April 18, 2018

Volume 47 Issue 5

A Note from Noel's Family Ministry Director,
Kalena Hanke
Clyde James

As I am sure most of you know, my husband, Carl, has accepted a position with the Last Frontier Council in Oklahoma City.  We knew our time in Shreveport wouldn't be long, but we certainly weren't expecting it to be this short!  While this is a great move for our family, it doesn't mean that saying good bye is easy. We've made lasting relationships here at Noel UMC.  From the first time we walked in the doors of this church as visitors we felt God's presence and we saw that the people of Noel truly   exemplified what it means to have a servant's heart.  I've been privileged to be a part of this community for 2 years as the Youth Director and then Family Ministries Director which is just a blip in the timeline of Noel, however, the shortness of time doesn't reflect the impact that it has made on my life.  We will forever be comparing churches to Noel!  I know that you will continue doing what Noel does best, showing God's love and beauty in all sorts of ways!  Until we meet again.....
Grace and Peace,
Kalena Hanke
Family Ministries Director
Noel Memorial United Methodist Church
Megan Stuermann - Preaching & Deacon Candidacy

Megan Stuermann will be preaching this Sunday, April 22,  in the 10:30am Contemporary Service,
and Sunday, May 6, in the 10:30am Traditional Service.
Also on Sunday, May 6, a special Charge Conference led by our District Superintendent, Rev. Wybra Price, will be held in which Megan will be recommended for Deacon Candidacy for the United Methodist Church. 

The Charge Conference will be held in the Worship Center  at 11:45am. 
Please join us in this celebration.

Support the Good of NCAP on Give for Good Day!

May 1, 2018
Mark your calendars for our region-wide day of givin g where a portion of all donations is matched by The Community Foundation's   lagniappe fund. NCAP will be sharing progress throughout the day as well as co-hosting an event that evening. 
We'd love your support!  

Also you can show your support by purchasing one of our new T-s hirts (pictured left).         
$10 Adults, $8 Youth. In the Church office.
Summer Camp! NCAP-Created to Create!

July 16-20, 8am-12pm, 5-11yr-olds. $100, scholarships available. Kids work with a variety of mediums and instruments as we explore how God created us to create! Register by June 16.

Vacation Bible School 
Where the Wild Things Aren't So Wild

July 9-13,
kids 4yrs. old 
before June 1, 
& potty-trained,
5 th grade.

Celebrating our Graduates!
April 22, Worship Services
If you are graduating with your GED, High School or any other higher education, we want to celebrate your future by recognizing your achievement and praying over you. Join any of our church services and receive a little token to remember we love you and know you will do great things for the Kingdom of God!

Starting Point-Visitors and New Members
Join us for Lunch!
April 29, 11:45am, 3 rd Floor

Find out about Noel and what membership means.
Childcare/lunch provided. RSVP by April 25, 221-5207.

Special Retirement Reception for Clyde James
Friday, April 27, 5-7pm, Worship Center

You're invited to bring cards and/or love offerings for Clyde to thank him for his service. After suffering a stroke at the end of 2017, Clyde has made the decision to retire on March 31 in order to focus on his recovery and his family. The   contribution that Clyde has made to Noel cannot be measured. For 39 years he has lovingly and faithfully taken care of our facilities and been a vital team   member. His retirement leaves a huge hole, not just in the vast knowledge of our facilities but in the hearts of his fellow staff and the congregation of Noel.

Highland Block Party

Saturday, April 28, 11am-1pm, Noel's Big Parking Lot
To reach out to our neighborhood, Noel is throwing a Block Party! There will be hot dogs and hamburgers, desserts, music by our own Band, and lots of fun things to do including Soccer Shots, NCAP chalk art, games, Highland Community garden     activities, health screenings, a fire truck and fire safety display, as well as a helicopter from Metro Aviation!! We will also have door prizes! Plan to come to enjoy the party along with our Highland neighbors. There are lots of volunteer jobs that need to be filled.  

Our Life in Christ
Condolences: to Susie McBride and Missy Bartlett and families upon the death of their mother, Anna Marie Sonnier, on April 13.
Hospital: Kathy Kamm, Daisy Snelling
Concerns: Sondra Alexander, Joyce and Andy   Andrews, Sue Benoit, Jenny Booras, Matthew Busey, Robert Cangelose, Carol Elliott, Peggy Hamiter,   Holly Heffern, Vance Iles, Bryan Jennings, Karen   Jennings, Naomi Kanallakan, Staci LaBrue, Howard and Clarice Moore, Doris O'Daniel, Mary Reagan, Betty Richardson, Paula Sour, Gayle Walker, Tammey Webber, Wayne Westall, Dawn Whittington, and Don Whittington along with Noel's homebound members & those in the Military.

Giving Information at Noel

Native American United Methodist Church Special Offering,  April 15. Your gift educates Native American seminarians and empowers outreach into Native American culture.  
For all of your giving opportunities, follow the link below.
Q uestions? Email  Melissa Sloan  or call 221-5207.

Support Our Food Pantry

Purple bags are in each worship area or shop online.  For April: canned soup/vegetables (15-16oz.), bags of apples, side dishes (Mac & cheese, Rice-A-Roni, etc.), and Jiffy Cornbread mix. Pick up items as able and bring them to the Church Office during the week.

Moments & Memories at Noel
YOUNG ADULTS In March, our young adults had a fun night at Pizza Rev. The hope was that we would have some time outside of church to catch up and meet new people. A great group came out to the event and we hope to have a family day event in May!
SARA'S FLOWERS The same day we were celebrating the life of Noel member, Sara Burroughs, the Food Pantry Flower Sale flowers were delivered. Sara's family generously donated the flowers Sara had bought to a special project the children and youth were doing that Sunday. The Just Dialogue Series, a study during Sunday Nights at Noel focused that Sunday on Creation Care, so kids from 3yrs-12th grade spruced up the courtyard outside the Children's building, using Sara's flowers. So the next time you are here on Sunday, walk through the courtyard and admire the flowers and all they represent.
What brought you back to Noel for the second time? T his is the question asked of Starting Point attendees and below are the responses of our last group. Be inspired by the varied things that make Noel, Noel, and invite a friend to worship! 1. "The music in Contemporary worship."   2. "We love that kids are welcome in worship and participate." 3. "We were greeted specifically, and someone helped us find our way to worship." 4. "It felt like home." 5. "The sermon was meaningful."

Contact Information


Noel Memorial United

Methodist Church

 520 Herndon St., Shreveport, LA 71101 

318-221-5207  Fax: 318-425-7643

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Closed daily during lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m.  


Pastoral Staff

Email Noel's Staff

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