The Florida Rural Water Association is conducting a Drinking Water Security and Vulnerability Assessment program with Water Utilities throughout the State of Florida. The anticipated benefits will be the strengthening of Florida's water systems against cybersecurity, intrusion, malevolent acts, natural disasters, terrorism, vandalism, etc. and it will benefit the stakeholders of Florida in the same manner. By assisting systems in identifying areas of vulnerability, including vulnerable areas within the SCADA systems, all systems within Florida will benefit.
We concluded a 4 month program on January 31, 2019 performing evaluations of 25 water utility systems, both drinking water and wastewater. Of the 25 Utility systems that was reviewed for vulnerabilities the total number of vulnerabilities discovered were 1567. The following outlines the actual number of vulnerabilities, by category, the percentage of vulnerabilities identified in those 23 categories that exceeded the total number as greater than 9%.
Of the 25 systems that were reviewed the total number of vulnerabilities that were 9% or greater are presented below with the following 4 categories that were identified as the highest risk of these Utilities. (It must be mentioned that all plants tend to have their own unique vulnerabilities and most plant vulnerabilities were not the same or considered to be standard throughout these 25 Utility systems.) more