Volume 10, Issue #35
August 27, 2020 

In the name of Christ, we embrace all people to be nourished and empowered by the Holy Spirit to love and serve the world.
DIRECTORY UPDATE: Work on compiling and editing the new parish directory has begun. If you have not yet submitted your directory response form, please do so before September 1 in order to be included in the first edition of the directory. You may just type the requested details in an email, if that is easier for you (info@ascensionfrankfort.org), or leave a message to request a phone call (502-223-0557).

OFFICE HOURS continue to be very limited due to the pandemic. Father Peter and Mona Proctor are mostly working from home. The church's phone system was recently upgraded, and now calls may be made and received on the "church phone" from their cell phone apps. Please do call if you have a need or a question... you may still get voicemail, so don't hesitate to leave a message - we will do our best to get back with you within a single day. The church phone number is unchanged: 502-223-0557.

SIMON HOUSE has taken the lead for being the first point of contact for local folks who are in need of help. This is especially helpful due to the cutback of church office hours - most requests for help that we receive by phone or from the street are referred directly to Simon House (502-223-2138). Our deacons continue to focus on pastoral care for parish members and others they encounter personally.

Remember that you can donate to Simon House by writing a check to 'Church of the Ascension' with 'Simon House' on the memo line; 100% of your donation will be forwarded to them immediately. To donate items, please call the Simon House office first, then take all items directly to them as directed. Here is an update from Simon House:

During this uncertain time due to the coronavirus, Simon House is a beacon of hope for those in our community who cannot work, cannot afford food, and seem lost in a fearful environment where the future seems bleak. We are not able to fix every problem, but we are able to provide the necessities of daily living and provide encouragement for the future of those that live on the edge of economic collapse. We could not do this without your support.
As the Executive Director of Simon House, I want to thank you so much for your continued donations. Your contribution helps those in our community who live on the edge, manage the speed bumps as they travel life’s road. However, their journey has not ended. Here is a list of the things that will help at this time:
(for those who are moving into their own apartments, a wonderful achievement!)
Cleaning Supplies
Paper Towels
Disinfectant Wipes
If you want to volunteer your time and talent, please contact us at 502-223-2138. We can offer a safe environment to help in many ways!
This coming November 3-13, Simon House is sponsoring “A Night in Margaritaville: The Stay-at-Home Version.” This will be an online auction with many fun items that may interest you! We will send more information in the future.
Stay safe and happy!
Linda Stopper
Simon House Volunteer
August 25, 2020
Join us for Online Worship
on Sunday, August 30

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost:
Proper 17, Year Two - BCP 983

Diocesan Online Worship Service

Reminder: All Ascension videos - and several organ and piano performances by John Martin - are now available on our FREE "YouTube Channel." You may subscribe, get notifications, view playlists... click here for more information... or go directly to the Ascension YouTube Channel Page. This means you can conveniently find all Ascension videos all in one place, without having to scroll and sift through all of our other Facebook group postings. Kudos to Taylor Lunsford for creating and managing our videos!

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, there will be no worship services or any group meetings in the church building until further notice. Father Peter and the Vestry are working with our diocesan leaders to plan for re-opening safely when the time is right.

Regular office hours remain suspended until further notice; clergy and staff are working (mostly) from home. Access to the building is limited to those with specific permission, and "Healthy at Work" guidelines apply to everyone who enters the building.

If you have questions, concerns, ideas or suggestions to share, or if you have needs that your church family might help to meet, please contact Father Peter to discuss (email fatherpeter@ascensionfrankfort.org, or call 502-661-2742). You may also email Deacon Rebecca Saager (curate@ascensionfrankfort.org) or Deacon Sue Kurtz (deacon@ascensionfrankfort.org).

includes our church building!

8/9/2020: $4,140
8/14-15/2020: $6,101
8/21/2020: $2,055

Thank you for your continuing support. We are working to minimize expenses but still need to pay for upkeep, maintenance, insurance, payroll, etc. Click here to see a letter from our Treasurer regarding the pandemic:

THE BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW meetings are currently suspended. (Normally meets every other Saturday, in the parish library at 10:00 a.m.) Contact William Legg (wleggwork@msn.com) for details.
THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING are meeting online via ZOOM. (Normally meets on the FIRST Sunday of each month, in the parish library after the 10:30 service.) Contact Judith Spencer for details (jspencer254@yahoo.com)
Find the Diocese of Lexington online at www.diolex.org
This web site has an abundance of information and resources - check it out!
Intercessions for the Church: St. Michael’s, Lexington - The Rev. Laurie Brock, Rector.

Recently in need of prayers: Adrianna; Barbara; Bill; Bob; Candy; Correll; Daneen; Debbie; Donnie; Edith & Marion; Fran & Doug; Fred; Ginni; Heidi & Ian; Greg; Joe; Jon; Josh; Julia; Kay; Linda; Madonna; Mae & Frank; Marilyn; Sandy; Scott & Kathy; Sidney, Suzanne, Tod, Blair & Grant.

Continuing concern: Betty; Carrie & Shawn; Collin; Dan; Darlene; David; Debbie; Dillard; Doris; the Duncan Family; Erika; Faye & Steve; Gillian; Holly; Isaiah; James & Stella; Janet; Janice; Jean; Jinks; John & Willie; June; Linda; Mac; Mary; Melissa; Mike & Susie; Polly; Sherri; and Tom. We also pray for those on active duty in the military: Daniel, Houston, Mary Jo, Nick, Seth, Tanner, and Walter.

Birthdays: 8/30 - William Thurston; 8/31 - Kim Brown, Katie Duke, Laura Nelson; 9/1 - Hal Grant; 9/5 - Susie Oder, Milly Stewart.

Anniversaries: 8/30 - Jack & Karen Hoover.

Part of the strength of this congregation is our care and concern for each other. Please help us to do this by letting the church office know when you are ill, hospitalized, or otherwise in need of prayer and/or visitation. We especially want to serve you during these times. Also, if we don’t have your birthday or anniversary on file, or if it appears incorrectly, please let us know! Call the office at 502-223-0557 (messages are checked periodically), or email curate@ascensionfrankfort.org
Pre-Planning for End of Life

Rite I or Rite II? Eucharist or no? Burial service in the church, or only a graveside committal? Special music, songs, readings, people? Please consider writing your preferences on a “Funeral Information and Burial Instructions” form, for secure long-term storage in the parish office. This confidential information will serve as a guide to the church and your family after your death. A 'Kentucky Living Will Directive and Health Care Surrogate Designation' Form is also available. Return the completed form(s) to Deacon Rebecca, Deacon Sue, or to the parish office.

Ask in the office or one of the Deacons for a blank form, or download from our web site at: https://www.ascensionfrankfort.org/links
Clergy and Staff

  • The Rev. Peter Doddema, Priest
  • The Rev. Dr. William G. Brown, Associate Priest Emeritus 
  • The Rev. Deacon Rebecca A. Saager, Curate
  • The Rev. Deacon Susan E. Kurtz, Deacon
  • Mr. John B. Martin, Director of Music & Organist
  • Ms. Mona Landrum Proctor, Parish & Financial Administrator 
  • Mr. David Gierlach, Sexton

Copyright © 2020 Church of the Ascension. All Rights Reserved.