March 14, 2019 FacebookTwitterInstagram

Greetings, All.

I write to provide an update on Designing for Success: Strategic Planning Phase I. On February 4 more than 175 faculty and staff, plus a few students, gathered for a college-wide forum to hear updates and provide feedback on the progress of the Designing for Success Working Groups and Equity and Inclusion Task Force Subcommittees. Based on broad community input, we have updated the Designing for Success work plan for Spring 2019.

We will continue to provide opportunities for input and dialogue as we begin to shape Phase II of Designing for Success, which will occur during 2019-2020. We have scheduled three student forums, each to take place in Fiterman Hall, Room 1306/1307:

April 9: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
April 10: 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
April 11: 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

The Equity and Inclusion Task Force will hold a second round of charrettes (focus groups) to solicit ideas to ensure that BMCC is a welcoming, inclusive and equity-minded environment, a community in which all members can thrive. More information will be coming in a future email from the Task Force. Please visit our Designing for Success website for updated information and documents, including all of the presentations from the February 4 forum.

Thanks to all who serve on the working groups and to all who attended the forum. If you are not yet a member of a working group and would like to participate, please contact the appropriate co-chairs. Every member of our community plays an important role in creating a culture of student success, aimed at dramatically improving rates of degree completion, successful transfer and baccalaureate attainment, and meaningful careers with family-sustaining wages—and achieving equity in these outcomes.

Please join me for the State of the College address at 1 pm on April 2 in Theater 2 for more details about our achievements and challenges going forward.

As we strive to make BMCC the very best it can be, I welcome your questions and suggestions at any time, and look forward to our collective work to improve student success. Thank you for your contributions and commitment.

Karrin E. Wilks
Interim President
Borough of Manhattan Community College

Karrin E. Wilks, Ed.D.
Karrin E. Wilks
Out in Two

Out in Two Turns 20, and Welcomes a New Cohort
BMCC's most outstanding scholars graduate in two years and contribute to their community, as part of the Out in Two scholarship program founded by former BMCC President Antonio Pérez. On March 7, BMCC inducted a new cohort of Out in Two scholars.


Save the Date: 2019 BMCC Foundation Gala May 16
The BMCC Foundation 2019 Gala—Invest in a Future, Celebrate Success—is scheduled for May16 at Cipriani, 25 Broadway in lower Manhattan. This year's honorees are Tim Gokey, CEO of Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc., and the Herbert and Audrey Rosenfield Fund. The foundation is also celebrating the 20th anniversary of BMCC’s Out in Two Program with recognition of its visionary founder and former BMCC President, Dr. Antonio Pérez. The emcee is Baruch Shemtov of Fox 5 News. For more information, contact Tracie Basch at (646) 483-8018 or


Fulbright Russia Administrators Visit BMCC
Representatives from the 2019 Fulbright Russian International Education Administrators visited BMCC on March 8 and met with students, faculty and staff. The guests included Veronika Klepinina, Petrozavodsk State University; Lidiia Koshkina, Siberian Federal University; Ekaterina Lisitsyna, Udmurt State University; Konstantin Platonov, St. Petersburg Branch, the Higher School of Economics; Shakhnoza Rakhimova, Pacific State Medical University and Olga Zaplatin, Innopolis University. BMCC Vice President Diane Walleser gave welcoming remarks, and the day’s events included a campus tour. BMCC's current Fulbright scholars are International Student Specialist Kim Vo, who traveled last summer to South Korea through host institution Korean-American Educational Commission, and Art Professor Sarah Haviland, who traveled to Taiwan through host institution Taipei National University of the Arts.


XXII Modern Languages Department Colloquium Presents, Who is the Monster?
BMCC students, faculty and staff attended the XXII Modern Languages Department Colloquium on March 11 and 12 in Theater 2 of the BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center. This year’s colloquium theme was “Who is the Monster?: Human Monstrosity in Fiction and Film.” Featured speakers included Karrin E. Wilks, BMCC Interim President and Maria Enrico, Chair of the Modern Languages Department. The keynote speaker was W. Craig Hutchison, adjunct professor in the Speech, Communication and Theatre Arts Department. Hutchison has directed more than 100 stage shows including Jesus Christ Superstar, The Oresteia and Dracula.

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon Raises More than $1,500 for Emergency Fund
The annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon held on March 13 in Richard Harris Terrace, 199 Chambers Street, raised $1,575 for the BMCC Carroll and Milton Petrie Emergency Fund. A total of 63 guests enjoyed a traditional Irish buffet. The Niall O’Leary School of Irish Dance provided entertainment; three dancers and a fiddle player. The main raffle prize was a $250 gift card from Century 21. Other prizes were contributed by Mysterious Bookstore, Woodrow’s Restaurant, Monk McGinn, BMCC staffer Kim O’Donnell, Duane Park Patisserie and BMCC Barnes and Noble Bookstore.


BMCC Fifth Annual Women's Conference: Vision and Peace Rescheduled for March 18
BMCC is hosting a day-long conference with panels and speakers drawn from anti-trafficking organizations, UN Women, scholars whose research explores wartime gender-based violence, and global/transnational NGOs. For more information visit the event website.

Summer 2019 STEM Tuition Waiver
BMCC is offering tuition waivers to eligible students who enroll in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) courses in Summer 2019. To be eligible, a student must be matriculated at BMCC, a New York City resident, and a U.S. citizen or permanent resident at the time the waivers are applied. For more information visit the Academic Advisement and Transfer Center, Room S-108, 199 Chambers Street, or email

Congressman Max Rose to Speak at Young Engagement Summit March 16
BMCC students are encouraged to attend the Youth Engagement Summit (YES), a leadership conference designed to educate and motivate students about civic issues on March 16 at 9 a.m. in Richard Harris Terrace, 199 Chambers Street. Speakers include Congressman Max Rose (D-NY 11th District), Make the Road New York Youth Organizer Perla L. Liberato, Associate Protection Officer with the U.N. Commission for Refugees Sara Abouh and BMCC Director of Government Relations and Community Relations Douglas Israel. For more information, contact the BMCC Student Government Association at (212) 220-8000 ext. 8208.

Pre Law

BMCC Pre-Law Fair: April 4
BMCC students interested in a career in law are invited to attend the college's first pre-law fair. Representatives from Fordham Law, Brooklyn Law, New York Law, St. John's Law, CUNY Law and Cardozo Law will be on hand to speak with students. To sign up for the BMCC Pre-Law Newsletter, click here. To learn more about the BMCC Pre-Law Advisement program or this event, contact Rick Naughton, pre-law advisor and senior academic advisor, (212) 776-6899.

appreciation BMCC Employee Appreciation Awards Ballots Are Now Available
Students, faculty and staff, show your appreciation for staff (non-faculty) members who demonstrate outstanding achievement, performance and creative contributions through their role at BMCC—beyond what is normally expected of employees. Fill out your ballot and submit ONE nomination in each category: Leadership, Inspiration, Innovation/Technology, Rookie of the Year and Team Achievement. You get ONE chance to submit your ballot... make it count by filling in a thoughtful, detailed nomination by no later than April 30.

Faculty Invited to Participate in COACHE Job Satisfaction Survey
Full-time faculty are invited to participate in the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) job satisfaction survey. Data collected by COACHE gives voice to faculty about the successes and struggles of working in academia. By participating in the study, faculty will have an opportunity to share their perspective about working at BMCC and CUNY in a secure and confidential manner. Faculty will receive an email with a personalized link to the survey. For more information, visit the COACHE survey page.

Mediums Shirley Fiterman Art Center Presents Mediums of Exchange
BMCC and Lehman College, CUNY are presenting Mediums of Exchange, a two-part art exhibition in BMCC's Shirley Fiterman Art Center through March 30. (At left: Mark Wagner, Tentacular, 2015, currency collage on panel, 46 x 36 inches, detail. Courtesy of the artist and Pavel Zoubok Fine Art, NY)
SingleStop Free Tax Preparation Available to BMCC Community
BMCC students, faculty and staff who have a pre-tax household income at or below $54,000 can take advantage of FREE tax preparation at BMCC. Walk-in services are offered at 199 Chambers Street, Room S-230 now through April 15 from 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays; from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Fridays; and from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturdays. This service is provided with support from Citigroup in collaboration with BMCC Single Stop. For more information visit online or call (212) 220-8195.

Plaza Reconstruction Capital Project
As part of the upcoming Plaza Reconstruction project at BMCC, abatement of hazardous materials identified in the underlayment of the existing pavers will be performed at various phases of the construction project. This activity, which began January 21, is regulated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection, which ensures the safe and proper removal and disposal of these materials. Abatement notifications posted on all building entrances are part of these requirements and are there to inform the occupants of these activities. The required notices are not meant to alarm our building occupants, but to keep everyone informed that the work will be performed in a safe and regulated manner. We apologize for any inconvenience this upcoming construction may cause as we work to improve our facilities.

BMCC Website Content Management System Update
The Office of Public Affairs has installed WordPress—a content management system which will make BMCC website use easier for faculty and staff—and is scheduling training sessions with liaisons from BMCC offices and departments on the use of this system. If you have questions, please call Manny Romero, Executive Director of Public Affairs, at (212) 220-1238.

BMCC Enhances Instructional and Support Spaces in 70 Murray Street Building
The 199 Street Chambers Street campus of BMCC extends to Fiterman Hall—on Barclay and Greenwich Street—as well as several floors of 70 Murray Street. These locations are constantly upgraded. The Murray Street site has undergone a comprehensive upgrade that yielded 31 smart classrooms, state-of-the-art computer labs, a student lounge, a gender-neutral restroom, a respite room for nursing parents, and more.


Summer & Fall 2019 Registration is Open.
Please encourage students to continue on their path to success and register for the summer and fall 2019 semesters. Things to know: All students must meet with their advisors before registering. Students can register on CUNYfirst or visit Lab Services in Room S-114. For more info, visit the Registration page, contact Academic Advisement in Room S-108 or call (212) 220-8315.

Summer and Fall 2019 Advisement and Registration for Continuing Students
Advisement and Registration for the Summer and Fall 2019 semesters will begin on March 20 for all students. Please encourage continuing students to take advantage of early registration get the classes they need and the schedule they want for the upcoming semesters. Students can register on CUNYfirst. For more information, contact the Advisement Center at (212) 220-8315. #BMCCFinishFaster

Admissions Spring 2019 Open House: Saturday, March 23
Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in going to college? Invite them to the BMCC Admissions Open House on Saturday, March 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 199 Chambers Street, to learn about academic programs, financial aid options, student services, special programs and how to apply. Register online. For more info, contact the Admissions Office at (212) 220-1265.

Share Your Tips for Student Success
You – the instructors and student support staff of BMCC – know from experience what actions lead a student to succeed in the classroom. Help our Panthers start off on the right foot! This month the Admissions Office will publish a list of ‘Top Tips for Success' on the #FuturePanthers blog, and we’re asking you to share your insights. What is the best thing a student can do now and throughout the semester to set themselves up for success? Submit your piece of advice in three minutes online.

Admissions and Financial Aid Info Sessions
Prospective students are invited to attend information sessions for an overview of BMCC and the admissions and financial aid process. They can also take part in a Q & A with admissions and financial aid specialists. For more information, contact the Admissions Office, (212) 220-1265.

Say Hello to the Admissions Office on Social Media
The BMCC Admissions Office has launched new social media accounts. Stop by online and say hi! We appreciate your likes, follows and thumbs up. Facebook: @bmccadmissions Twitter: @bmccadmissions Instagram: @bmccadmissions Snapchat:@explorebmcc

Making Headlines

BMCC students attend Bangladesh Students Association event at Brooklyn College
March 13—The Excelsior

Criminal Justice Professor Liza Chowdhury participated in city panel on police accountability
March 11—Gotham Gazette

Human Resources

Commuter Benefits Provider will Change in Spring 2019
In Spring 2019, the City of New York will be changing the commuter benefits provider from WageWorks to Edenred Commuter Benefit Solutions. New cards will be mailed to the address on each employee's file. Employees are encouraged to verify their email and mailing address within WageWorks by logging into their account or calling (877) 924-3967. Please remember the “ID Code” is the last four digits of your reference number, located on employee paystubs.

TIAA Meet With a TIAA Representative on Campus
Faculty and staff can schedule an appointment at BMCC with a representative from TIAA, now through June. For more information, call (800) 732-8353 or visit a session schedule.

Mandatory Workplace Violence Prevention Training: Online or Classroom Sessions
All BMCC faculty and staff must complete an annual Workplace Violence Prevention Training by registering through CUNY Blackboard. Part-time employees must complete the course by the end of the Spring 2019 semester; full-time employees by July 31, 2019. For more information, contact Maria Deckinger, or (212) 220-1496.

Deer Oaks EAP Now Offers Phone and Video Counseling
As part of the BMCC's Employee Assistance Program, Deer Oaks is now offering video and structured telephonic counseling in addition to its traditional in-person counseling service. Employees can schedule calls with a counselor in advance by calling (855) 492-3633 or email

Pre-Tax Limit for Wageworks Commuter Benefits Increased
The pre-tax limit for monthly Commuter Benefits deductions (WageWorks) increased from $260 to $265 on January 1. No paperwork is required to activate the increase, but those who wish to change their deduction or enroll in the program may visit the Benefits page of the BMCC Human Resources website, complete the WageWorks Transit Benefit form and submit it to Human Resources, 199 Chambers Street, Room S-717.

Enhance Your Skills Through CUNY Professional Development
The CUNY Professional Development and Learning Management (PDLM) Office presents the CUNY Professional Development Program now through June 19. BMCC faculty and staff can choose sessions ranging from data analytics to business writing and many others. Certificate programs are available. View catalogue and sign up now.

Alumni and Donors
Panther Head Are You a BMCC Alumni Champion?
BMCC Alumni Champions are BMCC Alumni who are currently a staff or faculty member at BMCC. The Office of Alumni Relations is gearing up to create special programing in appreciation for your continued dedication and service to your alma mater. We want to hear from you so we can extend special invitations to events and activities at BMCC. Please join our list of BMCC Alumni Champions by sending your information to us online. For more information, contact Yartiza Gonzales, (212) 346-8455 or

Charitable Giving Through an IRA
Donors at least 70½ years old can take advantage of a simple way to satisfy minimum required distribution and benefit BMCC students at the same time. Donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to the BMCC Foundation without having to pay federal income taxes. Please contact Phillip Keefe, Director of Major Gifts and Planned Giving, (212) 346-8650 or for additional information.

Alumni Alumni Invited to Connect and Network
BMCC Alumni Affairs provides alumni benefits and services, as well as involving alumni in the advancement and support of BMCC. Alumni are invited to special events, profiled in BMCC publications and welcomed into the vibrant community that is BMCC. For more information, contact Yaritza Gonzalez, Manager of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund, (212) 346-8455 or

Make a Difference in Students’ Lives: Faculty and Staff Campaign
The faculty and staff of BMCC support our students in countless ways, every single day. That support includes contributing to the BMCC Foundation Scholarship Fund. Your support of the Faculty and Staff Campaign makes a significant difference in our students’ lives. There are three easy ways to give:

  • Make a donation online.
  • Text your donation to BMCC at (646) 876-2622.
  • Send your check, payable to the BMCC Foundation, via interoffice mail to the Office of College Development, F-1330. (Please note, you can designate your donation to your department).

Emmet Cohen

Emmet Cohen Trio
March 15

DegreeWorks Workshop
March 19

Career Center: Perfecting the Interview
March 19

State of the College
April 2


BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center Listings


Center for Career Development Events


Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship Events


Center for Continuing Education and Workforce Development Events

Panther Pride

BMCC Cheerleaders Win CUNYAC Competitions
On March 7, the 32nd Annual CUNY Athletic Conference Cheerleading Conference at York College, CUNY, awarded BMCC cheerleaders Neila Charles, Leroy Thom, Ashlee Shealey, Smarlyn Hernandez and Zazier Thomas for the Stunt Group Competition; Neila Charles for the Jump Competition and Sean Wong for the Tumbling Competition. The Panthers cheerleaders include Ashley Baez, Neila Charles, Ann Eugene, Kemberly Ferdinand, Kelvin Gutierrez, Smarlyn Hernandez, Yvana Jean, Diamond Middleton, Jesinowska Lagas Monclus, Zakiya Moore, Narelyn Oliveras, Rebecca Oxley, Ashlee Shealey, Leroy Thom, Nazier Thomas, Teemara Williams and Sean Wong.

Connect with BMCC
Twitter Discussion Twitter Discussion
Twitter Discussion Facebook Discussion
Twitter Discussion Youtube Discussion

@BMCC is produced and published by the Office of Public Affairs.

Faculty and staff: Submit items for consideration in an upcoming @BMCC to by 12 noon, Wednesday.

Borough of Manhattan Community College
Office of Public Affairs
245 Greenwich Street
(212) 346-8501
The City University of New York