Waterville UMC News!
January 2019

Dear Church Family,
Happy New Year! 2019 promises to be an exciting year as God continues to move in our midst.
Waterville UMC is continuing on an incredible journey of faith as we begin the New Beginnings Capital Campaign to relocate to a new building at 7115 Waterville Monclova Road. This has been a long journey for many in our congregation starting with the purchase of the property.

On January 8, the leadership of the church will be attending the Waterville Planning Commission meeting as we work through the process of rezoning the property. This process will take a couple of months to complete. During this time, we will be sharing with all of you the next steps in our process. To accomplish this call by God to move our worship, training and fellowship church building to the new location.

What will it take to live out God’s call? First, we must all dedicate ourselves to prayer. God will hear our faithful prayers for God’s provision in every aspect of the new building. Please pray daily for God’s guidance. When we depend upon God all things are possible. God will use us to provide for this vision! Ask God now what God’s vision is for your life as we live into our journey of faith to accomplish God’s vision for a new location of ministry.
Our God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit desires to bless us as we are faithful. Let us pray for faithfulness. Let us pray for every growing faith in God. Let us pray that our relationship with God will grow in the depth of love and understanding.

Many times in the gospels it is recorded when Jesus declared that a person had great faith. As a result of this great faith in Jesus people were healed, set free and resurrected. Faith is an attitude and uncompromising belief in God through Jesus. Faith and belief are both choices. We choose to believe in the truth of God’s word, we choose to put our trust in God, we choose to accept the gift of eternal life with God by accepting Jesus as our savior.
Now is the time to choose to trust God, one another and in ourselves to follow God’s leading on this exciting journey.

God desires to use each of us in extraordinary ways as we live by faith. May you know the immeasurable riches of God’s love as you by the faith God has given you.

Pastor Mike

Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
by Tom Wiggins
Over the last several months you have received a variety of information pertaining to our upcoming capital campaign, entitled “A New Beginning”. This next major step leading to a new facility has finally arrived. Sunday, January 13 th , will be our “kickoff” with presentations during worship over the next two weeks prior to Commitment Sunday, February 3 rd . In addition, we will be holding small group meetings lead by Pastor Mike to share information and answer questions. These meetings will last approximately one hour or less and be held in homes of our church family on a variety of dates and times from January 14 th through January 27 th . Sign-up sheets have been posted on the hallway bulletin boards. We ask you to please sign-up and attend one of these small group meetings. 
During this time please continue seeking God’s guidance and direction for both you and His Church, as we make decisions not only about our financial contribution toward a new facility, but also the answer to the question……. Lord, what do you want to do through me?
2018 Giving Statements will be emailed on Saturday, January 5th. For those who receive hard copies, they will be available to pick up on January 6 on the shelf outside of the church office. If you have any questions, please contact Tom Wiggins. 419.304.2254
If you haven't had the opportunity to complete and return your 2019 Stewardship Commitment forms, there is still time to turn them in.
Pregnancy Center
Toledo, OH

We have sponsored the pregnancy center financially for many years.
Along with our financial support we have recently started an ongoing baby blanket collection. This month our mission collection will help support The Pregnancy Center.

The Pregnancy Center has been Serving women and families in the Toledo area has been our privilege since 1984.
Leadership Development Day 2019
Maumee Watershed District
The Maumee Watershed will be having a district leadership day.
on Saturday January 26, 2019 8:30-2 :30
This year's Leadership Development Day will be held at
Perrysburg Grace UMC from 8:30am - 2:30pm. 
Keynote speaker: Joseph Bishman, Retired West Ohio Elder

Courses offered this year:

A Way Forward Presentation
This session will provide an updated report of the Commission on A Way Forward. The COB has recommended one of the plans to be adopted by the Special Session of the General Conference which will be convened in St. Louis from February 23 - February 26, 2019. All Three options will be discussed.

  • Children's Ministry
Opportunities and ideas for ministry to the largest mission field in the world, CHILDREN! 

  • Fresh Expressions
What can the church do to reach new generations? 

  • Holy Trio
Triad Training

  • Lay Servant Ministry
Lay Servant Ministry is our United Methodist system for lay leadership development with three categories for laypersons to become developed, prepared, and engaged principled Christian Leaders.

  • Mission Fulfillment
A Unique experience for participants to learn about maximizing partnerships. 

  • The Stranger Among Us
This interactive learning session will examine myths and truths of immigration law and policies and how we can respond as people of faith to the least of these among us. 

  • Worship for smaller churches
We will explore the various resources available and discuss the struggles and difficulties in putting together a memorable worship service where people can connect with the heart of God!

For More Information Please CLICK HERE

Cost to attend is $10 and includes:
  • Lunch
  • 2 workshops (one morning, one afternoon)
  • Keynote address
Church Snow Emergency Cancellation Policy

Lucas County – Level 1   Plan on the Church being open for planned activities

Level 2 – Cancellation of church activities will be on a case by case basis. Please do not travel to church activities if you are uncomfortable in any way.

Level 3 – All church activities are canceled.

Please go to Toledo Channels 11, 13 or 24 on TV or their web site for cancellation announcements, refer to Waterville UMC web site home page.
Group: Woman’s Bible Study:  It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst
Meeting Place and Time:  306 Ridgepoint Circle, Waterville- Mondays at 7:00 pm– Beginning January 14 for 12 weeks
Contact Person:  Delores Young 419-878-8238
Summary:  Shares life-giving perspectives for finding strength when disappointments leave us shattered. Her Biblical insights combined with her own journey through the valley offer hope in the context of God's bigger story. 
The youth will be having a pancake breakfast fundraiser on April 7
Be looking for future announcements to be able to support our youth.
The Children's Sunday School Classes welcome any pop tabs from aluminum cans. What a blessing for the Ronald McDonald House is in time of needs.
Recent Applications to the City of Waterville
We recently made applications to the City of Waterville. They were to request for the re-zoning our property from A-1 (agricultural) to R-1 (residential) and to request a ‘Special Use Permit’ to start construction on our property when and if we are ready within the next 12 months.   

There will be meetings in January and February with the Waterville Planning Commission and Council. Watch The Ambassador and the Bulletin for information regarding the meeting dates and time. Please continue to pray for this process. 

Thank you for your support. We have FILLED 16 bags, and have started a 17th bag.
Total weight of donated items is 153 3/4 lbs.
 December 2....151
December 9....233
December 16....121
December 23....138
Christmas Eve ....209
A Special Thank you

A special thank-you to the Church ladies for the pretty box full of goodies.
What a nice surprise and so good to see them! I miss you all and I miss being able to be in church.

Merry Christmas,
Alta Damron


A Little Thoughtfulness can be the greatest blessing of all. Thank you for the wonder "Christmas Box"

Shirley Paison


Thank you so much for the lap quilt! Mom truly loved it & she had it on her hospice bed.
God bless you in your important & beautiful ministry.

The family of Mary M. Warner

Welcome to Amazon
Thank you for supporting Waterville Methodist Church .
Remember, always start at
and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.

Without added costs to the purchaser, our Church receives .5% (1/2 %) of every Amazon qualified purchase once they sign up on Amazon Smile and list us as their charity. You do not have to be a Prime member to participate. 
If you are not already signed up, sign up for AmazonSmile by going to their website #. or .
     _during the sign up process they will ask for your charity. Type in Waterville Methodist Church located in Waterville, OH . Several choices come up so be sure to choose the Waterville, OH address. 
   _with any purchase or future purchases on Amazon, simply load the products to your Cart, then go to # . It will automatically know what’s in your cart, recognize you as an AmazonSmile participant and you can make the purchase. (or first go directly to the # website to research and find products you want to purchase).

01/01/2019 - 01/07/2019
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Rothhaas
Mrs. Priscilla Schlingman
Brian Schultz Family
Ms. Jane Schwind 
Adam Shelton Family
Jay Sheridan Family
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Sheridan

1/08/2019 - 1/14//2019
Waterville UMC Youth Group
Miss Stacy Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Shoemaker
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Simpson
Mr. Mike Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Sisler
Doug Smith Family

1/15/2019 - 1/21/2019
Brian Snyder Family
Fred Snyder Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Spychalski
Mr. Robert Stearns
Dan Stevens Family
Mr. Fred Stover
Mr.& Mrs. Wayne Strayer

1/22/2019 - 1/28/2019
Kip Studer Family
Mr. Richard Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Taylor
Ed Thompson Family
Mrs. Lucy Topuzova
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Vandervlucht
United Methodist Church

1/29/2019 - 1/31/2019
Craig Varner Family
Eric Varner Family
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Vasko

01/01/2019 - 01/07/2019
Genesis 1 & 2
Genesis 3 & 4
Genesis 5 & 6
Genesis 7 & 8
Genesis 9 & 10
Genesis 11 & 12
Genesis 13 & 14

1/08/2019 - 1/14//2019
Genesis 15 & 16
Genesis 17 & 18
Genesis 19 & 20
Genesis 21 & 22
Genesis 23 & 24
Genesis 25 & 26
Genesis 27 & 28

1/15/2019 - 1/21/2019
Genesis 29 & 30
Genesis 31 & 32
Genesis 33 & 34
Genesis 35 & 36
Genesis 37 & 38
Genesis 39 & 40
Genesis 41 & 42

1/22/2019 - 1/28/2019
Genesis 43 & 44
Genesis 45 & 46
Genesis 47 & 48
Genesis 49 & 50
Exodus 1 & 2
Exodus 3 & 4
Exodus 5 & 6

 1/29/2019 - 1/31/2019
Exodus 7 & 8
Exodus 9 & 10
Exodus 11 & 12
01/01/2019 - 01/07/2019
Matthew 1
Matthew 2
Matthew 3
Matthew 4
Matthew 5
Matthew 6
Matthew 7

1/08/2019 - 1/14//2019
Matthew 8
Matthew 9
Matthew 10
Matthew 11
Matthew 12
Matthew 13
Matthew 14

1/15/2019 - 1/21/2019
Matthew 15
Matthew 16
Matthew 17
Matthew 18
Matthew 19
Matthew 20
Matthew 21

1/22/2019 - 1/28/2019
Matthew 22
Matthew 23
Matthew 24
Matthew 25
Matthew 26
Matthew 27
Matthew 28

1/29/2019 - 1/31/2019
Mark 1
Mark 2
Mark 3

Anna Banachowski January 6
Trevor Letzring January 6
Stephanie Letzring January 6
Karl Kirkman January 13
Sandra Schultz January 13
Christopher Stafford January 15
Brett Vernon January 15
Tom Shoemaker January 17
Elaine Larimer January 19
Madelyn Varner January 22
Malachi Lipinski January 23
Mikael Lipinski January 23
Amelia Mazzarella January 23
Ann Nightingale January 25
Tehya Collinsworth January 27
Roslynd Laurie January 28
Verna Rose January 29
Josh Shelton January 29
Tedd Munn January 30
Jim Simpson January 31

( If you have a January Birthday that isn't listed here,
please call the church office.)
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645|  Email Us  |  Our Church Website