December 2017

ALI Coalition Spotlight: Garrett Moran (2013) is helping close the opportunity divide. As President of Year Up, Mr. Moran is providing young adults with the skills, experience, and support that will empower them to reach their potential through professional careers and higher education. Learn more about the impact of his work in our featured video.
Program News

Over 200 ALI Coalition members and guests attended the 2017 ALI Coalition Gathering and Final Symposium! The events featured seven prominent Harvard faculty, 14 ALI Coalition members, and a distinguished guest leading the learning and discussions. 
The Harvard Gazette recently profiled ALI and two 2017 Fellows in advance of the Final Symposium and Coalition Gathering. The article credits ALI with helping "tap the experience of a socially conscious generation of leaders."
Fello ws News

Jim Glasheen (2017) has been named executive vice chancellor, innovation & business development for UMass Medical School. Mr. Glasheen will "execute a comprehensive and strategic business plan to strengthen and enlarge the size, scope and impact" of UMass' research enterprise.

Carol Hallquist (2016) is connecting talented retirees with urban principals to make a difference in public education. Ms. Hallquist recently launched Principals Connect, and is actively working with schools in Kansas City.
Laura W. Murphy (2016) is speaking up about sexual harassment in Congress. Ms. Murphy was recently featured in a New York Times article, detailing her experiences with harassment in her dealings with members of the House and Senate.

Amy Abrams (2015) is strengthening journalism in underserved areas throughout the U.S. Together with the Nieman Foundation, Ms. Abrams helped launch the Abrams Nieman Fellowship for Local Investigative Journalism at Harvard University.
Anne Welsh McNulty (2015) is promoting gender equity for the common good. Villanova University recently announced the launch of the Anne Welsh McNulty Women's Leadership Institute to show  that gender equity leads to stronger families, communities, and economies.
Steven Strauss (2012) says it's time to take a closer look at big tech companies. In an interview with Bloomberg, Mr. Strauss argues that companies like Amazon and Facebook need greater regulation to prevent the formation of monopolies.
Laurent Adamowicz (2010) is calling attention to the danger of hidden sugars. With his latest app, SugarPoke, Mr. Adamowicz is helping consumers understand how much hidden sugar is in their food with the help of their smartphone camera.
Paul Addis (2009) says that the recent election victories for Democrats should be a wake-up call to supporters of President Trump. The GOP Senate hopeful says that people are demanding more from elected officials than loyalty to the president.

Congrats to the 2017 Cohort for completing their fellowship year!
Faculty News

Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) says that smart leaders focus on execution first and strategy second. In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, Professor Kanter outlines the four implementation imperatives needed for success.
Professor Julie Battilana (HBS/HKS) thinks gender may play a role in whether social startups decide to commercialize. According to Professor Battilana and her colleagues, social ventures founded by women are much less likely to engage in commercial, revenue-generating activity than those founded by men.
Professor Amy Edmondson (HBS) says that audacious innovation requires big teaming. In an article for DesignIntelligence, Professor Edmondson argues that cross-industry teamwork is critical for working in highly uncertain, highly unpredictable environments. 
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