Security news plus fall and winter events and all the shul info you need. 
Open and read this while it's fresh.

President's Message
Dear Friends,
Ezekiel's Wheels at Jupiter Hall was a smash hit! Read on for a concert committee report. Thanks to all who stepped up along the way, from the first idea to the last ticket sold.

We wish refuah shleimah to the physically and emotionally wounded and sympathies to the bereaved at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA. Nassau Synagogue, in solidarity, has made a donation in memory of their dead. May the fear and hatred such as that which seemed to motivate this attack dissolve forever from humanity's consciousness. 

Until it does, we must bolster our security, so that we can safely continue celebrating the traditions that bring us togetherness, comfort, and joy. Fear will not defeat or isolate us. Read on for an article on the security measures we are taking in coordination with local law enforcement, the Jewish Federation, and all the synagogues in Rensselaer County.

Speaking of religious freedom and joyful traditions: Chanukah begins "early" this year. Come to our famous Chanukah Party at shul on Sunday, December 2nd at 6 PM for delicious home-made latkes and fixings. We'll gather, sing, schmooze, "publicize the miracle," and celebrate our freedom to practice Judaism without fear. Bring family, friends and your chanukiot, as we'll light first-night candles together for a beautiful glow.

Autumn is a time to deepen our gratitude and share abundance with others. We are so blessed to have each of you among our intimate shul community. Please consider finding ways this season to do additional mitzvot throughout the broader community: serve a Thanksgiving meal, supply a food pantry, visit a shut-in, tutor an immigrant, &/or donate winter gear: opportunities abound! And please, as you volunteer your time and resources for the good of neighbors in need, let those working with you know about our local spiritual gem, the Nassau Synagogue.

L'hitraot . Hope to see you soon!  

Pam Tatar
Annual Community Interfaith  Thanksgiving Service
Sunday, November 18th, 7:00 PM
Grace United Methodist Church
42 Church Street, Nassau, NY
Please plan to attend this wonderful annual Village of Nassau event. This year it is hosted by Grace United Methodist Church and the Hudson Valley-Berkshire Interfaith Network. In light of the recent tragedy at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue, it is more important than ever to take these opportunities to interact warmly with members of our local community and to have a visible presence among the village's religious groups. Refreshments will be served. Monetary contributions will be donated to the Nassau Resource Center.

Annual Chanukah Party
Sunday, December 2nd, 6:00 PM 
Nassau Synagogue and Jewish Community Center

Delicious latkes will be served! 

Bring your Chanukah menorahs so we can light them together to bring forth a colorful and beautiful glow within our sanctuary. Singing, dreidel games and schmoozing, as we share the Festival of Lights!

Outreach Committee

The Ezekiel's Wheels Klezmer Concert at Jupiter H all, Crossgates Mall, on October 21st was a big success, adding almost $3000 to our building fund and raising awareness about our synagogue throughout the Capital Region.

We wish to thank the many people who helped by underwriting band and publicity costs, posting flyers and distributing rack cards, donating graphic design, donating money, spreading the word through e-mail and social media, and, of course, buying tickets! The 100+ people in attendance enjoyed a fabulous concert, bursts of spontaneous dancing, and each other's good company.

If you have suggestions for future events or would like to join the Outreach Committee, please contact Faith at or call 518-441-0856.

Ezekiel's Wheels Sound Check at Jupiter Hall

Membership / Donation Form

The Nassau Synagogue tradition is that one need not be a member to attend Shabbat services or to participate in our events and programs.  We do not sell seats for the High Holidays, nor do we auction aliyot. How have we been able to do this over the years and still keep membership dues so very low?  It is through your continued support that is essential to keeping us strong.  The Nassau Synagogue relies almost exclusively on the contributions of its supporters and on our membership dues.  So please, help us with a donation, and/or consider becoming a member. 
PHONE NO._______________________E-MAIL______________________________
Please note that at least one adult member of a membership unit must be Jewish by matrilineal descent.
Family Membership         $300
Individual Membership    $200
________I would like to renew membership in the Nassau Synagogue
________I would like to join the Nassau Synagogue
_____   If you are joining or renewing your synagogue membership, please check here if you would like your personal information included in the Membership directory. By checking here you are agreeing to the terms and conditions as follows: that the main purpose of the directory is to make personal contact with other members to encourage social interactions, acknowledgement of celebrations and other meaningful events, and to encourage the promotion of shul related activities among those on the list.  The list may not be shared with anyone who is not on the list, given to any organization without the prior consent of the Board, or used to promote political ideas or platforms. 
To the General Fund:  $_______________          To the Hebrew School:  $ _____________
To the Kiddush Fund:   $ ______________  
Or contact Barbara Neiman, at 518-477-9580 or,  if you would like to sponsor a full Shabbat Kiddush
In Honor of_____________________________________________________________
In Memory of___________________________________________________________
PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE NASSAU SYNAGOGUE and mail with a printout of this form to: Nassau Synagogue,  PO Box 670, Nassau, New York 12123. 


Book Group:
It's So Because We Say It Is!

The Nassau Synagogue Committee on Philosophee And Metafiscil Jurisprudence (NSCoMJ, or "book group" for short) has kicked off another year of meta-analysis into alternate realities; or our reality; or ... oh never mind! 
Anyway, we are just finishing up Peter Berger's seminal work, The Social Construction of Reality, a book that argues that what is real is only what we all agree is real; so if you think you know what's up, I suggest you ask the next person you see to check your work....
Seriously, Peter Berger's thesis is worth considering as we ponder the alternate reality that seems to have flooded the collective consciousness of our country. But, as I said, we're nearly done with this one, and rolling headlong and without a hint of caution into our next book; topic and direction as yet unknown. And from all accounts, unknowable....
We meet every Monday at 7:30 PM. For more information, call Bruce at 518-248-1306 or email

Study Group

First (Secular) Shabbatot: December 1, January 5,  February 2, March 2
On the first Shabbat of each (Gregorian) month, all are invited to study Mishnah for up to an hour following Kiddush. Drop in or become a regular; no preparation is required. Study style resembles how we study the weekly Torah portion. We're working our way through Masechet Berachot.
The Mishnah, a compilation of concise legal debates, was drawn together by Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi (Judah the Prince) in 200 CE. For links to our source sheets, or with any other questions, please contact Rhonda at 917-656-4835 or at


On the engagement of Alex Lord and Taylor Barnes. Alex is a member of our shul and son of board member Nancy Lord.
On Margo Singer's latest photography show, now up at The Eden Café, located at 269 Osborne Road in Loudonville. The show displays her photos of beautiful national and state parks in Arizona, Utah and Nevada and will be on display through November 30th. Margo invites you to stop in for a look and, please, sign the comment book.
On publication of Rhonda Rosenheck's second book, this one a volume of poetry called Looking: Out, In, Up, and Under Rocks (Elephant Tree House Press, 2018).


We pray for all who are in need of healing, including:
Rose Ann Roth, Maya Layton, Howard Brezner, and the wounded public safety officers and members of Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.
Please send names of those in need of healing to Pamela Tatar at .


On the passing of Carolyn Spitz Nerenberg, mother of Danny Nerenberg.
On the passing of Michael Sassaman, husband of Estelle Sassaman and step-father of Stacey Rattner.
On the violent passing of the tzaddikim at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA, may their souls rest in peace.
May HaMakom comfort you among all the  mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

December 9, 2018-April 5, 2019 (5779)

You may easily convert your loved one's date to the Gregorian calendar at
Morris Roth 1
Philip Hershey 3
Sidney Schottenfeld 9
Esther Lottie Feldman 10
Alice Foise Giddings 10
Raymond Philip Schwartz 10
David Katzen 11
David G. Septer 12
Dr. Ann Beth Sarachan Deily 15
Nathan Roth 15
Lois Gross 16
Robert Wm. Nerenberg 21
Philip Levine 24
Irving Roth 25
Philip Sovitsky 25
William Pollack 2
Esther Rosen Swersey 2
Linda Ellen Vanbrookhoven 6
Morris Paris 8
Maureen Connors   9
Faye Hershey 12
Murray Giddings 15
Russell William Berger 17
Burton Agata 19
Michael Louis Gruber 19
Julian Berch 21
Fannie Rheingold 21
Fanny Zweig 22
Edwin Joel Goldman 23
Kenneth Alan Wennet 26
Joseph Spector 27
Lou Goldman   29
Irving Miller 30

Gertrude Bogoslofsky 2
Ida Zuravin Miller 3
Philip Zuckerbrod 4
Morris Zweig 4
Ellen Snyder 7
Paula F. Pollack 11
Ethel Samuelson 11
Stephanie Dale Stambler 25
Irving Langbord 27
Adar Aleph (Leap Years)
Abraham Joseph March   8
Stanley M. Srulowitz 15
Eli Lee Strock   28
Abby Fran Agata 29
Adar Bet (Leap Years)
Jacob Joseph Samuelson 15

Board Security Committee/ 
Rensselaer County Synagogue Security Taskforce

Immediately following the massacre at Pitts-burgh's Tree of Life Synagogue, the Nassau Synagogue board formed a security committee (Pam Tatar, Michael Roland and Rhonda Rosenheck) to ensure our immediate safety while planning to bolster security over time. They met with Mayor Robert Valenty and Village Trustee Guy Forte to discuss security measures and spoke with NYS Police Troop G Station Commander, Sergeant Nicholas Lombardi. The following Shabbat, NYS and Village of Nassau officers made their reassuring presence known throughout the morning.

As of the Pittsburgh shooting, NYS police patrols have received daily instructions to drive by the shul (and other houses of worship) often and attentively. Once given our "open hours," the commander committed to scheduling more frequent presence during those times. We will inform all our areas public safety leaders regarding special events and schedule changes.

The security committee is following up with village officials and reaching out other local houses of worship to develop communication around mutual support and assistance.

Our committee has joined with those of the county's three other synagogues to form the Rensselaer County Synagogue Security Task Force. At the first meeting, teams shared research, resources, and challenges, and committed to leveraging the group's collective strength to develop security resources.

The board will update members regarding additional security measures in focused communications.

by Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul and Mary)

Light one candle for the Maccabee children
With thanks that their light didn't die.
Light one candle for the pain they endured
When their right to exist was denied.
Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice
Justice and freedom demand.
But light one candle for the wisdom to know
When the peacemaker's time is at hand.
Don't let the light go out!
It's lasted for so many years!
Don't let the light go out!
Let it shine through our hope and our tears.
Light one candle for the strength that we need
To never become our own foe.
And light one candle for those who are suffering,
Pain we learned so long ago.
Light one candle for all we believe in,
That anger not tear us apart.
And light one candle to find us together
With peace as the song in our hearts.


Special Request for Donations

The board is asking for about $1500 more in donations to complete offsetting the cost of painting and insulating our building this summer. We are grateful to say that we are closing in on our goal, accounting for both building fund donations, ranging from $10 to $1,000, and money raised through klezmer concert ticket and merchandise sales. Like Planet Fitness, we are a "no judgment zone." Any amount you can give will help us avoid dipping into reserves. Thank you!


Charles and Nancy Noland in honor of the marriage of David Fruchter and Amy Supraner
Nancy Siegel in honor of David and Lynn Gross
Rhonda Rosenheck - building Fund
Brian and Karen Daniels - building Fund
Harold Howard
Paul and Linda Krouner - building Fund
Sidney and Anne Richter in memory of their parents and son
Elayne Schottenfeld in memory of Sidney Schottenfeld
Mindy Pollack Norman in memory of Nathan Pollack
Fred and Ellen Levine
Jonah Kimmelstiel
Inna Erlikh
Irving and Myrna Paris in honor of all Jewish people
Phillip Axler - Hebrew School fund in memory of Beatrice and Samuel Axler
Ben and Sharon Cohen - general & Kiddush Funds in honor of Amit, Ravi, Aviva and Naomi Cohen
Elizabeth Scheer in memory of Larry Scheer

Maxine Bogash in memory of parents Isidore and Gertrude Bogoslofsky; grandparents Nathan and Katie Elenzweig

Barbara Neiman in memory of Larry Scheer
Mary Kuntz
Judy Bloom and family in memory of the Placksin Family
Martha and Arnold Proskin in memory of Paula and Harry Pollack
The Sarachan Family - Building Fund in memory of Ann Beth Deily
Ellen Schottenfeld in memory of Sidney Schottenfeld and Alan Markowitz (two lovable men)
Ann Blaustein in memory of beloved parents Morris and Ida Schwartz, brothers David, Franky and Phil Schwartz, nephew David M. Schwartz and niece Linda E. Vonbrookhoven
Charles and Nancy Noland - Kiddush Fund in honor of our lay leaders
Margo and Izzy Singer in memory of Carolyn Nerenberg
Derek Fields and Rebecca Glass in memory of Carolyn Nerenberg
Janet and Barry Strock - Kiddush Fund
Pam and Mark Tatar in memory of Carolyn Nerenberg and Michael Sassaman
A very special thank you to those who have underwritten the costs of building repairs and enhancements, programs and events, food for the High Holidays and Kiddush, and other items that have been purchased and donated by our members. You know who you are and the Board of Trustees thanks you again for your generosity.

Board Members
Pam Tatar, President               518-441-5062
Michael Roland                       518-766-4325
Danny Nerenberg, VP            518-674-1416
Laurie Kimmelstiel                 914-260-8860  
Barbara Neiman,Treasurer      518-477-9580
Nancy Lord                             518-495-9546          
Gail Agata                               518-758-9575
Faith Schottenfeld                   518-732-2191   
Barry Strock, Secretary           518-461-5009

Nassau Synagogue and Community Center  12 Albany Avenue,  Nassau, NY 12123  
Mail to: PO Box 670, Nassau, NY 12123-0670 | (518) 766-9831 |