ACP is cancelled, Purple Air Monitors Update, Clean Energy Virginia, Offshore Wind Virtual Lunch & Learn, CECAP, Election 2020, LTEs, GFG May Be Reorganizing
August 2020 Great Falls Group Cascade
As people across the country protest in defense of Black lives, the Sierra Club recognizes the need to dismantle systemic racism in the United States and within our own organization. We must reckon with how white supremacy -- both past and present -- has shaped our institutions and do the critical anti-racism work necessary to repair the harm done. The environmental movement does not exist in a vacuum, and it is our responsibility to use our power to help abolish systemic racism which is destroying lives, communities, and the planet. -- from Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
Significant Events Calendar

Aug. 4 - General Assembly Special Session Preview

Aug. 4 or 5 - Online Workshop: Energy Democracy in Virginia & the Dominion energy system

Aug. 5 - Energy Storage Webinar

Aug.11 - Offshore Wind Virtual  Lunch & Learn

Aug, 12 - Utility-scale Solar and Offshore Wind Webinar

Aug. 19 - Offshore Wind Webinar
Source: Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
The Atlantic Coast Pipeline Is CANCELLED!!!
On Sunday, July 5, Dominion Energy and Duke announced that they have cancelled the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, the 600-mile, $8B fracked-gas pipeline that would have crossed West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina and potentially have extended into South Carolina.

Would you like to volunteer to accomplish the same thing with the MVP?
Climate and Energy
Purple Air Monitors Update
Things were going pretty much as planned. Our Air, Your Future: Creating Clean Air Advocates was successfully reaching out to 200 plus students across the DMV, and then covid happened. The virus suspended the project----at least for the time being.The plan going forward is to continue supporting participating teachers for the upcoming school year. Whether in-person or online, the project can resume and it should.

Would you like to have your school participate in the air monitoring?
Student installing a Purple Air sensor to exterior wall of school. Source: Elizabeth Spike
Clean Energy Virginia : New  advantages for clean energy businesses
Three webinars:  Energy Storage (August 5), Utility-Scale Solar and Onshore Wind (August 12) and Offshore Wind (August 19): Wednesdays at 1:00 pm,
Governor Ralph Northam has launched Clean Energy Virginia , a new initiative to drive investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency and help meet the Commonwealth’s goals for clean energy production, which include powering 100 percent of Virginia’s electricity from carbon-free sources. This initiative comes on the heels of an historic General Assembly session in which the Governor signed legislation that will transform Virginia’s electric grid and create new business opportunities for the clean energy sector. The initiative includes webinars on recent legislation that creates advantages for clean energy businesses to expand or locate in Virginia.

Water Shortages and Beef
For those of us thinking about cutting down on meat consumption to address health, animal welfare or environmental concerns, here’s another reason you may not have thought about: the impact of beef on the availability of water, a critical resource.

Are you interested in this topic?
A Texas Longhorn steer in Denver, Colorado. Photograph: Rick T Wilking/Getty Images
Offshore Wind Virtual  Lunch & Learn
WHEN: Tuesday, Aug.11; 12 noon
WHERE:  RSVP  for this  online event.
DETAILS: Want to learn about the relationship between clean energy and climate change? Want to learn about offshore wind generally? This is the meeting for you! Learn about the offshore wind farm that will be built off the coast of Virginia Beach, what wind turbines are, and why wind energy is important. Join us for entry-level information to introduce you to these exciting developments! 
SPONSOR: Sierra Club/Virginia Chapter
Source: Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
Fairfax County’s CECAP
We are working with District Supervisor staff and the Focus Group Liaisons to finalize the dates for the Fairfax County Community-wide Energy and Climate Action Plan (CECAP) Focus Group meetings. The July 29 Task Force meeting focused on the crucial topic of setting goals. Staff will be holding a series of virtual public meetings and opening an online survey to gather public feedback about the progress of the CECAP planning process. The Task Force will be reviewing that feedback at the September Task Force meeting. Attendees of the Dranesville Focus Group meeting July 22 noted the immense contributions of Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions, and discussed the importance of setting meaningful, attainable goals.

Election 2020
Voter Turnout Drive

Sierra Independent Action is running a massive voter contact program focusing on the battleground states of Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida. Through its vast network, the Sierra Club has identified 1.3 million voters in those states who care about the environment, but who are either undecided or vote infrequently. The Sierra Club needs your help to get these voters motivated! Find out how you can reach voters by writing letters, making phone calls, or sending text messages.

Do you want to get involved by writing, calling, or texting members?
Absentee Voting

Victoria Higgins, Field Manager for the Virginia Conservation Network, points out that the deadline to request an absentee ballot for the November 3 general election is 5pm on Friday, October 23. You can visit the Board of Elections website  now  to apply to vote by mail. It takes almost no time at all. Go to

And More
Letters to the Editor Zoom Parties

Letters to the editor (LTEs) raise public awareness on issues. Often the editorial page, with its LTEs, is the most read section of the paper. Elected officials ask their staff to read LTEs to learn what issues are important to their constituents. Learn about upcoming monthly LTE Zoom parties and more on writing LTEs.

The Great Falls Group Needs Your Assistance in Reorganizing

The Sierra Club Great Falls Group (GFG), is exploring reorganizing and renaming itself. What this means for you is that there are opportunities for you to get involved, use your skills, and make your voice heard in your local and regional area. We need your help and ideas on how to accomplish this. This can be a fun activity and getting to know your Sierra Club community members.

Are you interested in getting involved with the reorg?
Useful Links

The  COVID-19 crisis  has not passed and continues to  disproportionately harm   Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to healthcare. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice. -- from Sierra Club Virginia Chapter
Ways to Stay in Touch with GFG
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