joint release

For Immediate Release 

March 14, 2019

Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills)

Representative John Nygren (R-Marinette)


Budget Co-Chairs Statement on Evers Bugdet
Madison--State Representative John Nygren (R-Marinette) and Senator Alberta Darling (R-River Hills), Co-Chairs of the Joint Committee on Finance released the following statement:

"This morning on WTMJ radio, Governor Tony Evers said that in his budget 'we'll be pretty close' to no tax increases and 'there may be some small tax increases.' After the last few weeks of consistent flip-flops it should come as no surprise to anyone that Governor Evers believes more than a $1 billion tax increase is small. On November 1, 2018, Governor Evers stated he was 'planning to raise no taxes.' The weather is getting nicer, but the Governor has been wearing his flip-flops quite a bit recently.

"Taxpayers of Wisconsin should be fearful when our Governor starts admitting publicly that he believes more than a $1 billion in tax increases is a small amount. It is now more important than ever that we remain responsible stewards for taxpayers"

"Governor Evers has shown time and time again that he views taxpayers as a bottomless well of money to fund his liberal wish list. The state has $1.8 billion in new revenues available for the next budget which is the most in at least the last 20 years. There is no need to raise taxes."

"The Governor's words today send a clear message to taxpayers. He thinks Madison politicians know how to spend your money better than you and they need more of it. As we begin the budget process, we remain committed to protecting the taxpayer."
