November 13, 2018
One Health Mentorship Program-
Seeking Mentors!

ISOHA is piloting a One Health Mentorship Program that will connect students interested in One Health with profes-sionals working in relevant One Health fields. We are currently seeking professionals interested in being mentors!

B asic requirements to be a mentor include:
a) completion of Masters, DVM, PhD, MD, etc.
b) past or present experience working (research, education, coordination of One Health programs for students, etc.) in the One Health Field.

We will be matching mentors and mentees based on areas of interest in the One Health field. Once matched, mentors and mentees will set three meetings via phone or Skype January-May 2019. Further contact will be encouraged but will be at the discretion of the mentor and student.

To apply or learn more about the program see the following link :
Interested students: Keep an eye out for an announcement on mentee applications in late November!
Seeking Applications for
ISOHA Continent Representatives

Hurry!!! Deadline has been extended to Friday, November 16th

We are recruiting our first cohort of ISOHA Continent Representatives!

What is an ISOHA Continent Representative?
  • Helps coordinate ISOHA activities in their respective continent.
  • Serves as a liaison between ISOHA and student One Health groups in their continent.
  • Seeks out One Health-related student groups in their continent.

How will the selection process work?
  • You can run to be the representative of your institution's continent.
  • The ISOHA Executive Board will select the top 3-4 candidates per continent and ISOHA members from that continent will then be able to vote for their top choices.
  • The top TWO candidates from each continent will be selected.

More Questions? Please email ( the ISOHA Executive Council !

Applications Due October 31st, 2018.

One Health Video Competition

I SOHA and NextGen Global Health Security Agenda have partnered to host a One Health Video competition in honor of One Health Day!

The definition of One Health is constantly evolving around the globe. According to the One Health Commission, some people misunderstand and think that One Health is about everything, and therefore it must be about nothing. The One Health Video Competition seeks video proposals that define One Health using national, regional and/or global priorities.

Winners will be highlighted at the Next Generation Global Health Security Network Flash Conference and via the One Health Commission website.

Submission Criteria:
Each video submission should be no more than two (2) minutes.
The video should define One Health using appropriate examples from a national, regional and/or global perspective.
Videos that highlight student and early-career professional involvement in One Health will receive additional consideration.
Submissions can be in any language, but each submission must include an English transcript.

How to Submit:
The submission deadline is November 25, 2018.
Limit one (1) submission per individual or group.
By submitting your video to the competition, you are giving NextGen and ISOHA full rights to the submitted video.
All submissions should be emailed to
Competition winners will be announced on Monday, December 10, 2018.

Follow ISOHA on our updated social media pages for the most up to date information and news!

ISOHA Executive Council 

Thank You to the One Health Commission for its support of ISOHA!

Help Support the work of the One Health Commission!
One Health Commission | Phone: +1.984.500.8593|