How to Avoid Falling Prey to the
Top Scams this Tax Filing Season
Every year the IRS compiles their “Dirty Dozen” list of common scams affecting taxpayers. While these scams can affect taxpayers any time of the year, they tend to strike most often during tax filing season. The upcoming month, from now until April 15 th, is the time to be on heightened alert. We encourage our clients and friends to read the top scams below and follow the link to the full list published by the IRS so you can remain vigilant and avoid falling prey this tax season.

1.        Phishing schemes
The team at Laufer LLP has warned you about these scams before. The IRS continues to see new and evolving phishing schemes whereby criminals attempt to victimize taxpayers by stealing their personal information through emails, websites and social media. In the end, the thieves use various tactics to claim the taxpayer’s refund. 

2.        Telephone scams
If you receive a voicemail message from a “robo-call” or even a real person claiming to be an IRS official with an urgent callback request to a specific telephone number, do not return the call. Some of these phone scammers may even alter their caller ID to make it look like the IRS or another agency is calling. These con artists may have some of your personal information such as your address or last four digits of your social security number. If you return the call, they might even use IRS employee titles and fake badge numbers to appear legitimate. It is very easy to fall victim to telephone scams. 

3.        Tax-Related identity theft
Despite the drop in tax-related identity theft in recent years, it is still a top concern for taxpayers and remains serious enough to earn a spot on the IRS’s 2019 “Dirty Dozen” list of tax scams. Tax-related identity theft occurs when someone uses a stolen Social Security number of Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to file a fraudulent tax return claiming a refund.

Top ways to avoid these scams:

  1. File early: By filing your tax return early, there is less time for a scammer to file on your behalf.
  2. Be secure: Always use secure internet connections when you send personal information over the internet. When mailing personal or confidential information, mail it directly from the post office.
  3. Know the IRS: The IRS will not contact you by telephone, email, text or social media. If the IRS needs information, it will contact you by mail.
  4. Understand phishing:  Learn to recognize and avoid phishing emails, threatening telephone calls and even texts from thieves posing as legitimate organizations. 
  5. Increase your security awareness: It is important to educate yourself on cybersecurity. From knowing when emails are legitimate to avoiding unsafe websites and creating strong passwords, increasing your security awareness is crucial to avoiding identity theft.
  6. Call Laufer LLP: If you ever question whether you should respond to an email or return a telephone call from the IRS, reach out to a member of the Laufer team who can help determine the appropriate next steps.

To see the remaining "Dirty Dozen" visit the IRS website at As always, please to reach out to any member of your Laufer LLP team by calling 631-226-9600. And be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to stay up-to-date on important information you need to run a successful business.

Andrew Laufer, CPA - Managing Partner
"Due to the increasing complexities of the business, it is not an easy time to be a McDonald's Owner Operator. But, there are many things you can do to prepare for the changes that lie ahead and take control of your future. My team and I understand, we care and we can help."

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