With the change in Dr. Kumar's practice beginning 2019, there will also be a change in the electronic medical record (EMR) system. Currently, we use EPIC and as her patient you have communicated with her via the MyChart feature within that EMR. The new EMR is called Practice Fusion. It will become active on December 29, 2018 and the ability to message Dr. Kumar via the EPIC MyChart will become inactive.
If you wish to communicate with Dr. Kumar before you receive the invitation for Patient Portal sign-up, please call our office at 262.695.5311.
Like all EMRs, Practice Fusion has a "MyChart-like" feature called Patient Portal. Beginning December 26, 2018 through January 11, 2019 Dr. Kumar's patients will be receiving an invitation from Practice Fusion to sign-up for the Patient Portal. This email message will be sent directly by the new EMR system, Practice Fusion, not Ommani. If you do not receive that email invitation by January 11, call our office and we will make sure an invitation is sent. Also, depending upon your email spam system, it's always important to check your spam folder if you haven't received the invite.
We encourage all patients to activate their new Patient Portal as soon as you receive it.
If you communicate with your complementary practitioner via MyChart, you will also need to use the new Patient Portal. However, all of Dr. Kocourek's patients will continue to use MyChart.
Don't hesitate to call us (262.695.5311) if you have questions.