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Good Deed Brigade . . . Making A Difference
Renee Hanson - A Park Bench, a Smile and So Much More

Renee Hanson makes the most of each day.  She wears a number of hats both figuratively and literally. Renee certainly has a sense of style and more importantly a sense of civic responsibility and volunteerism. Realtor - Rotarian - Host to Foreign Exchange Students - Community Ambassador - and More.  It is truly amazing how much Renee gets done in any given day.  A wonderful way to get to know Renee and what she does day to day is to visit the Park Bench - Fleming Island Website. 

Renee writes about the community happenings, businesses, and great people who make Fleming Island a terrific community.  Fleming Island is a residential and business community located in Clay County, Florida.  As noted by Renee, it is both a great place to call home and a great place to do business.  As a seasoned realtor in the community, Renee truly knows the housing market as well as the local businesses, schools, and generally the heartbeat of this awesome North Florida community.  In addition to her articles and posts, Renee frequently takes field trips and interviews local residents and business owners.  

Renee also branches out of the local community as part of her outreach efforts to support local charities and the South Jacksonville Rotary Chapter.  Through Rotary, Renee and her fellow Rotarians raised $60,000 for polio research and support this month.  The Rotary volunteers also packed over 20,000 meals (that's right 20,000 meals) for Rise Against Hunger last month.  For the holiday season, hundreds of toys were donated for Danny's Kids.  The list of accomplishments and good deeds in the community go on and on. 

Renee's civic and volunteer work would keep most people busy with little time left for anything else.  Some how and some way, Renee also finds time for her family including the 6 children, the local gym, and her ladies tennis team.  Renee also finds time to bake and paint.  She has an interesting and varied work history including the ownership of a bakery, stationery company, paddle board apparel, and artist / interior designer. 

With Renee's energy and can-do attitude, we can all learn a thing or two from her.  The Good Deed Brigade asked Renee some questions and here are glimpses into her endeavors, background, work ethic, and mindset.  

What kind of businesses do you feature in Park Bench? Business that are a cut above the rest. Ones that once inside, would surprise you to know they are located on our little island. Businesses that we are lucky to have. Local owners with a vision for the island. No corporations. 

Where do you get your day-to-day energy? I'm a gym rat... Monday - Friday every morning I am on the elliptical for my 5k. I answer emails, do my social media work and listen to the Motivational Mindset or Be Inspired on YouTube. After that I hit the free weights and I am ready to conquer. Wakes me right up!

What motivates you to help people?  I didn't grow up with a lot of material things, but I had my massive Italian family around me and always had a sense of belonging to something bigger. I had a good childhood, roof over my head, food on the table, people that loved me and my health. I meet people everyday that don't have a single one of those things. Going through life with a closed fist and holding onto everything means you also cannot receive. I decided to open my hands to give and in return I have received so much more. 

How do you manage your time so well? I'm a list maker. Everyday I scribble out my task list. I have about 5 notebooks floating around at any one time. I write my list and cross things off all day. Feels great. Whatever doesn't get done is transferred to tomorrow's list. I also take notes on everyone I meet as well as phone conversations in those books. My hubby picks up my notebooks sometimes and looks through them... he can't figure out the madness, but it works. I also put everything thing I need to do for work, home, kids, family or fun on shared calendars with my husband. He does the same. We help keep each other straight. If it's not in my phone on a shared calendar it doesn't get done. 

The Good Deed Brigade salutes Renee Hanson and all of the other people out there making the community a better place and inspiring others to do their part as well. 

Remember, wherever you see the Good Deed Brigade, it's all good.  

Good Deed Brigade - Making A Difference
Remember, wherever you see the Good Deed Brigade, 
it's all good.

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