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April 19, 2018
Latest News
Join Us for Worship This Sunday
Classes on Islam at FUUSB
UU Non-Auction
Non-Auction Items This Week
Vermont Interfaith Action Event
Living Room Conversations About Race
From the Stewardship Team
Charting the Future of Faith Formation at FUUSB
Pet Food Drive at FUUSB
Farewell to the Schek Family
From the Care Network Team
Silliman Hymn Competition
Welcome Acting Regional Lead
UU Choir Festival

Upcoming Service
Sunday, April 29 at 
9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Worship Lead:
Rev. Mara Dowdall, Senior Minister

Worship Associate: 
Melinda Lee

"The Heart of a Minister"
As Rev. Mara's June departure begins to draw near, she'll reflect with us about the nature of ministry and what it means to bid farewell to a congregation you have served and loved. Mara will explore with us some of the practicalities of ministerial goodbyes (like what happens when you run into her next year at the grocery store!), but also the deeper spiritual dimensions of concluding our five years of shared ministry. 


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Join Us for Worship This Sunday
Sunday, April 22  at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Worship Lead:  Andre Mol, Ministerial Intern
Worship Associate: Stephen Rainville

"Love and Restoration"
If we are paying close attention to the latest insights of climate science, we have a lot to fear about our future as human beings, the future of this planet, and the future of all life that shares this precious and beautiful home with us. Our Universalist tradition promises that divine love is a saving power for all. Over time, we've come to recognize that it is up to us to realize this promise here on Earth by "loving the hell out of this world." But if we honestly examine climate change and climate justice, we see that our planetary impact is accelerating faster than we thought, climate change is now inevitable, and the most vulnerable have the least power to change our global future. Given this, does the saving love of Universalism still have any relevance for UUs and the world? Perhaps its relevance is less about saving our world and more about restoring our relationship with it. We'll explore stories that serve as examples for this shift, offer hope, and provide a new way forward.

Classes on Islam at FUUSB

Caitlin Waddick

The Sanctuary and Solidarity Task Force seeks to deepen our understanding of Islam to combat Islamophobia and be ready for solidarity actions with our neighbors of this faith. The Task Force has invited me to teach two classes about Islam, based partly on what we teach our 7th graders in the world religions program called Building Bridges. 

The classes will be from 12:30-2 p.m.  this Sunday,  April 22  and  on May 6 . The first lesson, "Peace by Surrender," will cover the numbers of religious adherents, the life of Muhammed, the five pillars of Islam, and beliefs shared with UUism. We could also practice Muslim greetings and Arabic script.


Would you attend on April 22 and May 6? What topics do you want to learn about? Do you have pictures or objects to share? Please reply to [email protected]

(802) 497-0920 (during daylight hours).  

UU Non-Auction
What? No service auction this year?

No one stepped up to volunteer to run the annual auction so we are doing things differently. No auction leaves a big hole in our budget, and there are still services out there that people want to offer and people who want to contribute, so this year is the  NON-Auction.  There are two ways to be a part of the non-auction.

1.     Donate. What would you have been willing to spend on the auction? Just donate that amount to the Society. How much would you have spent on a meal or event you provided? Donate that amount.

2.     Still provide a service, but organize it yourself. Is there something you have done in the past that you can do again? Pull it together and have people send their "bid money" to the Society. You can organize it personally, via the  eNews, or on the Facebook group.

The money needs to be collected by mid-June, so we only have two months to pull this together.  

Donations can be sent to the Meeting House with "Non-Auction" in the memo line, or go to the  Donate page on the website and click on "Make A Gift" to donate to the non-auction using your credit card.

Let's get in the spirit of the auction and find ways to connect throughout the year via services we organize ourselves.
UU Non-Auction Items This Week
Click images to zoom in.
Item #1 -  Summer Wrap:
I will knit you a beautiful lightweight wrap from your choice of the following yarns. 
Here is the pattern: 
Here is one
choice of yarn.

Here is the second choice of yarns: 
(The cream color would be the middle
panel; the blue would be the border.)
Bidding will close on  April 22 at 5 p.m.  
(Note: Minimum bid should be $50.)
Call if you have questions. 

Sarah Weber,  (802) 373-0197

Item #2 - Tower/Bell Deck Tour:
When:  June 21, 6:00 a.m.  sharp
Cost: $35 per person
Join me on the Summer Solstice, and we'll ascend the tower to the Bell Deck of our beloved Meeting House. Once there, we'll enjoy early morning panoramic views of Burlington and beyond as seen through the eyes of our resident falcon!

In the event of thunderstorms in the area, the tour will become a non-tour, and we'll reschedule for June 22.
Please make checks payable to FUUSB and send them to  152 Pearl St., Burlington, VT 05401, attn: Bob. 
Please respond by  June 1 Thanks!

Bob Furrer,  Facilities Manager

Vermont Interfaith Action Event
with Gov. Scott
Join us Monday, April 23 from 6:30-7:45 p.m. at Christ Church Episcopal, 64 State St., Montpelier, as we share our stories with Gov. Scott and ask him to sign the minimum wage and paid family and medical leave bills that will advance a Moral Economy. To register see VIA's Facebook page or call 651-8889.
Host/Facilitator Training for Living Room Conversations About Race
FUUSB's Racial Justice Task Force is co-sponsoring a training to be a host or facilitator for Living Room Conversations About Race with Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ):

Saturday, April 28, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  at Old North End Community Center, 22 Allen Street, Burlington. 

From the Stewardship Team
null Nancy Knox

The Stewardship Team thanks all who have pledged this year! Here are the winners of the final raffle drawing we did on Sunday, April 15:
  • Phoenix Books - John Lincoln and Jill Stevens
  • Peace and Justice Center - Susan Raimy and Deb Lane
  • Church Street Marketplace - Gerry Quinlan
  • UU oval decals - Nancy Freeze and Nina Harrington
  • Three people won B&J's coupons. If they turn out to be expired, they will be replaced with UU decals: Hope Baker-Carr, Sylvia Knight and Mary Peabody
Thank you all again for helping make our 2018 Stewardship Campaign successful!

NOTE: If you're a member and you haven't pledged, email me at  [email protected] or go to ASAP to make your financial commitment for 2018-19.
You're Invited: Charting the Future of Faith Formation at FUUSB!
chalice by river
Join us for a Dialogue about Lifespan Faith Formation, Religious Education, and Multigenerational Community Building:
Saturday, May 5, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.,  
Susan B. Anthony Room. 

Please click here to RSVP!  Refreshments and child care available. Registration for child care will end on April 28.

2018 COTS Walk
The 2018 COTS (Committee on Temporary Shelter) WALK is on Sunday, May 6. Consider joining the UUCares team of walkers or sponsor one of the team members already committed to completing the 3.5 mile walk through downtown Burlington. 

Contact Chip Patullo ([email protected]) or Nina Harrington ([email protected]) if you have questions.
Pet Food Drive at FUUSB
dog_cat_portrait.jpg Sarah Yandow

The UU Animal Ministry Team is collecting pet food! Anything and everything "pets" will be appreciated: cat food, dog food, litter, treats, toys, and other small pet supplies. These items should be clean, new or gently used, and will be donated to local food shelves to reach out and help people in our community with their furry family members. 

Please leave items in the Pet Food Drive box in the alcove outside the Parlors.  Thank you!
Farewell to the Schek Family
Rev. Mara Dowdall

This month, we bid farewell to the Schek family, who are relocating to Rochester, NY due a recent job change. As they depart, we express our deep gratitude for all of their many contributions to the Society over the years, from dedicated involvement in RE and chairing the RE committee (Rachel) to serving as an at-large member of the Board (Henry). You and your boys will be greatly missed, and we send you forth with our love! (If you want to keep in touch, Rachel and Henry's emails and phones will be staying the same.)
From the Care Network Team
Please let the Care Network Team know if you are aware of someone in the community who could use some support, whether it be a visit, a comforting prayer shawl, or a meal. The email is: 

Share a meal with one of the following families. Nothing fancy is required. Your assistance does NOT have to be a 4-course gourmet meal. Anything helps.  Bon appetit!
  • Miriam (Tammy) Strauss is dealing with long-term health issues caused by being rear-ended by a cattle truck. One meal every week is a major support to her. 
  • Kathy Bonilla has been fighting a long-term health battle and she and her two granddaughters truly appreciate the help that a few meals a week can be. 
  • Shirley Wolfe would greatly appreciate a couple meals every week while her husband, Roy Neuer, is at Fanny Allen Rehab recovering from a stroke.  
Note: John Lincoln and Jill Stevens are not currently in need of help and have asked to suspend their meal train for a month or so. Elz Curtiss and Lynne Matthews are also not in need right now. Stay tuned! Thank you to all who have contributed.  


NOTE: As we get them, we are posting recipes from the "Hop on the Mealtrain" event on the Care Network section of the Society website. Keep checking for delicious ideas. (Thank you to Suzie McCoy, Linda Graves and Abbie Nelson for the recipes so far.)  Scroll down to see the recipes. AND if you have a recipe you would like to share, please send it to  [email protected] .  

On behalf of the Care Network Team,
Sarah Weber, ( 802) 373-0197

2018 Silliman Hymn Competition
The UUMN (Unitarian Universalist Musician's Network) biannually presents a competition in honor of Vincent B. Silliman, whose work in the middle half of the 20th century helped shape Unitarian Universalist hymnody.  We are looking for new UU hymns! 

There are cash prizes (1st Place $1000, 2nd Place $500, 3rd Place $250), and the winners plus nine honorable mentions will be featured during a reading session at the UUMN Conference in Portland, Oregon,  August 1-5.

Detailed guidelines and application form can be found at:

The deadline for submissions is April 30.
Questions can be directed to  [email protected].

News from the New England Region UUA:
Welcome Acting Regional Lead,
Woullard Lett!
Dear Friends,

We are delighted to announce that Woullard Lett will join the New England Region UUA as Acting Regional Lead starting May 1, 2018. 

Woullard is a long-time member and congregational lay leader at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Manchester, NH and board member of Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community. 

Cycle of Song: UU Choir Festival
Saturday, May 19, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
at the UU Church of Haverhill, MA.
Presenter: Rev. Jason Shelton,  
Composer, Arranger, Choral Conductor
Come celebrate the release of Cycle of Song: Anthems for Small UU Church Choirs (Vol. 1). This collection of eight brand new anthems for the seasons of the church year is written with the needs of the smaller choir in mind. We'll spend the day exploring this new music with Jason, ending the day with a public performance of the pieces.