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Holistic Health: We are mind, body, and spirit... 
Lead Pastor Justin Barney of Praxis Church joins Becky in the WKBK studio today!

Science connects spiritual health with physical health
Health Prog. 1993 Sep;74(7):48-50.   
The value of spiritual health.
Spiritual health is that aspect of our well-being which organizes the values, the relationships, and the meaning and purpose of our lives. Patients and healthcare professionals alike have experienced a growing recognition of the importance of spiritual health as a foundation for physical health and well-being. As a reformed healthcare system places greater emphasis on etiology and prevention as opposed to relief of symptoms, creative and holistic partnerships between the medical profession and spiritual care givers can and will emerge. In studying the etiology of illnesses, healthcare providers must examine the underlying social problems of the day: violence, divorce, unemployment, and a host of other factors that lead to disintegrating relationships. In the past many physicians and nurses refrained from discussing spiritual matters with patients. But given the importance of the relationship between physical and spiritual well-being, providers must make spiritual assessments at the time of any triage. The medical record needs to include references to the patient's spiritual history. And healthcare institutions must seek partnerships with community organizations and leaders to monitor the effects of societal issues that lead to physical and spiritual distress.

"The spiritual dimension is your center, your commitment to your value system. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift you and tie you to timeless truths of humanity."
Stephen Covey
Friendships: very powerful for mental, physical, AND spiritual health

"The benefits of friendships can last for decades, and I've got to tell you, some of the  beneficial side effects are truly amazing. As it turns out, that neighborhood kid you used to chase around the park may actually have an impact on your health decades down the line. The latest research provides even more reason to encourage your children to develop tight-knit relationships with their peers." - Dr. Josh Axe 
Have a wondrous weekend... 
Wondrous Roots

Listen live today, April 21 - Noon to 1:00 pm
WKBK - AM1290, FM107.5 or live streaming from the Internet

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Wondrous Roots, Inc.
[email protected]