Mark the beginning of the liturgical season of silence and contemplation with communion, this Sunday.
The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
This Sunday marks the beginning of Lent. Discern the liturgical season of silence and contemplation with communion at both the
9:30 am (choir led) and 11:00 am (band led) worship services!
Message from Pastor Jon
Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

What a week to kick-off the Lenten season! On Tuesday night, over 100 people packed the sanctuary to enjoy a Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner. I am grateful for Nicole Howe, Ray Bussey, the whole kitchen crew, and all who came to make this night so fun.
For Ash Wednesday, we were reminded of our mortality and the God who holds us in loving hands with these sacred words: remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Hoping to lean into Lent with intention, we considered practices to do and not do during this 40-day journey. I am thankful to walk with you this season.
This Sunday, we begin small groups studying prayer and contemplation, using Martin Laird's book Into the Silent Land as our guide. I encourage you to join the Sunday 11 am group led by Betsy Baer (, the Monday 7 pm group led by Caroline and Stephen Price-Gibson (, the Wednesday 10 am group led by me, or the Thursday night group led by Pastor Tim ( (Kim Champagne's group is full.) You will greatly benefit from these groups and I thank the leaders for their guidance.

As you can tell, I am full of gratitude. This church is an extraordinary community. Our stewardship team has been reminding us of that, please pay attention to the information they are now beginning to share about our stewardship campaign. They are doing great work. I pray our generosity abounds in pledges to the church and in our Lenten special offering, The One Great Hour of Sharing.

I look forward to seeing you this first Sunday of Lent. My gratitude for you abounds.

Pastor Jon
Verse and Prayer
Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished.
-Luke 4:1-2
God in Christ Jesus: fill us with holy intention. We want to know you more. Convict us, strengthen our resolve to walk in the way of your Son. Lead us not into temptation, that we might not wander from the path. Give us nourishment and energy to pursue the calling of Christ. You, O God, are with us along every step. Your whisper is in our ear. Awaken us to your presence, now and always. Amen.
The Gift of Treasure
For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.
– Matthew 6:21
Why is this familiar verse so often connected with financial Stewardship? First, it resembles superb ad copy--it’s attention-getting and attention-grabbing. Second, it seems only natural to link “treasure” and “money” together, as being the same and then incorporating it into a sound-bite, or slogan, for any budget-funding stewardship drive. You know the catchphrase, “please give of your time, your talent and your treasure!”

On my faith journey, I discovered that blending these two words together and recognizing them as being the same thing, does not really work for me, as it relates to this stewardship-giving plea.
So, exactly what is treasure? How do I acquire it? Can I accumulate it? Spend it? Store it up? Give it away? Is it tangible? Does it have intrinsic value like currency? If so, can I then naively imply that treasure is just another name for money or, is treasure something entirely different? 

For me, treasure is not the same thing as money. My treasure resides in my heart; it is a very special gift given only by God; it is unique to me. I can feel this special, intangible gift when reaching out to others with kindness, compassion and love. It does not matter to whom I’m lending my helping hand to either. It could be family, friends, neighbors, as well as strangers in need. The more I give and share, the better I feel. I’m at my very best when this giving feeling comes over me, usually suddenly, and then I act without wavering. 

I discovered this treasure one Easter Sunday morning, several years ago, when Karen and I were visiting our son, Billy, in Chicago. Like all churches on Easter it’s standing-room-only so, get there early. We were among 200+ other churchgoers, all lined up on the busy sidewalk surrounding the church, waiting to enter. In the middle of the church courtyard, which we all had to pass by, sat a man holding a cup--not begging, mind you--just happily wishing everyone, “Happy Easter; God Bless You!” So here we are, standing on the sidewalk in front of a church, no less; on Easter Sunday, no less; on the “Gold Coast,” which is THE wealthiest neighborhood in all of Chicagoland, no less, so what does my treasure filled heart charge me to do? “Bruce, please step out of line; get off the sidewalk (the sideline?); get out your wallet and put at least a $20.00 bill (or more!) into his empty cup. Make sure you wish him a Happy Easter too.” While I cannot speak for anyone else, nor do I remember (or care) if anyone else followed my lead, my treasure--my desire to reach out with kindness, love and compassion to this man in obvious need--came straight from my heart; my act of putting the money into his cup--came out of gratitude, which followed and flowed through me during this treasure-filled moment.

So, I no longer connect treasure with money when I come upon this verse. These straight-from-the-heart, treasure-filled moments that take place, either individually or collectively with Ark & Dove, are the intangible treasures I want to continue to accumulate and store up in Heaven. But, while I’m here, I also need to share my tangible wealth--my money--along with my other gifts (time & talent), to continue to build-up Ark & Dove, who is not only good to my family and me, but also good for me. Our church, through its people and programs, encourages me, equips me and then leads me to act, in a more Christ-like way, so I can fulfill more treasure-filled moments. I’m grateful for Ark & Dove for providing not only me, but also you, with the means (missions) and opportunities (ministries) so we can all learn and grow, in faith and service, as we strive to become the disciples Jesus called us to be.

In just a few weeks, we’re going to be asked to make a new, monetary pledge. I plan on increasing our investment and stake in Ark & Dove and will vow to give more money. Why? Like you, I have a role to play and want to do my part and contribute more to make sure that we not only keep all of our promises, but also keep moving our venture-of-faith forward. And, when I give generously from the abundances God has so richly blessed me with, and with gratitude, I’ll continue on my spiritual journey coming across new treasure-filled moments, which is where my “heart also be”-longs. My hope, and prayer, is that I will see each and every one of you on this same path too. 

- Bruce Sanders,, Serving on Ark & Dove’s Stewardship Team
This week, Ark & Dove welcomes oboist Joanne Alme. Joanne hails from the great state of North Dakota, has a large studio of oboe and saxophone students in Columbia and in between gigs, runs a lot of races. Joanne is presenting Bill Douglas' The Spirit for prelude on English horn. She'll be joining the Joyful Noise Choir and the Adult Choir for Ron Klusmeier's O Holy Spirit (Kyrieleis). Ron is a Canadian composer currently living in British Columbia and has contributed heavily to the hymnals of both the United Church in Canada, as well as the Presbyterian Church in Canada. This anthem was a personal gift, after I noticed it was missing from his online catalog.


Director of Music
Youth Sunday is approaching quickly. March 31st is the date to mark on your calendars. Our youth will be involved with leading both the choir led and band led services. We will need parent support so our youth will be able to attend when they are needed. Middle school LOGOS kids will be involved with the band led service; please plan accordingly. Thank you for help with growing our youth program and their leadership and worship arts skills.

God bless,

Director of Contemporary Music
Generosity Opportunities

DONATE ONLINE ! One Great Hour of Sharing , Peace and Global Witness Offering for ACT: Anne Arundel Connecting Together , Pledged Giving , and more! Many opportunities await you!
Establish or increase EFT here!
Wanting to increase or establish an EFT with Ark and Dove? It's easy to do. The forms can be found on the web site and here are the links: EFT Authorization Form and EFT Change Form.
Financial Update for February 2019
As requested during our fall stewardship consensus building activity, we learned that the congregation desired to received regular financial updates. The first update was provided at the end of January. This update covers income received year to date through February 2019. Our income received during February was $36,077.22. This does place us still in a deficit position of approximately $16,000 from where we would like to be based on our approved budget. We appreciate the gifts that everyone is sharing with Ark & Dove. We are also still behind on per capita which is the $37 per member for this year, not per household. This does include young adult members who may be away at college. Thank you to those who have already paid their per capita. If you have any questions either about our current financial position or per capita, please reach out to Steve Debus ( or Julia Kirby ( Let's start this year strong and link our gratitude for everything Ark & Dove brings to our lives to our abundance in giving back through our engagement, passion and investment.
Into the Silent Land: A Lenten Journey
Does life have you feeling distracted, de-centered, and disillusioned? Do you struggle with prayer, with what to do and say? Do you long for a deeper walk with God? We invite you this Lenten season to join small groups in reading Martin Laird's Into the Silent Land: The Practice of Contemplation . This short and widely-regarded book will help you find your center, stimulate your prayer life, and further your discipleship. Books are on sale in the lobby as well as a sign-up for small groups, which will begin this Sunday, March 10 . Books are $18 and can be found online . Please contact Pastor Jon with any questions (
Pub Theology
Does praying do anything? A conversation over beer and beverages. Join us location TBD on April 3, 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact Pastor Jon (
Mission and Christian Education
Youth Summer Trip Info Meeting!
All youth, young adults, and their associated grownups are invited to an information meeting on Sunday, March 17th (new date!) at 5pm in the Sanctuary to hear about our opportunities for this year's Summer Trips (Habitat, The Center, Youth Summit, etc...). We will serve dinner and share info and stories about these exciting happenings. More info is being mailed to each home, so please keep an eye out for the flier, and mark your calendars to join us that evening. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Jon (
Antiracism and Social Equity
Museum Opportunity
FOUR TICKETS AVAILABLE for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture for Saturday, March 16th, with a timed entry of 11:30 am. The museum tells America's story through the lens of African American history and culture. Go before the summer crowds. Please contact Linnie Girdner at or 410-999-7892. First come, first served.
One Great Hour of Sharing
You shall be called the repairer of the breach - Isaiah 58:12
Whether it is hurricanes, earthquakes or fires that cause devastation, Presbyterian Disaster Relief is there to help. Ark and Dove receives One Great Hour of Sharing special offering during Lent. One portion of this supports Presbyterian Disaster Relief around the world.  March 10th is designated as “wear blue to church Sunday.” The color blue signifies the blue tarp that covers so many temporary shelters due to natural disasters and other tragedies. So, come out next Sunday, and wear your blue! Anything blue will do—blue shirt, a blue scarf, a blue flower in your hair. Get creative! During Lent you will be hearing more about One Great Hour of Sharing, and how your offering can tell the story of hope out of chaos and a way to show God’s love with our neighbors in need. Cheryl Schafer, Mission Elder,
CAP FEATURED FOOD ITEM Featured item for March-- RICE (wild rice, short grain brown rice, basmati, etc.). Please drop off food items in the Mission Zone bin. Thank you for your donations!   
Equipping the Saints
The Six Marks of Discipleship
What can you do each day to live and grow your faith? The Six Marks of Discipleship can provide a barometer of where you are on your faith journey and guidance on steps for improvement. Join us on Wednesday, March 13th as Pastors Tim and Jon explain the Six Marks. Dinner and fellowship start at 6:30 with discussion from 7:00-8:30. A brief Taize service will begin the discussion. Childcare and special meals available on request. Sign up in the lobby or contact Steve Debus (
Outreach and Connection
Ukrainian Egg Dying and Potluck Dinner
Saturday March 16, 5 - 9:30 PM

Make a traditional pysanky (Ukrainian Easter Egg)! All materials and instructions provided. Hosted by Greg, Diane and Ellen Makar. Donation of $5 per person appreciated. You will take home your beautiful egg, plus the waxing tool and wax to decorate more eggs at home. The Makars have practiced this tradition for generations. No childcare provided. If your child is able to do detailed drawing and hold a raw egg for over 2 hours, they are welcome. Space is limited, so please SIGN UP early (so we know how many supplies to get). Ellen Makar,
Anne Arundel Connecting Together
Door Knocking Training


Help us hear directly from people what issues they are most concerned with addressing!

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church
8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy, Odenton
Training, Breakfast, Lunch and Childcare Provided
(RSVP for childcare at

Presbytery News
You are invited a workshop on SUICIDE PREVENTION and how to develop faith communities that companion the desperate into hope and connection. The workshop will be held  Saturday, March 30 from 9am to 3pm at Catonsville PC . The  fee is $15 , which covers the cost of workshop materials and lunch. This workshop is being offered by the Presbytery of Baltimore, Commission on Spiritual Leader Development.
This training is a one-day training to equip leaders of faith communities including pastors, paid and unpaid church workers and those who are passionate about doing ministry to those who are desperate due to any type of experience with suicide. The training includes the creation of worship resource, training congregation members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories. Register HERE .
Education in Our Community
Anne Arundel County Public Hearing
Anne Arundel County is holding a public hearing on March 19 @6:30pm at Arundel High School to consider three options to redistrict the schools that many of our children at A&D attend. Since many schools are already overcrowded I (we) would strongly recommend that parents educate themselves on the options and their consequences and attend the hearing to voice their position. Wear school colors and let the board know how you feel about these changes and their impact on our children's learning. Questions? Please contact Russell Hester,
Memorial Service
A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held for Jay Olson
Saturday, March 16, at 11:00 am. Donations may be made in honor of Jay to Hospice of the Chesapeake.
Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Sam Lawson; Bruce and Karen Sanders’ granddaughter, Hannah Algoet; Linda Jordan; Corinne Baker; Lori Kronser; Amy Benson’s friend, Brian Shriner; Tameka Oberman’s grandmother; Nikol Sahai's mother, Marie Krizanova; Kim Schroen; Jonah Murray; Chris Wilkens; Pat Sise’s brother, Justin; Amy Tardiff’s father-in-law, Richard Tardiff; Margaret McGillivary’s friend, Kim Nolet; Declan Steward’s father, Daryl; James Franklin’s father, Homer; Kameron and Kamarii Miller; Karen Dodson; Cheryl Walcutt’s sister, Judy Walsh; Amanda Wehage’s family; Jon Nelson’s aunt, Linda, and grandmother, Peggy; Chip Burnett; Laura Doughty's aunt, Marie; Ylonda Fauntleroy's aunt, Bernice Taylor; Diane Johnson's aunt; Brooks Emrick and her sister, Susan; Vaughn Brown and his sister, Kathie; Ann Hirschy; Frances Keyes; Dot Forloines; Helene Marchand-Stancil; Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Julia Kirby's mother, Margaret Floyd; Amy Carskadon's nephew; Erika Sealing's son, Trip, and grandmother, Margaret Schade; Sue Hanburger's grandson, Enzo; Edie and Richard Budd; Dotty Kaufmann's grandson, Nathan; Amy Benson's family; Lisa Mezaache’s friend, Pearl McNamara; David Michels; Jerri Webb’s friend, Mary Van Orten; Evelyn Ziegler; Thomas and Judy Kochis; Sage Worrell; Wayne Sweet; Yadong Wei; Mark Constable; Laura Talbert’s friend, Kristin Goin; and Doug Mattingly’s mother. 

PRAYERS OF SUPPORT go out to the guests and churches involved with Winter Relief: Asbury Broadneck UMC, Faith Baptist/GB Baptist and Calvary UMC.

THE LOVE AND PRAYERS OF THE CONGREGATION go out to the Olson family upon the death of Liz’s husband, Jay.

THE LOVE AND PRAYERS OF THE CONGREGATION go out to the Chen and Steward family upon the death of Dorene Chen’s grandfather, Tian Tao Li.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113