January 2019
Featured Blog Post
Does My Teen Need Occupational Therapy?

In most pediatric therapy clinics (including ours), you're more likely to see children - from babies up through the intermediate years - in the waiting rooms for occupational therapy, but occupational therapy isn't just for kids. Many teenagers can benefit, as well, and because they are rapidly approaching adulthood, OT may be crucial to helping them live independently, cope with the daily events of adulthood, succeed in the workplace, or simply to participate to their maximum ability at home and in the community.

In this month's featured blog post, Carolyn offers eight questions that will help you determine if your teenager could benefit from occupational therapy.
Get to Know You: Elena Freeman

In Get to Know You, we're asking our therapists a few questions to give our families a peek into who they are as people, not simply therapy providers. This month's Get to Know You features Speech Therapist Elena Freeman:

Who is your hero?
My nana. After growing up in Japan, she was brave enough to leave familiarity and become a U.S. citizen in order to raise her children w hile my grandfather traveled in the Army. She is the best cook and most thoughtful human to exist on this planet.

What is your favorite thing about your career?
I get to play games, wear scrubs, and help children communicate their wants, needs, and creativity to the world. How awesome is that?!?!

Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
My nickname for bowling is "2Lanez" because you use 2 lanes in bowling league and my friends call me "Lanez." 

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
Music, a friend, and UNO cards.

If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?
Dolphin. They are very intelligent, social, and friendly animals. In fact, they communicate through clicks, whistles, and other sounds. Research has shown they respond to familiar whistles from old friends.
Now Offering a Teletherapy Option!   

At Kid's Creek Therapy, we are dedicated to providing children with the highest quality therapy services available, and we understand that a traditional clinic atmosphere isn't ideal for all patients. Modern technology now allows us to provide high quality speech and occupational therapy treatment via teletherapy.

With teletherapy, consultations and therapy sessions are conducted remotely via a computer with high speed internet. Using secure live video chat, children are able to participate in a live, interactive therapy session, and parents are able to communicate privately with their child's therapist. Teletherapy is endorsed by the   American Speech and Language Association (ASHA)  and the   American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)  .

Following are a few scenarios in which a family might opt for teletherapy:
  • Homeschooling families or those with multiple children for whom it is difficult to schedule regular clinic sessions for a single child
  • Children who are ill, homebound or have compromised immune systems
  • Families who live too far to easily travel to a clinic multiple times per month or who have limited access to reliable transportation
  • Children who have anxiety or other needs who are more comfortable receiving treatment in a familiar setting
If you believe your child or someone you know may benefit from teletherapy, call us at 770-888-5221 or  request a free consultation

New Year - New Information?

It's important for us to have the correct information about all of our patients at the beginning of each calendar, so please stop by the front desk and complete a New Year Update form at your convenience.

Did your insurance change for 2019? If so, please let us know as soon as possible so that we bill correctly for your child's visits.
Help Spread the Word About Kid's Creek!
Over the years, many of you have referred friends and family members to Kid's Creek - THANK YOU! We are thrilled that you trust us to treat your children. Would you mind taking a few minutes to support us by leaving a review on one or more of the following sites? 

Click each link to go directly to the Kid's Creek listing!

Do you know a child who needs our help? Let their parents know that we offer  FREE CONSULTATIONS and SCREENINGS . Many people are looking for a speech, occupational, or physical therapist for their child, and want to find a place that not only produces results, but values both the child and his/her family.
To refer a friend, have them mention your name and we'll take care of the rest. Plus, you will receive a Starbucks gift card for our refer-a-friend award program! 

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The views and advice expressed in articles, videos, and other items shared in this newsletter are not necessarily the views and advice of Kid's Creek or its employees. Kid's Creek is not endorsing or implying agreement with the views or advice contained therein, rather presenting them for the independent analysis and information of its readers.