City of Moreno Valley to Participate in Bloomberg's 2017 Mayors Challenge
The City of Moreno Valley
will participate in the Bloomberg Philanthropies 2017 Mayors Challenge to compete for millions of dollars to address challenges facing Moreno Valley. The Mayors Challenge was developed to help city leaders think big, be bold, and uncover inventive, and ultimately shareable ideas to solve today’s toughest problems.
Michael Bloomberg, the 108th Mayor of New York, will invest over $200 million in American cities with this program.
Michael Bloomberg the 108
Mayor of New York, wants to invest over $200 million in American cities.
Here’s how the 2017 Mayors Challenge works:
- Cities submit an application describing an urgent challenge and how they will tackle that challenge in an innovative way.
- From those applications 35 Champion Cities will be awarded up to $100,000 to begin to bring their ideas to life.
- The selected Champion Cities will come together for an intensive workshop with innovation experts and leading urban practitioners from Bloomberg Philanthropies’ global network. Here, competitors become collaborators as cities help one another improve their ideas.
- Finally Bloomberg Philanthropies will announce the Mayors Challenge winners. The grand prize winner will be awarded $5 million, and four additional cities will each win $1 million to bring their ideas to life.
Mayor, Yxstian Gutierrez will be working with our regional partners to strengthen our application. Staff from Riverside County Office of Education and Moreno Valley College, along with City staff have already participated in a workshop to develop a grant proposal that identifies a systemic problem with an innovative, and bold solution.
Southern California Edison Begins Upgrade Work Along Perris Boulevard
Southern California Edison (SCE) recently began work on upgrades to its facilities along Perris Boulevard. The work includes, increasing the capacity to deliver power to the surrounding area and placing the lines underground. The project area extends from John F. Kennedy Drive to the southerly City limits.
City staff worked with SCE to minimize impacts to the surrounding area during construction and to ensure the pavement is repaired to City standards. The work is scheduled to be completed in early 2018. During construction, there will be intermittent lane closures along Perris Boulevard.
Please note that work is also under way at the intersection of Perris Boulevard and Gentian Avenue. This work is the installation of storm drain pipes as part of the RSI Communities development located on the northwest corner of Perris Boulevard and Gentian Avenue.
This work will be completed before the end of the year. Please call the Land Development Division at 951.413.3120 if there are any questions regarding this project. The City appreciates your patience during SCE’s important construction work along Perris Boulevard.
City of Moreno Valley Receives Gold Award for Excellence in Economic Development from the International Economic Development Council
The City of Moreno Valley was honored to receive a Gold Excellence in Economic Development Award from the International Economic Development Council for its Moreno Valley business attraction website
In 2016, the City of Moreno Valley embarked on the development of a business attraction website that showcases the City’s business location advantages. The goals were to ensure the site would be viewable on various devices, intuitive to navigate, and stunning in imagery. The finished product integrates drone imagery of the City, infographics, videos, two GIS story maps, external property search services, and targeted content dedicated to business attraction. Website impacts to date include:
- Improved communication: Delivers data businesses need to make site decisions within a “responsive” design optimized for smartphones and mobile devices.
- Boosted productivity: AIR Xceligent and OppSites enable searches for available spaces and developable properties.
- Enhanced relationships: The website builds trust, expresses understanding of development challenges, and assists real estate professionals with their marketing efforts.
“On behalf of the IEDC Board of Directors and the Excellence in Economic Development Awards Advisory Committee, congratulations to the City of Moreno Valley. Not only did they work to provide a necessary service to their community, but also, their participation in the awards program sheds light on their stellar project, which other communities can now use as a benchmark,” said Michael Langley, FM, CEO of GREATER MSP, Minneapolis–St. Paul, MN, and the 2017 IEDC Board Chair.
“The City of Moreno Valley is grateful for the recognition from the International Economic Development Council for our business attraction website,” said Mayor Yxstian Gutierrez. “The City Council approved development of
as a tool that incorporates the latest technological features to deliver critical City and site specific information to relevant business location decision makers. We’re very happy with the response we hear from the business community and so pleased that IEDC found it worthy of the Gold Award.”
For more information about the award or to learn more about establishing a new business in the City, please contact the Economic Development Department at
or at 951.413.3460.
Moreno Valley Spray Paint Program
On Friday, September 8, 2017, the Moreno Valley Community Services Unit (CSU) and the Moreno Valley Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Team conducted a controlled buy of spray paint at various businesses within the City of Moreno Valley. The goal of this program is to reduce illegal graffiti by restricting the illegal sales of spray paint to minors.
The program used plain clothes personnel who entered businesses who sell spray paint and attempted to purchase spray cans illegally.
During the program, fourteen locations were visited. Of the fourteen locations visited, five locations illegally sold spray paint to an underage buyer. Employees who illegally sold the spray paint were arrested for a misdemeanor and issued citations.
The next day, members of CSU returned to the nine locations, which did not illegally sell spray paint, and spoke with their management informing them that their procedures and training were effective in preventing the illegal sales.
Moreno Valley Honors Military Service Members, Veterans with Banner and Paver Program
The City of Moreno Valley encourages residents to submit applications for Military Appreciation Banners and Pavers by October 13, 2017 to ensure they are in place by the Veterans Day Ceremony on November 11, 2017.
The City installs Military Appreciation Banners and Pavers in support of local military personnel and their families. The program helps promote patriotism and pride throughout the community, and recognizes men and women who have served in the past or present, whether defending the home front or serving overseas.
The Military Appreciation Banner program recognizes community members who currently serve in the nation’s military forces. Any active duty military service personnel who are residents of Moreno Valley, who have immediate family residing in Moreno Valley, or graduated from a Moreno Valley high school are eligible for a banner.
Current military banners can be located online using the City's new GIS-based banner mapping tool. The new online map can be found at
. Because the program receives partial sponsorship by the Moreno Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Military Affairs Committee, the remaining cost for a banner to be created and installed on a City street light pole is only $100. Banners are also made available to the service member upon completion of military service.
The Veteran’s Military Program Pavers are located around the Memorial in the Civic Center Plaza. The pavers are inscribed with the name of military veterans or active duty service personnel, and their branch of service. The nominee must be currently serving or have served in the US military and/or with a US ally. The cost for a Paver is $200.
Please contact the City’s Parks & Community Services Department at 951.413.3701 or visit
to access more information and the application.
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