness. Read the latest from Mr. Elejalde's Natalia Mental Health foundation in their recent newsletter.

Guy Rolnik (2014) says there's still time to stop the tech monopoly takeover. Mr. Rolnik recently co-authored an article for Fortune describing the risks that tech giants pose to American democracy.
Marissa Wesely (2014) is helping make gender equity a business priority. The Stanford Social Innovation Review highlighted Ms. Wesely's "The Next Sustainability Frontier: Gender Equity as a Business Imperative" on International Women's Day as one of its best articles on women and gender equity. 
Howard Fischer (2013) is leading the charge on impact investing. Mr. Fischer was a keynote speaker and helped organize the Boston Impact Investing dinner last month and is hosting a dinner in San Francisco on April 5.
Steven Strauss (2012) is taking a deep look at "Smart Cities" and the challenges facing urban America. Mr. Strauss convened a conference on innovations in urban government last month that included  Ray Jetson (2010) and Michael Robertson (2012).
Doug Rauch (2010) is a recipient of the 2018 James Beard Foundation (JBF) Leadership Award. JBF will honor Mr. Rauch for for his innovative work in fighting food insecurity through Daily Table and his corporate leadership as the former president of Trader Joe's Company.
Don Arthur (2009) is opposing President Trump's ban on transgender people in the military. Vice Admiral, Ret. Arthur was one of more than 20 generals and admirals to sign on to a statement that calls the recent ban a "troubling move backward."

ALI Co-Chair Howard Koh at the 2018 Health and the Role of Business Deep Dive.
Faculty News

ALI Chair and Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) shared insights on "getting the job done" with the International Women's Forum (IWF). As part of Women's History Month, IWF profiled Professor Kanter and other women who "rolled up their sleeves" to achieve their goals.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Iris Bohnet (HKS)  has a plan for companies to close the gender pay gap. In an op-ed for the Financial Times, Professor Bohnet explains how concrete changes to hiring and promotion practices can pay off.
ALI Faculty Co-Chair David Gergen (HKS) announced a new fellowship at HKS to develop leaders committed to the Latino community. The fellowship will honor  the late Lisa Garcia Quiroz, a champion of a stronger Latino presence at Harvard for 30 years.
ALI Faculty Co-Chair Forest Reinhardt (HBS) convened the thought-provoking 2018 Climate Change Deep Dive with faculty presenters from across Harvard. To learn more about the Deep Dive, read ALI's complete report.
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