:: Federation Four ::
Noteworthy News from the Calgary Jewish Federation Family
May 24, 2019 | Iyar 19, 5779
PJ Library®    invites you and your family to celebrate its 10th Birthday @ Popsicles in the Park Sunday, June 2, 11:00am to 2:00pm at Calgary JCC. Celebrate ten years of PJ Library in Calgary with an afternoon filled with special birthday treats and surprises. Activities include a petting zoo, face painting, bouncy house, bubbles, and kosher popsicles! This event is free of charge, and all are welcome. Contact Kathie for more information.
Save the date for Calgary Jewish Federations' Annual General Meeting and Shem Tov Awards Thursday, June 20, from 6:45 to 8:45pm at the Calgary JCC. Learn about the successes and challenges of the past year while celebrating the contributions of outstanding volunteers in our community! This event is open to everyone and free of charge. Contact Tabby  for details.
The World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants (Joining hands and hearts to keep Holocaust memory alive, fighting hatred and genocide) is holding its 31st Annual Conference in Vancouver, BC, November 1-4, 2019. This popular Conference has taken place in Berlin, Jerusalem, and Florida, but rarely in Canada, and is therefore an extraordinary opportunity for Canadians. It will be hosted by the Vancouver Holocaust Education Center and the local Holocaust Survivor community. For queries about the conference email or to register visit the website or email Ilana for more information.  
On May 14, at the Carriage House Inn, the Calgary chapter of Canadian Magen David Adom hosted a well-attended evening in honour of Faigel Shapiro's 85 th birthday. The evening included tons of entertainment, speeches, dinner, and cake and flowers for the birthday girl.  Mazel Tov to Chair, Lenny Shapiro, on a successful and heart-felt evening and Happy Birthday, Faigel! Biz 120! (Pictured in photo, Calgary Jewish Federation's Karina Szulc and Kathie Wainer with Lenny Shapiro).