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We are pleased to announce the launch of FOFA's new website! It is full of resources for visitors to Oaxaca and folk art lovers everywhere.

Please visit to experience its many enhanced features:
  • An extensive directory, listing more than 190 of the region's folk artists -- organized by artistic modality, providing background information, portraits and images of their work, addresses, and details of how to contact them;
  • Downloadable "Tips for Tourist" pamphlet, to help you plan a folk art itinerary in Oaxaca -- mapping artists by geographical location, with suggestions on transportation options and protocols for visiting and buying (LINK);
  • Videos, including interviews with Oaxacan artists, links to PBS's folk art programs featuring Oaxaca, and Barbara Green's film about FOFA;
  • Downloadable PDFs of FOFA's four exhibition catalogues;
  • List of publications about Oaxacan and Mexican folk art;
  • New and archived FOFA e-newsletters; and
  • Oaxaca and its folk artists in the news.

Your support of FOFA has made this new website possible.
We thank you and hope you will find it useful and enjoyable.


Click on the link above to make a donation of any amount to support our valuable efforts. Thank you! 718-859-1515  275 Central Park West, #1-C  New York, New York 10024