The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
January 2019

Dear CTEWC Friends,
Happy New Year!
This month's First includes announcements about several promising opportunities, including a Vatican workshop on Robo Ethics and a call for proposals on the ethics of medical developments.
In the Latin American Forum, Ramón Luzárraga reflects on immigration and cultural cohesion, and from Australia, Caroline Ong, RSM, contextualizes the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Act set to take effect in June. From Germany Katharina Klöcker calls for prudential balance and solidarity in light of the "geneticization of society," as the mapping of the human genome turns 18. In the North American Forum, Mary Jo Iozzio outlines timely modes of peacemaking for confronting familial strife and political violence alike. From South Africa Anthony Egan, SJ, delivers an imaginative Christmas contemplation on the Incarnation, and in the New Scholars Forum, Alexandre Martins offers valuable perspective on interpreting teaching evaluations.
As we celebrate the feast of Mary, Mother of God on this World Day of Peace , may we recommit to fostering God's shalom.

Kristin Heyer
Shaji George Kochuthara, CMI
Andrea Vicini, SJ

Featured Forum Articles

Europe: Katharina Klöcker,  The "Geneticization"of Our Society

Junior Scholars: Alexandre Martins, End of the Year: Teaching Evaluations
Asian Regional Report
Conference Report: 

The Association of Moral Theologians of India (AMTI) held its 27th Annual Conference from 19-21 October 2018 at Dharmaram Vidya Kshethram, Bangalore. The three days conference reflected upon the theme "Liberative Ethics: Contextual Voices from India." 

European Regional Report
Book Announcements:

Bibel und Moral-ethische und exegetische Zugänge (Jahrbuch für Moraltheologie 2), edited by Christof Breitsameter and Stephan Goertz.

According to Vatican II, the Holy Scripture is the "supreme rule" (DV 21) of Christian faith. And yet, we are confronted with issues such as: What is the role of this guiding principle within discussions on current moral issues? How is the relation between faith and morality presented within the Scripture itself? This volume is dedicated to these and other related issues and contains contributions from Johannes Schnocks, Magnus Striet, Lutz Doering, Stephan Goertz, Hans-Ulrich Weidemann, Eberhard Schockenhoff, Simone Paganini, Ulrich H. J. Körtner, Wilfried Eisele, Walter Lesch and Christof Breitsameter. 

Theologie und Philosophie im Spätmittelalter: Die Anfänge der via moderna und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Moraltheologie (1380-1450) (Studien der Moraltheologie- Neue folge 7), by Sigrid Müller. 

Within the history of moral theology, the late Middle Ages are often described as a dark period. Nevertheless, this time was characterized by a broad discussion on the role of philosophy within theology. The »modern« theologians of that time defended the independence of theology. Therefore, philosophical approaches had to be read in the light of theological tradition, especially Augustine. This monograph unfolds the consequences this attitude had on the reaction to critics of this approach as well as the predominant conception of moral theology itself.  For further information click here

Catherine of Siena College is an online college based at the University of Roehampton, U.K., offering courses on gender, theology and social justice. We are currently recruiting students for courses offered in spring and summer 2019. We are also pleased to share the launch of our new webpage that now features trial lessons, video extracts from our courses and news from us and our associates. 

Latin American Regional Report
Un nuevo ano comienza para el mundo, para CTEWC, para América Latina y para Brasil. Hoy, 1 de Enero asume un nuevo presidente en el cual no todos sienten representados, especialmente los católicos, por ser un presidente en cuya campaña electoral a impulsado la idea de medidas que van en contra de la paz y la armonía republicana, supuestamente en función del orden y el progreso. Además, dicha campaña ha estado impulsada, en parte, por la nueva corriente teológica latinoamericana conocida como Teología de la Prosperidad. Brasil se convirtió en la prioridad ética católica para toda América Latina porque, siendo el país más grande en número de habitantes y en desarrollo económico de la región, puede marcar el rumbo del resto de los países. Para conocer la situación actual del Brasil podemos leer algunos de los artículos publicados por los eticistas de la CTEWC:

North American Regional Report
North American Catholic ethicists continue to work to find ways to address  human rights violations at the Southern border of the U.S. One of our members, MT Dávila suggests that for accurate information about what is happening at the border, people follow Al Otro Lado on Facebook and Twitter .

We have also spent the past several months reeling from the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report detailing clergy sexual violence committed against children, as well as ecclesial authorities' efforts to protect credibly accused predators. In the wake of the PA report, authorities in New York, New Jersey, Missouri, New Mexico, Nebraska, Wyoming, Vermont, Maryland, Florida, Michigan, Washington D.C., Illinois, and Virginia have begun investigations. In Illinois, a short preliminary report has been released. Catholic ethicists and Catholic institutions of higher education around the U.S. have been finding ways to respond. 

CTEWC members, if you will be at the annual meeting of the Society of Christian Ethics in Louisville, please join us to follow up on the regional goals we articulated in Sarajevo. We will be meeting on Friday, January 4 at 2:30 PM.  One we've settled a location for the meeting, we will post an announcement with that information on the bulletin boards near the registration desk.
February 25-26, 2019 , the Pontifical Academy for Life will host the workshop, "Roboethics, Humans, Machines and Health ", to take p lace during the 25th General Assembly of Members.

The goal of the workshop is to provide an update about the characteristics of the technologies in the field of robotics and about what is feasible today, identify and shaping the questions rising from the field, from the anthropological point of view and analyzing some ethical criteria in health care.
First session ( Monday 25, afternoon) will focus on the state of the art and different approaches to robotics research and development.
Second session (Tuesday 26, morning) will explore socio-anthropological implications, i.e., how robotics change the ways of knowing and understanding the world, perceiving relationships, the human body and social coexistence.
Third session (Tuesday 26, afternoon) will address the ethical implications of robotics in health care sector, particularly the assistance of elderly, and it will analyze possible regulation in this field.
Poster presentations are welcome during the congress.
The Workshop is open to all those interested in this field. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2019.
For information and registration, please visit us on our website or on Twitter:  @PontAcadLife.

Call For Proposals
U.S. bioethicists Michael McCarthy and Cristina Richie are applying for a Brocher Foundation 1.5 day multidisciplinary symposium grant to explore the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of "New Medical Development Research: Addressing the 10/90 Gap." 

The objective of the symposium is to bring together a high caliber of scholars from a variety of backgrounds to discuss this issue, with an eye towards publication. The event will take place between July and October 2020 at the Brocher Centre on the shores of Lake Geneva (Switzerland). And abstract and information to participate is available here. The deadline to apply is January 9, 2019.

Calls For Papers
Last Call:  The Journal of Moral Theology is looking for papers presented at concurrent sessions of the Third International Conference of the Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church, held in Sarajevo 2018.

The  March 2019 issue of Asian Horizons invites articles on Gender: Theology and Praxis of Gender. We would like to reflect on new directions in the theology of gender, biblical sources for a constructive approach to theology of gender, new directions in feminist theology, reasons behind continuing gender stereo types, continuing gender violence and discrimination, etc. Papers on local responses and initiatives are especially welcome. The full call for papers is available here.

Fellowship Opportunities
The  International Fellows Initiative is a collaboration between the two Jesuit theology centers in the United States of America: the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry and the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley.

The IFI hosts post-doctoral international scholars for a six to nine month period of research at either location (applicants will indicate their preference of research site as part of the application process). The IFI provides scholars with space, time, and resources to complete the research set forth in their  fellowship proposal.

Applications for Fall 2019 are due March 15, 2019. More information and application details here.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
Submit and Browse CTWEC Resources

Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Kristin Heyer



Sara Bernard-Hoverstad

Asst. Editor