St. Paul's Episcopal Church

301 E. Stuart Street, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone: 970-482-2668
Email: [email protected] - Website:

A Thank You for The Gift of Beloved Community

As we begin a new year, I thank God for each of you. We have a rare treasure in one another.

With the holidays, I am a little slow in getting this E-pistle out. Even so, I want to add this little, personal thanks to each of you. Teaching how to write and share a spiritual autobiography at the Osher Life Long Learning Institute at CSU, I have been astounded at how deeply people yearn for connection and community. Telling the stories of the meaningful moments of their lives and listening attentively to one another, they are profoundly moved. At St. Paul's we do that for one another. Each of you is a one-of-a-kind, irreplaceable gift to all of us. Thank you so much for showing up to worship, to pray, to reflect and to share. Together we really are one of God's beloved communities.
Your Wardens' Update

"Christmas has come. Once again, we are reminded of the miracle of God coming to earth in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Once again, we are reminded of how very much we are loved.

Recently I watched the film version of the book, A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’Engle. It’s the story of a spiritual journey undertaken by a young girl and her younger brother, searching for the father she idolizes and he has never known. Three mentors take them part of the way and then leave them to finish the journey. The mentors depart, leaving the girl with gifts; one gives her the gift of her faults – a seemingly odd gift. . . ."

Read the full article HERE

Save the date: FFH training

on 1/14 @ 7 PM @ Trinity Lutheran

Four faith communities will be coming together for this training: Trinity Lutheran, Ft. Collins Friends, Mary of Magdala, and St. Paul's. Annette Zacharias, Executive Director of FFH, will be presenting information on all things FFH. If you haven't met Annette, she has been a driving force for caring for homeless families through this program. She is a fun, dynamic speaker.
Food Bank Volunteers, Save the Date

Wednesday, January 16, 9-11 am and Friday, February 22, 1-3 pm. Any questions, please contact Jo Baietti
Trinity Book Group: The Book of Joy

Members of MOM and SPE are invited to join the Trinity book group on Monday, January 7th, at 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room to discuss  The Book of Joy.  Two global heroes, the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, look for answers to one burning question: How do we find joy in the face of life's inevitable suffering? Questions? Call Nadine Hunt at 825-3730.
 "In the Beginning"

" Like the descriptions of the redwoods cannot substitute for actually being in the old growth forest, so the stories of Jesus cannot stand in for a relationship with him "

-- Laurie Gudim writes for Speaking to the Soul at the Episcopal Cafe. Read the full reflection HERE .