March 2019

It was such a delight and privilege to celebrate with some precious Sisters in the Lord in Romania in honor of International Women's Day!  I shared a bit about Beautiful Gate Translations and the Bible studies we have translated for them.  The ladies of Biserica Stanca Timisoara are excited about starting one of the translated Bible studies soon!

At our gathering we prayed, shared, laughed, gave gifts and blessed each other in fellowship.  Then we had a lovely time to feast on sweet and savory goodies at the end.

One dear and amazing Sister shared two songs with us.  Beautiful.  Anointed.  Sister Angela is a former opera singer with a gorgeous voice.  Her heart worshiped through the songs.  So thankful to her for sharing such a gift.

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Great news!  We are another step closer to the completion of our newly translated Bible study by Beth Moore, Beloved Disciple: The Life and Ministry of John.  While in Romania, I received notification that the workbook, leader guide and DVD graphics are fully ready for printing.  Praise the Lord!!!  Currently, our video production partner (Alfa Omega TV Production) is working on the subtitling, compression and creation of the eleven video session masters in preparation for DVD sets.  With God's provision and open door, we hope to introduce this new study in the Fall of this year.

Your financial gift will help us see that desire fulfilled this Fall.  We have deeply appreciated every single message, email and prayer of encouragement along this journey.  Please continue to lift up this ministry in pray.  We love you and thank Jesus for you.
With great joy,
If you would like to financially partner with us, please visit our website and use the secure "Make a Donation" link, or use our mailing address:
Beautiful Gate Translations
PO Box 153322
Lufkin, Texas  75915-3322 
Here's a direct link to our website: 

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We would love to hear from you and how we can pray for you!

Beautiful Gate Translations | [email protected] | PO Box 153322 Lufkin, TX 75915-3322