Happy holidays to all of our Zone 10 members! We hope everyone had a fantastic show season and enjoyed all of the wonderful year end awards and championships. Also, thank you to everyone who came out for the USHJA Annual Meeting – as usual, it was a productive meeting and we enjoyed seeing everyone and appreciate all of your feedback. We have just a short break and then we’ll be on to the 2019 show year! Be sure you are up to date on all the new and updated rules as well as exciting programs and championships for the upcoming show year. There are many opportunities for riders of all levels. We hope everyone has a safe, happy, and relaxing holiday with family and friends!
Kathy Hobstetter and Ned Glynn
Co-Chairs of the Zone 10 Committee
USHJA Annual Meeting recap!
USHJA volunteers, members and staff came together December 9-13 to work on important initiatives, engage in discussion about the sport and make plans for the future at the
USHJA Annual Meeting, presented by
World Equestrian Center, in Tampa, Florida. Thanks to our members who attended! Read more about what happened at Annual Meeting:
Zone 10 members recognized during annual meeting
Congratulations to members from our zone who received awards during the Evening of Equestrians at the USHJA Annual Meeting, presented by World Equestrian Center!
Robin Parsky of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., received the Mrs. A.C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award, presented by Sue Bopp of EMO Agency, to recognized past or current owners who are true patrons of the industry.
Anderson "Andy" Burney of Sacramento, Calif., received the West Coast Vital Horse Show Staff Award from Marnye Langer. The award recognizes exceptional horse show staff who serve an invaluable role at competitions.
Jason McArdle, not pictured, of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., was awarded a President's Distinguished Service Award.
Click here to read more about the Evening of Equestrians.
Click here to read more about USHJA Annual Award recipients.
The USHJA is helping members Know Before You Show with a simple guide of rule changes taking effect for the new competition year.
The 2019 competition year brings new requirements for competing members and horses with the implementation of the Safe Sport training requirement for all USEF members 18-years-old and older with a Competing Membership, and microchipping for all horses competing in USEF-licensed and/or USHJA sanctioned competitions with Hunter, Hunter Breeding, Jumper and Hunter/Jumping Seat Equitation classes not restricted by breed.
Have you renewed your membership?
Beginning January 1, 2019, adults with USEF Competing Memberships must complete
USEF's Safe Sport Training in order to be eligible to participate in USEF activities in the 2019 competition year.
Don't want to think about renewal every year? Take advantage of the auto-renew feature, so your membership automatically renews before expiring.
USHJA enhances Outreach Program for 2019
Exciting enhancements to the USHJA Outreach Program are beginning this competition year including free membership and the addition of equitation sections.
"We are excited to provide the hunter/jumper community with more competitive opportunities and a free membership level," said Mary Babick, president of the USHJA. "We hope these enhancements will make the USHJA Outreach Program more accessible while rewarding and recognizing great riding."
While anyone may compete in Outreach competitions, individuals who join USHJA as free Outreach Members will be eligible for recognition and awards. Competitors who are USHJA Outreach members can earn national recognition based on their Outreach competition points accrued throughout the competition year.
Read more.
Members enjoy Mandy Porter Clinic at Hunter's Edge
Zone 10 members participated in the Mandy Porter Clinic at
Hunter's Edge Farm in Las Vegas, Nevada, earlier this month. Check out photos from the clinic below and on our
Zone 10 Facebook page. Special thanks to Up N Over Photography and Denise Finch for providing photos.
Interested in being featured on USHJA Social Media?
Are you passionate about our zone and love social media? Tell us about a typical day in your life for a chance to be featured on our social media.
Upcoming events and deadlines
- Dec. 26-30: Gold Star Clinic East Coast, Jim Brandon Equestrian Center, West Palm Beach, Fla.
- Jan. 16-20: Gold Star Clinic West Coast, HITS Desert Horse Park, Thermal, Calif.
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: Alden Corrigan Media, Tricia Booker, Jump Media, Megan Lacy, Louise Taylor and Up N Over Photography for USHJA.
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 | ushja.org