Dear Friends,
On behalf of the residents of Howard County, we extend our condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims at the Mosque and Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand. We stand in solidarity with the citizens of Christchurch, the nation of New Zealand and Muslims around the world in wake of this terrorist attack rooted in bigotry and hate.
The Howard County Police Department has announced increased patrols around Howard County mosques, as an added safety precaution. While there have been no local threats, the safety of our residents remains the top priority.
Over the last few years, we have seen our Muslim brothers and sisters threatened by violence throughout our nation and around the globe. As we mourn the victims of another mass shooting and discuss this tragic event with our children, we must commit ourselves to teach and adhere to principles of tolerance, inclusion and love. The forces of hate may try to divide us, but we will always be stronger together.
First 100 Days
On Wednesday, I marked my first 100 days as your Howard County Executive. This is an exciting and important time for everyone who lives, works, and plays in Howard County. We are taking action on our environment, developing a plan to assist Ellicott City, addressing addiction and mental health, promoting our local economy, and more. We came together during the federal government shutdown and continue to serve our family, friends, and neighbors.
I see our challenges as great opportunities for Howard County to build a safer, stronger, and more inclusive community. Our first 100 days have set a tone of urgency for the administration and laid out our vision going forward. Our time is now, and we’re just getting started!
Merriweather Post Pavillion Welcomes Darin Atwater and Soulful Symphony
When I think about coming to Howard County, coming to Columbia, and wanting to raise our family here, I think about a place that not only exists where everyone can have opportunity … but I think about a place where each and every one of us can add our voices to the harmony, to the beautiful tapestry of a cloak that will not be seen around the state, but around the world.
I’m excited to welcome Darin Atwater and Soulful Symphony to its new home at Merriweather Post Pavilion. Check out this
Baltimore Sun article
New Business and Innovation Center
I was honored to join the Economic Development Authority earlier this week to sign an MOU for the establishment of the Gateway Innovation Center. This center will provide programmatic platforms to support and grow new and existing small, minority, woman, and veteran-owned businesses and create access to capital. You can watch a video of the signing above.
Making the Case for Equity
For Howard County to be the best county in this nation, we must push equity. This starts with equipping our Howard County government employees and service providers with the proper training and direction to ensure all our policies and practices meet the needs of our diverse community. I want to thank the Howard County Local Children’s Board for providing this valuable report that will be our roadmap toward a more equitable county. You can read the report
Enhancements to County's Opioid Protocol
Howard County is known as a place of wealth, opportunity, and safe streets, but we are not immune from the tragedy of addiction and the opioid crisis. That is why we have a responsibility to deliver accurate and timely alerts to help prevent overdoses and future deaths. I'm proud to stand with Chief Myers and Chief Uhlhorn to announce new enhancements to the county's opioid alert protocol. These new updates include a more targeted used of data to give localized alerts, "bad batch" alerts to help prevent lethal overdoses, and regional alerts to strengthen prevention measures. Read this
press release
for more information on the program.
In the County
The next Howard County Council public hearing will be held on Monday, March 18, 2019. For a full list of bills that are up for a hearing, visit the council website
You can now sign up to
testify for bills online
In the State
I am working to move our community forward with innovative, transparent, proactive, and sensible leadership. Aligning with proposed efforts in the State legislature, my agenda includes prioritizing funding for education and capital projects, expanding access to economic opportunity, increasing public safety measures and meeting the needs of our community. Read my Mid-Session Legislative Priorities letter
Department of Finance
Interested in learning more about the county’s numerous
tax credits
? Starting this spring and running through the summer, counselors with Maryland Access Point (MAP) of Howard County will be offering assistance to residents and business owners interested in learning more about and taking advantage of the tax credits offered by our Department of Finance. MAP counselors will help those interested identify tax credits that might be available to them and offer guidance when it comes to completing the required applications. Starting this week, counselors will be available at the Cashier’s Office in the George Howard Building and the Bain 50+ Center in Columbia. For a schedule and/or to learn more about this assistance program, click
Police Department (HCPD)
A friendly reminder from the county’s Police Department: Don’t press your luck this St. Patrick’s Day! Make good choices by designating a sober driver, calling a ride service or making other plans. Whatever you do, please do not drink and drive, and do not ride in a vehicle with an intoxicated driver. HCPD will be out in force this weekend, keeping an eye out for drivers who may have had one too many green beers. If you know someone who is about to drive impaired, please step in and help. Take their keys and find them a safe ride home. If you see an impaired driver on the road, call 9-1-1.
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are two new Capital Projects set to begin on or about this coming Monday, March 11, weather permitting. Details about each project can be found below. Additionally, for a full list of current projects, refer to our
March 8, 2019
Ellicott City
Old Annapolis Road Pathway Project
(Capital Project K-5036) – Project to extend an existing pathway along a portion of eastbound Old Annapolis Road is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, March 25. The project will include the installation of approximately 150 feet of asphalt pathway along the right-of-way between Oakhill Drive and Woodland Road, fronting 9673 Woodland Road. The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic and weather permitting, is expected to be completed by mid-April.
Sybert Drive Sidewalk Project
(Capital Project K-5036) – Project to construct a sidewalk along a portion of Sybert Drive is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, March 25. The project will include the installation of a crosswalk and approximately 190 feet of sidewalk along the westbound right-of-way between Columbia Hills Court and Meadowbrook Lane, fronting 9104 Sybert Drive. The project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic and weather permitting, is expected to be completed by mid-April.
Past Project Updates – Projects Completed
Ellicott City
Ellicott City Stream Restoration
(Capital Project D-1158) – Project to restore and stabilize approximately 1,300 linear feet of the Little Patuxent River starting at Frederick Road and extending downstream.
Willow Bend Stream Restoration
(Capital Project D-1158) – Project to restore and stabilize approximately 1,150 linear feet of stream channel near Gray Rock Drive in.
Past Project Updates – Completion Date Change
Bright Passage Storm Drain Outfall Stabilization
(Capital Project D-1158) – Project to repair storm drain outfall channel near 11840 Bright Passage. The project has no effect on traffic flow. Originally expected to be completed mid-March 2019, this project is now expected to be completed by late March 2019, weather permitting.
Ellicott City
Governor Martin Court Storm Water Pond Improvements
(Capital Project D-1160) – Project to provide stormwater quality treatment to a detention pond near 3339 Governor Martin Court, Ellicott City. The project will have no effect on traffic flow. Originally expected to be completed by late February 2019, this project is now expected to be completed by late March 2019, weather permitting.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit
. Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email
for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s
and search by “county” to learn more about State road projects.
Department of Public Works - Bureau of Environmental Services
Reminder! If you received a postcard in the mail from the county’s Bureau of Environmental Services to participate in the county’s expanded curbside food scrap collection program, you have until the end of today to sign-up in order to receive you bin before yard trim collection resumes on April 1. An almost additional 10,000 homes are now be able to participate in the program thanks to the expansion of the county’s compost facility at the Alpha Ridge Landfill. By participating in this FREE program, you can help reduce the amount of trash sent to the Landfill by at least 30%, help the county save money on disposal costs and produce a valuable resource, compost. To learn more about the program, visit
Department of Recreation & Parks
Congrats to our Department of Recreation & Parks’ marketing team on winning not one, but THREE Maryland Recreation & Parks Association (MRPA) Marketing & Communication Awards. This awards programs provides park and recreation agencies across Maryland an opportunity to showcase their talent, share ideas and recognize the best marketing and promotional materials in the state. The Department’s Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum's Self-Guided Tour & Children’s Activity Book won “Best Facility Brochure,”
Wine in the Woods
– Day of Booklet won “Best Special Event” and the Belmont Manor & Historic Park
won “Best Website.”
Upcoming Events and Meetings
March 15 - Watershed Protection Forum
1 - 3 pm. MIller Library, 9421 Frederick Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042
The Watershed Improvement Network (WIN) invites you to participate in our upcoming Watershed Protection Forum. In lieu of our regular WIN meeting, we are inviting local groups to give a 5-10-minute talk and also have an information table.
Local groups will present a quick overview of their organizations' key watershed message and audience, accomplishments and current projects, and what a volunteer/member would be doing to help watersheds.
After the talks, the representatives will be available during the networking session for follow up questions and more info.
The following groups have confirmed that they will be there and a few more may attend and be available for networking:
Columbia Association
Community Ecology Institute
Environmental Sustainability Board
Howard County Conservancy
Howard EcoWorks
Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake
Middle Patuxent Environmental Area
Office of Community Sustainability - Water Quality
Patapsco Heritage Greenway
Watershed Stewards Academy
1:00 - 1:15 Welcome and describe logistics of the meeting
1:15 - 2:15 Watershed Talks
2:15 - 3:00 Networking and Info Tables
All are welcome, no RSVP required. Light snacks will be provided.
March 16 - 6
Annual Columbia Baseball & Softball Fest
Is your four- to 14-year-old interested in baseball or softball? If yes, join Howard County Recreation & Park on Marcy 16 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Long Reach High School, 6101 Old Dobbin Lane in Columbia, for its annual Columbia Baseball & Softball Fest. This FREE event will feature a visit from the Oriole Bird, free player clinic, equipment sales and on-site program registration. Participants are asked to bring a glove, while all other equipment is provided. For more information and/or to register, click
or call 410-313-7275.
March 19 & March 20 - Recreation & Parks’ Registered Licenses Childcare Programs Spelling Bee
Every year, Howard County’s Recreation & Parks hosts a spelling bee tournament among its before and after school care programs. Winners from each school will gather at the county’s North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road in Laurel from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. on March 19 (grades 1-3) and March 20 (grades 4-5) for a final competition to determine whose is the best spelling bee around. For questions and/or more information about this event, call 410-313-4797.
March 20 - Talk Saves Lives - An Introduction to Suicide Prevention
Hosted by the Howard County Health Department and sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, this presentation will cover the general scope of suicide, the research on prevention and what people can do to fight suicide. The event will take place from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Barton Room at the county’s Ascend One Building, 8930 Stanford Boulevard in Columbia. To register for this FREE event, click
March 28 - 23
Annual Howard County Women's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
All are invited to join myself and the county’s Commission for Women for this year’s Women's Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. This year, the Commission has selected three outstanding Howard County women for induction: Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Georgia Eacker and Cathy Hudson. This year’s ceremony will take place starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive in Ellicott City. The event is FREE and open to the public. To learn more about this year’s inductees, click
April 8 - Veteran's Resource Fair
With more than 20,000 veterans residing in Howard County, I am pleased to join the county’s Office of Veterans and Military Families and Commission for Veterans and Military Families to host a Veterans Resource Fair. Geared toward all veterans and their families (active, guard, reserve and dependents), the fair provides attendees with a convenient, one-stop shop where they can meet face-to-face with the organizations and nonprofits that provide services, support and jobs. This year’s fair is set to take place on Monday, April 8 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Howard Community College’s Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Building. Admission is free.
In conjunction with the fair, I am also leading an initiative to collect donations of suits and professional attire to be distributed free of charge to those engaged in the job search process. Now through April 3, donations of new or gently used professional clothing can be dropped off at DCRS’s Headquarters (9830 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia), at the George Howard Building (3430 Courthouse Drive in Ellicott City) or to Success in Style/Phil’s Closet (8600 Foundry Street #4 New Weave Building in Savage).
To learn more about this year’s fair, click
or call 410-313-0821.