October 2018

Check out the new ALI blog! The "ALI Journal" features profiles of our past Fellows, updates from our annual Deep Dives, and interesting content from our Faculty Co-Chairs. Visit the ALI Journal today to learn more!
Program News

This year's Fall Workshop featured 8 faculty members offering feedback and guidance on the 2019 Cohort's project ideas. Among the faculty present were ALI Faculty Co-Chairs Bill Alford, Frank Dobbin, Amy Edmondson, Jim Honan, Fernando Reimers, Meredith Rosenthal, and Pete Zimmerman.

During the Workshop, Fellows focused on mobilizing stakeholders and leading change. They also carefully examined how evidence can be used to assess the impact of socially-minded organizations.
Fellows News

Douglas Eby (2017) is helping bridge the gap between the bench and the bedside through translational research. Mr. Eby discusses his work with HLS' Petrie-Flom Center, and the challenges facing translational research, in a recent Q&A.

Jack Gardner (2017) is working to ensure all Americans have access to a living-wage job. Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Gardner is piloting his 21st Century Job Skills Project in Haverhill, MA to support youth from high school to a career path, providing mentorship and assistance along the way.

Thuli Madonsela (2017) says now is the time to strengthen, defend, and even reimagine democracy. In a recent opinion piece, Ms. Madonsela argues that to save democracy from its own decay, we need to ensure that it not only works but that it works for all.

Brett Perlman (2016) is working to help Houston recover from Hurricane Harvey. Mr. Perlman leads the Center for Houston's Future, which recently helped the city join the Rockefeller Foundation's 100 Resilient Cities program.

Keith Raffel (2015) is helping Harvard undergraduates analyze the effects and risks of technological advancement. Mr. Raffel, who also serves as a resident scholar in Mather House, will co-teach " Technology, Ethics, and Society" at the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in the spring term. 

Anne Welsh McNulty (2015) says we can't underestimate the power of women supporting each other at work. Ms. Welsh McNulty authored a piece for Harvard Business Review detailing her experiences working in male-dominated businesses and the importance of a female support network.

Al Zollar (2011) has been appointed to the Red Hat Board of Directors. Mr. Zollar "brings deep knowledge of the global technology industry" to Red Hat, Inc., a provider of open source software, cloud, Linux, storage, and virtualization technologies.

Ray Jetson (2010) says we need to reclaim elders as leaders and mentors. In a recent op-ed, Rev. Jetson argues that those who have gained wisdom and are filled with knowledge should be positioned to offer these resources in service to others.

Charlie Bolden (2009) sees the private sector's space race as a case of the 'tortoise and the hare.' In an interview with Bloomberg, Mr. Bolden discussed SpaceX's mission to the moon and his own experience in the great beyond.

Ray Jetson (2010) says we must reclaim elders as leaders and mentors.
Faculty News

ALI Faculty Chair & Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) is reflecting on her landmark book, Men and Women of the Corporation in a Q&A with Working Knowledge. Prof. Kanter also received an award for Overall Contribution to Research and Landmark Contributions to the Field by the Work and Family Researchers Network, a Scholarly Contribution Award from Haier Group at the Rendanheyi Model Forum, and was inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame this month.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Bill Alford (HLS) was appointed the Jerome A. and Joan L. Cohen Professor of East Asian Legal Studies. On the occasion of his appointment, Prof. Alford presented the talk, " Learn from the Past to Appreciate the Present" at HLS.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Julie Battilana (HBS/HKS) says it's time to understand how to maximize social value. In a recent interview, Prof. Battilana discusses her work as the founder and academic co-director of the Social Innovation and Change Initiative at HKS.

ALI Faculty Co-Chairs Iris Bohnet (HKS) and Frank Dobbin (FAS)  are offering their thoughts on the value of anti-discrimination statements . Professors Bohnet and Dobbin were featured in an article in The Economist detailing how well-intentioned practices can lead to more discrimination.

ALI Faculty Co-Chair Fernando Reimers (HGSE) is celebrating the transformational power of literacy. In honor of International Literacy Day, Prof. Reimers authored a piece highlighting the importance of learning to read and write.
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