FRWA eNews
March 15, 2019
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2970 Wellington Circle
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The Florida Rural Water Association is conducting a Drinking Water Security and Vulnerability Assessment program with Water Utilities throughout the State of Florida. The anticipated benefits will be the strengthening of Florida's water systems against cybersecurity, intrusion, malevolent acts, natural disasters, terrorism, vandalism, etc. and it will benefit the stakeholders of Florida in the same manner.  By assisting systems in identifying areas of vulnerability, including vulnerable areas within the SCADA systems, all systems within Florida will benefit.

We concluded a 4 month program on January 31, 2019 performing evaluations of 25 water utility systems, both drinking water and wastewater. Of the 25 Utility systems that was reviewed for vulnerabilities the total number of vulnerabilities discovered were 1567. The following outlines the actual number of vulnerabilities, by category, the percentage of vulnerabilities identified in those 23 categories that exceeded the total number as greater than 9%.

Of the 25 systems that were reviewed the total number of vulnerabilities that were 9% or greater are presented below with the following 4 categories that were identified as the highest risk of these Utilities. (It must be mentioned that all plants tend to have their own unique vulnerabilities and most plant vulnerabilities were not the same or considered to be standard throughout these 25 Utility systems.)  more
National News
FEMA denies St. Lucie County's $9.5 million claim for beach repairs after Hurricane Irma | TCPalm County officials are scrambling to find $14.8 million to repair erosion damage to south- county beaches after Federal Emergency Management Agency rescinded $9.5 million it had promised for the project. more  

White House budget director says he's 'open' to working iwth Scott, Rubio to increase Everglades funding | TC Palm The acting director of the White House's Office of Management and Budget said his department is open to working with Florida lawmakers to increase funding for Everglades restoration projects.  more

President Releases FY2020 Budget ProposaOn Monday, President Trump revealed his administrations priorities for fiscal year 2020 with a $4.7 trillion-dollar budget. more
State News
DEP's Drew Bartlett named executive director of SFWMD | Florida Politics  The new-look South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Board met for the first time Thursday, naming Drew Bartlett as the group's executive director. more

Hurricane experts expect season of 'high activity'  
Effective hurricane forecasts, greener construction practices and individual preparedness are keys to mitigating hurricane damage, per experts. more

Gov. DeSantis needs Legislature to approve his environmental spending requests The Republican-controlled Legislature will be tasked with an unexpected job: deciding whether to allocate funds for environmental causes championed by the governor. more

Sea level rise bill advances in Florida Senate  Climate change has received little attention in the Florida Legislature in recent years, but on Tuesday a state Senate committee unanimously advanced legislation that would require the state to start planning for sea level rise. more

To prevent flooding, ditch clearing now a main priority after Hurricane Michael Bay County road crews have made the clearing of Hurricane Michael debris from ditches a top priority in recent months to reduce stormwater flooding. more

City of Cocoa Utilities Department Implementing Hydrant Assessment and Repair Program | Space Coast Daily Valves and hydrants are critical components of the city's potable water distribution system. more

Hurricane Michael debris could leave major fire threat for parts of Northwest Florida | Pensacola News Journal  Forestry officials expressed concerns Tuesday that Northwest Florida communities still struggling from a deadly hurricane in October will soon face the threat of massive wildfires and flooding. more

10,000 gallons of wastewater spilled in Palmetto subdivision | Herald Tribune  Manatee County Wastewater Compliance staff are testing samples for fecal bacteria after 10,000 gallons of wastewater spilled into a retention pond Monday near the Imperial Lake Community in Palmetto. more

Lake Okeechobee proposal steps up South Florida water battle | Sun Sentinel  U.S. Rep. Brian Mast, R-Palm City, has proposed lowering the water level of Lake Okeechobee to 10.5 feet above sea level during the early summer rainy season. more
This Week in Water History
March 11, 1869:  Major fire in Akron, Ohio leads to early improvements in water service.The fire burned down all of the buildings between High and Main Streets. Soon after, the public demanded water reservoirs for fire safety. Citizens pooled their money to purchase large cisterns and in the early 1870s, eighteen cisterns were constructed throughout the city each holding 500 to 2,000 gallons. In 1880 M.S. Frost Consulting Engineers and a group of prominent local men negotiated a deal with the city to be the sole provider of water to the city. The company would construct a water system for Akron as long as the city would agree to pay $6,750 per year for water service to fight fires and to rent 150 fire hydrants that the company would install. In 1880 the M.S. Frost and Son sold the rights of the water deal to the Akron Water Works company headed by Frank Adams and George W. Crouse.

Commentary:  Without doubt, the major reason to build centralized water systems in the 19 thcentury was not to provide a water supply to a city. Pressurized water systems were needed to stop cities from burning to the ground.

Main Street
Main Street, Akron, Ohio, 1975

For more articles on what went on this week in water history, click here
Florida Rural Water Association | |
2970 Wellington Circle
Tallahassee FL 32309