June 2017

After successful careers as lawyers Rich Fahey (2010) and Bob Saudek (2011) set out to bring light to the nation of Liberia. They developed the Liberian Energy Network, which aims to distribute solar light fixtures to citizens across the country, including some of the most remote regions. Watch the video above to learn more about their impact.
Program News

More than 175 ALI Coalition members and guests have RSVP'd for the Cross Cohort Exchange and Coalition Gathering! CCX+ is a tremendous opportunity for the 2017 ALI Fellows to get feedback on their project ideas and develop their goals for social impact.

Do you know someone who would make a great ALI Fellow? Nominate a candidate for the 2018 ALI Fellowship!
Fello ws News

Ishan Raina (2016) is energizing the economy and creating jobs in India. Mr. Raina was recently appointed as an adviser to the National Skills Development Corporation, and has launched several pilot programs that leverage the strength of public-private partnerships.

Brett Perlman (2016) is speaking up and thinking big about climate change. Mr. Perlman will be presenting during a session at the 2017 Aspen Ideas Festival from June 22 - July 1 titled, "Feeling the Heat: The Big Ideas on Climate."
Debbie Hannam (2015) has reached an important milestone in her work to support social mobility in the United Kingdom. Ms. Hannam's Academies Partnership Program, which helps disadvantaged youth gain admission to leading UK universities, is graduating its first cohort in June.
Steve Leveen (2015) has a vision for a multi-lingual America. Mr. Leveen's podcast, "America the Bilingual" is designed to inspire people on their journey to bilingualism - listen to his new episode, " The CEO and the Polyglot."
Patricia López Aufranc (2015) is calling attention to a crime that goes largely unpunished. Ms. López Aufranc presented a comparative analysis of the legislation on sextortion, an insidious form of corruption, at a briefing of bar leaders at the United Nations in Geneva.
Ann MacDougall (2013) is ensuring that older workers are not cast aside. Ms. MacDougall recently authored a piece in USA Today arguing that businesses are squandering precious talent because of oversimplified and incorrect beliefs.
Makoto Kawakami (2012) is helping enrich the lives of the elderly with Sudoku. Through his work with Social Hearts and the Japan Sudoku Association, Mr. Kawakami developed a Sudoku workbook to help the elderly of Japan with brain training.

Ken and Lisa Kelley (2015) host ALI Coalition members to discuss people, passion, and projects. 
Faculty News

Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) argues that future leaders will be judged on their ability to create social good. Professor Kanter recently spoke at the World Business Forum in Sydney on the topic and was featured in The Australian Financial Review.
Professor Amy Edmondson (HBS) is sharing her insights on what it takes to successfully lead a team to the top of the highest peak in the world. Professor Edmondson appeared on Harvard Business School's Working Knowledge to talk about her simulation, "Everest: A Leadership and Team Simulation." 
Professor Fernando Reimers (HGSE) recently hosted a conference for the Global Education Innovation Initiative and has published video links to each of the conference's sessions. Professor Reimers also launched a new book, titled, Empowering Students to Improve the World in 60 Lessons.
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