A Message from Rev. Paula+
Beloved Community,

Shortly after The Most Rev. Michael Curry was installed as our Presiding Bishop he published "A Word to the Church."  In that letter he talked about our call to be followers of Jesus, "To go out into the world to share the Good News of God and Jesus Christ.  To go into the world and help to be agents and instruments of God's reconciliation.  To go into the world, let the world know there is a God who loves us, a God who will not let us go, and that that love can set us free...This is the Jesus Movement, and we are The Episcopal Church, the Episcopal branch of Jesus' movement in this world... God bless you, and keep the faith."

I happily admit that I have felt so blessed by Bishop Curry's ministry, by his preaching, and his witness to the Gospel.  I have felt this blessing in my own relationship with God and with the Gospel, as well as in my ordained ministry.  Though, as you have heard me preach a time or two, active and engaged discipleship is not always easy, the Presiding Bishop's words and his actions inspire me to go deeper and further, to accept the challenge, to actively explore how my own relationship with God and my ordained ministry call me, compel me, to do more and better as a person who is a disciple, preacher, pastor, and teacher.  I've been thinking about this a lot recently, because it is part of my Lenten prayer and as we've been planning our Celebration of New Ministry.

I'm mindful that when Bishop Curry said, "keep the faith", he did not intend for us to keep it inside this building but to take it out into the world with us. As often happens, the Holy Spirit, wild and free, seems to be calling my attention to all sorts of opportunities for me and for us to go into the world in the ways he encourages.  Some of these are things you have heard about in church or seen in the "News" and "Events" sections of this newsletter.  I urge you to look at those and pray about how you might be a part of these ministries.

In addition to those things we have already talked and written about, there are a couple of opportunities for us to go out into the world that are in the early stages of discussion and planning:
1.  There is a new monthly initiative of the PATCH program (our Drumming Camp is a PATCH program) at the House of Prayer in Newark.  This new program is an Arts and Science Enrichment Program, and there is a need for volunteers and for churches to take turns providing lunch.  There are a few parishioners who have interest in exploring this as part of our outreach ministries.  Please let me know if you have any interest in talking about this and we'll add you to the conversation.
2.  First Friends is a non-profit promoting dignity and compassion for immigrants.  There are lots of ways to get involved, including a benefit dinner on April 30th.  We have a couple of people interested in working with First Friends.  If you'd like to join us, please let me know.
3. " Millwheels Rolling into Millburn" is a recently announced community engagement arts project.  The kick-off event is April 7th, with the final presentation on September 7th.  This promises to be a fun way for us, including our children, to get out into the community to show what it is that we are about.   No artistic talent is required, only a desire to tell our neighbors about who we are. I'm planning to be there on the 7th and hope to have at least a few people join me. 

This is by no means an exhaustive list so let me or any vestry member know if you have an idea or invitation I am not including here and we will talk and pray about it.  All that I ask is that your idea be something you have an interest in doing and that may be of interest to a couple of others as well.  

Peace & Blessings, 
Important Alert: Email and Phone Scams
Please be aware that churches are being targeted with an email scam in the name of clergy with a request for gift cards.  Please DO NOT respond to any email in with the Bishop or any other clergy asks you to purchase gift cards.  Please let us know if you receive any suspicious emails.  Thank you!

There also is a telephone scam in which someone calls and claims to be representing the Social Security Administration.  The person says that your Social Security Number has been compromised.  The intent is that you will give your number in response to their need to verify its integrity.  Please DO NOT give your number.  The Social Security Administration does not place calls or send emails about such things.  If you are targeted by this scam, pray for patience.  They are unrelenting and sophisticated enough to make multiple phone calls, even if you have blocked one or more of their numbers.

A Celebration of New Ministry  and the institution of our 22nd Rector, The Rev. Paula J. Toland will take place on Saturday, March 30, 2019 at 2 pm. The Rt. Rev. Carlye Hughes, XI Bishop of the Diocese of Newark, will be presiding. All are welcome!

Arrangements are being made for a reception following the Sa turday, March 30th  service. Special food items are needed. If you would like to contribute, please notify Sara Ruth Dorn at (973) 467-9847 or [email protected].
Easter Egg Hunt:  
We need donations of Hershey's chocolate kisses (NO NUTS), Starbursts, Jelly Belly jelly beans, and plastic eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. The hunt will take place on the church lawn after services on 
Sunday,  April 21 . Donations can be brought on Sundays and placed in the box marked Egg Hunt in the church office. Any questions, please see Maryalice Chech. Thank you in advance for your donations!

North Porch Baby Shower will 
take place at coffee hour on 
Sunday, March 24. North Porch provides emergency baby needs to low income mothers throughout 
the diocese. You can help by  contributing the following items:  

Enfamil 12.5 oz. powder (regular & soy formulas), diapers (large sizes: 
4,5,6), Pull-Ups (all sizes), baby
wipes, baby food jars of fruits and
vegetables (all ages), and First Foods.
Cynthia Moriczde Tecso, diocesan
coordinator of North Porch will speak briefly at the 10am service and be present during coffee hour.

Please join us in this annual event. You can place early donations in the collection box in the Narthex or bring them to the coffee hour. You can also donate financially. Checks should be made out to North Porch Center.

Check Out Our Updated Website: We are in the process of sprucing up our website, which now has an updated logo and home page.  This is part of our effort to reach out to the wider community to let people know what we are doing and to invite them to join us.  Did you know people "visit" social media 5 - 7 times before visiting a church in person?  P.S. We are also now on Instagram @ststephensmillburn - follow us!

Meet Our New Bishop: You, your family, and friends are invited to "Break Bread with the Bishop." Five gatherings with Bishop Carlye Hughes are being held at locations around the diocese. Find out more and RSVP online at: 
Rev. Paula is going to the gathering at St. Paul's, Chatham on March 19.

Pledge Envelopes: To request pledge envelopes for 2019, please see Fran Taber, and add your name to the list she is compiling.
Lent and Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday, April 18:
7:00 pm - Eucharist with Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar
8:15 to 10:00 pm - Vigil

Good Friday, April 19:
12:00 pm - Proper Liturgy for Good Friday with Administration of the Reserve      Sacrament
8:00 pm - Proper Liturgy for Good Friday

Don't forget our Lenten series!  Beginning March 10th, for six consecutive Sundays after the 10:00 am service, we will study the parables, basing our conversation on a book by Amy-Jill Levine, Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.  The book is great but not necessary to this study.  You will need the Participant Guide, which is available at  Cokesbury  and Amazon  for about $10.
Lenten Series

Breaking Bread w/the Bishop,
St. Paul's, Chatham (Rev. Paula attending)

North Porch Baby Shower 

Celebration of New Ministry
Sundays, March 10, 17, 24, & 31, April 7 and 14 at 11:30 am

Thursday, March 19, 6:30 pm

Sunday, March 24, 11:00 am Coffee Hour

Saturday, March 30, 2:00 pm


This week: March 17, 8:00 am

Reader & Chalicer: Michelle Ellingham
Altar Guild: Maria Nazareth

This week: March 17, 10:00 am

Readers: Kathy Conway, Katie Wade, Shaun Landers
Chalicist: Roger Riedel
Ushers: Ladi and Oyin Owolabi
Altar Guild: Theresa and John Scharff
Coffee Hour: Margo and Daniel Greenfield

Next week: March 24, 8:00 am

Reader & Chalicer: Nancy Sieffert
Altar Guild: Maria Nancy Sieffert

Next week: March 24, 10:00 am

Readers: Fran Taber, Felder Dorn, Barbara Riedel
Chalicist: John Soughan
Ushers: Roger Riedel and Steve Moran
Altar Guild: Jean James
Coffee Hour: North Porch Baby Shower

This week: March 17th

Next week: March 24th
Links to the Wider Church

The Episcopal Diocese of Newark

The Episcopal Church

The Presiding Bishop

Office Hours and Contact Information

Office hours are Tuesday thru Friday, 10:00 am to 1:30 pm or by appointment.
Phone: 973.376.0668  
Fax: 973.376.4002
Website: ststephensmillburn.org
Main email: [email protected]
Follow us on:  Facebook and Instagram

Doreen Schindler, Parish Administrator can be reached at ext. 32 or

The Rev. Paula J. Toland, Rector can be reached at ext. 21 or 
She is an occasional blogger at fromthestillness.

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