To Jesus Through Mary

Mission Statement
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, serving students in the eight sponsoring parishes of the region in grades pre-kindergarten to eight, is dedicated to excellence in education by developing life-long learners and leaders. We foster a faith-filled environment in partnership with families, emphasizing reverence, respect, and personal responsibility in the traditional spirit of Christian teaching.

April 19, 2018   

Phone: 410-208-1600

Fax: 410-208-4957

[email protected] 

"The bread you store up belongs to the hungry;
the cloak that lies in your chest belongs to the naked;
the gold you have hidden in the ground belongs to the poor."
St. Basil the Great

We would like to congratulate our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students along with Mrs. Jackie Selba for an outstanding production of "Pirates Past Noon." We would also like to thank Mrs. Jaime Wilson, Mrs. Barbara Stevenson, and Mrs. Josie Cover for their assistance. Additionally, we would like to thank Mrs. Colleen Rutzler, Mrs. Mary Rosenhagen, Mrs. Christa Gunther, Mrs. Ann Cottingham, Mr. Rick Deale, Mr. Josh Esworthy, Mr. Ward Culver, Mr. Chris Ouellet, Mr. Tony Prochazka, Mrs. McKaylee Prochazka, Mr. Duane Cover, Mrs. Jeanne Zender, Mr. John Devine, Mr. Chris Connor for all their time, talent and help with making our musical a success. Special thanks go out to our stage crew, Daniel Genga, Grace Short, Josie Peranteau and Kayden Hamby! A good time was had by all.

It is our pleasure to announce that Mrs. Barbara Stevenson has been selected as the Knights of Columbus 2018 MBS Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Stevenson has been employed at our school since August, 2006. In describing Mrs. Stevenson's impact upon our school, one of her colleagues wrote: "Barbara's dedication to MBS is only surpassed by the energy that she brings to the classroom.  Her charismatic personality makes her a favorite of the students.  Whether it is a song, dance, witty pun, or story about her goats she loves to make learning fun for the students.  Barbara is always willing to go the extra mile for the school, her co-workers, and the students without even being asked.  I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this award."

Congratulations and thank you, Mrs. Stevenson!
  Mrs. Stevenson was honored on April 18th at the Knights of Columbus Awards Night ceremony. 

The MBS uniform policy requires that students begin to wear the summer/warm weather uniform on APRIL 16th. Please check the Family Handbook for warm weather uniform requirements. Remember ALL uniforms, both school and Phys Ed must be purchased through Flynn & O'Hara. This date may change should the weather turn warmer earlier. 
  •  We ask parents of girls to please note the requirement for the length of kilts and jumpers (no more than 2 inches above the knee). Even though many girls wear shorts under their kilts and jumpers, we ask that all kilts and jumpers measure at the required length. Thank you for your assistance with the matter.
  •  All students must tuck in their shirts.
  • The used uniform closet is open on Monday and Friday each week. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN USED UNIFORMS THAT ARE STAINED, SOILED, AND BLEACHED. We are receiving a large quantity of uniforms that cannot be re-sold/re-worn. Please dispose of those uniforms, please do not donate any uniforms with the MBS logo. Thank you for your cooperation.


Last week, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students had the opportunity to work with Kevin Martin, a local steel drum artist. Over the course of three days, the students learned about the history and origins of the steel drum (or "steel pan") in addition to learning how to play the instrument. For this residency, Mr. Martin brought over 30 of his homemade steel drums and worked with each class for three sessions. The residency culminated with each class performing the calypso music and songs they learned for the student body. We are grateful to Mr. Martin for passing the art of "panning" to our students!
The Home and School Association, HSA, is requesting that any parent or guardian who is interested in getting involved with HSA for the 2018-19 school year, please prayerfully consider joining the HSA Board. Nomination forms will be sent home today. The Mission of the HSA is to foster the cooperative interaction of parents, teachers, and community to provide students the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential in a stimulating educational and spiritual environment.  Joining the board is a great way to get to know other like minded parents, the MBS staff, and make a positive difference for our children's school. Terms are for one year. The HSA Board meets the first Tuesday of most months at 6:00 p.m. Serving as an HSA officer automatically fulfills your family's FIP requirement for the year.
If you would like to get involved, please return the nomination form before May 9th.
The results of the board selection will be announced on Wednesday, May 23rd at 5:00 p.m. in the library, at our final general meeting of the year, immediately followed by STREAM Night. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Parsons.
We thank our 2017-18 officers for their dedicated service to our school this year!


NEW DATE: Mark your Calendar for the Spring 2018 Musical! 
May 10th at 6:30 p.m.
May 11th at 7:00 p.m.
May 12th at 7:00 p.m. 
The Spring Production of "Mary Poppins, Jr" is quickly approaching! 
Please see the dates for next week's rehearsals below. As a reminder to parents, costumes are due and to be brought in to Mrs. Bennett by Tuesday, May 1st. Please contact Mrs. Bennett with any questions. 
  • Monday 4/23- REHEARSAL UNTIL 5:30PM*
  • Tuesday, 4/24- REHEARSAL UNTIL 5:30PM*
  • Wednesday, 4/25- NO AFTER SCHOOL REHEARSAL TODAY (Students will rehearse during middle school activity period during the school day)
Mrs. Bennett will be sending out an e-mail to parents by the end of the today Thursday, April 19th with a list of cast members that will need to come to rehearsal each day.  
If your student is unable to attend the above listed rehearsal, please contact Mrs. Bennett at [email protected]
Piano fees for trimester three are due. Checks can be made payable to MBS for $55. There will be a piano recital in May, the date is TBD.

Benefiting the Technology Development Fund of MBS

MBS Car Raffle tickets, 1 for $10, 6 for $50, 13 for $100- 2018 Chevrolet Spark OR $10,000 CASH!
We are asking EVERY family to sell their ticket allotment of 15 tickets. This will help us achieve our goal to having one to one digital technology in the classroom for grades 3-8. By selling these tickets, this may help to alleviate additional technology fees that may need to be rolled into our tuition and assessments. Thank you for your help in working towards our goal! We have the potential to raise over $50,000.00 if everyone participates and pushes sales!100% of every ticket goes directly to the Technology Fund at MBS. 100%. That's HUGE!!!!!  So, we REALLY need to take advantage of this unbelievable gift!
We still have lots of time for APRIL sales to be the TOP SELLER for this month!!!
The 1 in 7 Raffle winner gets $500 CASH and a Nintendo Switch ($300 value!)
We are doing a CLASSROOM contest for the next 6 weeks!!
The TOP SELLING CLASS every week will WIN PIZZA or ICE CREAM (their choice)!!!
ALL SALES at local events/masses will count towards the class sales, so encourage VOLUNTEERING!

Attached below is the link to our signup genius to sign up for any upcoming events where we have several opportunities left to sell our raffle tickets:
Car Raffle Fundraiser Volunteer Signup Sheet:

We are looking for parent volunteers to assist in selling car raffle tickets at various local events in the coming months. This is a WIN -WIN event! By volunteering for an event, you have the opportunity to receive: 
  •  Credit toward your FIP Hours
  • Credit for selling tickets as a family/student seller** ALL TICKETS you sell get credited to your family!!
  • Chance of being a TOP SELLER and getting a 1 in 7 chance of winning $500 + A Nintendo Switch Console Family Gaming System!
  • For every 10 tickets sold, You receive ONE FREE RAFFLE TICKET!!!!
MOST IMPORTANTLY You are helping us reach our GOAL of one-to-one-digital technology. 
We can't do this without your help! Please consider signing up for an event or several. We thank you in advance for your continued support of MBS!
PLEASE SHARE the link below to ANY Social Media you have (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). It goes directly to the TICKET BUYING PAGE! Our current online challenge is for 50 Friends to Buy ONE TICKET and SHARE the Link.....we've sold over 500 tickets in less than a week doing this! 

Please note the article that highlights our seventh grade student, Griffin Jones, that is found in the April issue of Metropolitan Magazine. WAY TO GO, GRIFFIN!!! APRIL ARTICLE  

Nurse's Suite
Please alert the office and your child's teacher if you the parents/guardians are going out of town.  Included in the memo should be who to contact in case of an emergency or if the student is sick. 
Just a few reminders since virus/flu season is upon us:  1) If your child has a fever of 100 degrees or higher, he/she must be fever free (without any fever reducing medication) for 24 hours before returning to school. 2) If your child is diagnosed with strep throat, they must remain home for a minimum of 24 hours after the initiation of antibiotic treatment. 3) If your child has diarrhea or is vomiting, they should stay home for a minimum of 24 hours free of diarrhea/vomiting. This is to help prevent any germs from spreading to other students and for the health of the student who was sent home.  Other tips to prevent the spread of viruses/flu include: Frequent hand washing, do not share utensils/cups, and please cover your sneezes. Students who are sent home due to illness may not return to school the next day. Stay Healthy!

Our Spring Book Fair is scheduled for April 30th to May 4th. Please consider volunteering. It's a fun, easy way to earn F.I.P. hours! Available times to volunteer are online at www.signupgenius.com. Click "Find A Sign Up" and enter [email protected]. Or click this link to go right to the sign up page. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e044fa5ad23a5fe3-spring1
The date for the MBS Hit The Books Delmarva Shorebirds game is scheduled for Friday, May 25th. We will provide additional information & the tickets when we receive them for those students who turned in their bookmarks. Please email Mrs. Lenox at [email protected] with any questions or issues. Thank you!
This week I visited with K, 1st and 2nd grade.  We focused on feelings and ways to cope when we worry or feel sad.  We discussed breathing techniques and mindfulness techniques.  In K and 1st we used the following videos, "Mindful Ozzy Introduction to Mindfulness" and "Color Your World with Kindness".  In the 2nd grade we practiced breathing, discussed using our senses to be mindful and then did a relaxation exercise.  Parents, I have information to provide if you would like more tools for helping your child relax and cope with their feelings. 

Upcoming Girls Lacrosse Games
Monday, April 23 @ 4:00PM- Away @ Sussex Academy
Wednesday, April 25 @ 4:30PM- Home vs. Easton  (later start time)
Upcoming Girls Softball Games 
Monday, April 23 @ 4:00PM- Away @ Delmarva Christian-Milton (played at Delmarva Christian High School)
Wednesday, April 25 @ 4:00PM- Home vs. Salisbury Christian


27th                 12:10 p.m. Dismissal-Professional Development Day
30th-May 4th     Spring Book Fair

St. Ann 
Please join us for Taco dinner at St. Ann's Church (in Delaney hall) on May 4th from 5-7pm.  Full taco buffet and ice cream.  Catered by Mac's (best Taco bar around!!!!).
$8 for adults and $4 for children under 5. Buy tickets after Mass on 4/22 and 4/29 or buy at the door. 
We need help .....if you can help sell tickets, serve, clean up, etc (Kids too) please email Anne Flaherty ( [email protected]). Get your FIP hours done!!! 
Thank you!! We hope you can join us!!

St John Neumann
Parents of 2nd graders:
Our next gathering will be Practice for First Eucharist on Wednesday 25 April beginning at 6:00PM in the church of St. John Neumann.
Confirmation 2018: Our next gathering will be rehearsal at St. Luke's on 7 May beginning at 5:30PM. Candidate and Sponsor must attend.  
St. Jude the Apostle
Strawberry Festival
The Msgr.  Francis Desmond Columbiettes and the James C Burke Columbiettes are having a Strawberry Festival on Saturday, May 26, 2018 at St Jude The Apostle Church on Route 1 in Lewes, Delaware   The festival will take place from 8 AM to 2 PM.  

There will be strawberry shortcake, assorted foods, a silent auction, craft tables, vendors and lots of fun for everyone.   Raffle tickets will also be on sale for a first prize of $1,000, a second prize of a weekend in Ocean City, Maryland and the third prize will be a Family Cooler valued at $250.
If you would like to participate in the festival, you may rent an outside space.  Call Bonnie on 302-280-5795 to rent a space or for additional information.   
Vision Statement  

Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School provides rigorous and technologically relevant instruction that is intentionally integrated with Catholic identity.  Together, as Pastors, administrators, teachers and parents, we nurture the development of the mind, the body, and the soul, in each of our students.  Our students are able to make sound decisions based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and modeled upon the lives of the saints.  As a faith and learning community, we teach students a passion for the truth and a love for discovery and knowledge. Our students are prepared to relate their Catholic faith to their culture and actively live their faith as members of the greater community.