New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse & Recycling, Inc. |
Quarterly News & Updates
Jim Gilbert |
President's Column
It's Election Season!
Less than a week after our Annual Recycling Conference, you will be voting for a new President of the United States.
Wouldn't it be nice to have an election in which you weren't forced to choose the lesser of two evils? You have that opportunity.
One of the responsibilities of NYSAR3 members is to elect your representatives to the 13-person Board of Directors. Each of the nine Chapters elects their board representatives in September, odd numbered chapters in odd years and even numbered chapters in even years.
We also have four At-Large Directors. Elections are held for two openings at a time, on an alternate year schedule. Nominations opened this week. At-Large elections are held on-line during the conference.
Board members get to shape the direction of the organization. They run committees. They vote on policies and issues. In short, board members do most of the work.
If that sounds good, run for office! And vote!
Don't forget to register for this year's Annual Recycling Conference & Trade Show!
Highlights for this year's event include:
- Pre-Conference Workshop: Clearing Up Plastics
- A Timely Recycling Conference Agenda
- Vendor Show Highlighting New Technologies and Services
- A Cocktail Reception in the Exhibit Hall
- A gathering at Ommegang Brewery Transportation and Event Sponsored by
- NYSAR3 Annual Meeting and Election of At-Large Board Members
- Recycler of the Year Awards Presentation
- NY Recycles Poster Contest Awards Presentation
- World Class Resort Setting and a dessert bar that is out of this World!
- Near the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum & Ommegang Brewery
The application period for the next round of NYSAR3 College Council grants is open. Read more about how to apply - as well as a limited number of scholarships to the upcoming recycling conference in Cooperstown. |
We are pleased to announce the new Board Representative for Chapter 2!
Eadaoin Quinn |
Eadaoin Quinn is an environmental educator focused on promoting waste reduction. She has been at Sims Municipal Recycling for five years, where she runs their Recycling Education Center in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. While the center primarily aims to inspire young recyclers, it has also attracted thousands of adult visitors including city agencies, community groups, college classes, as well as a few Sesame Street Muppets. She draws on her experience working for an industrial recycling facility in her roles as Assistant Secretary of the Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board, Board Member of the NYS Product Stewardship Council, and Junior Leadership Board Member of Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow. Her interest in recycling comes from her desire to preserve the natural environment. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in biology from McGill University and University of Toronto.
The City of Buffalo is stepping up efforts to address food waste. Read More about a free screening on "Just Eat It - a food waste story", as well waste food collection that was added to the "Taste of Buffalo" festival. |
ReUse Alliance, Buffalo |
Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center (SU-EFC), in collaboration with NYSAR³ and other local organizations, coordinated a series of tours across New York State of a wide variety of sustainable materials management (SMM) facilities. Read More about this innovative educational series, which will continue into next year. |
Over 50 people attended a One-Day Compost Operations Training at the Town of Bethlehem in September, focused on adding food scraps to the compost mix. Read More about the workshop which was designed for facility operators and managers, recycling coordinators, composting educators and students. |
Dereth Glance, former commissioner at the International Joint Commission, has been chosen as the new Executive Director at the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency. Read More. |
In September, the National Recycling Coalition honored recycling awards recipients at the Resource Recycling Conference in New Orleans. Among those recognized at the event was Meg Morris, longtime NYSAR3 Board member and treasurer, who was given a lifetime achievement award. Read more about t
he awards program, designed to honor and recognize outstanding individuals, programs, and organizations around the country.
A community effort in New Paltz has culminated in a ReUse Sclulpture Park.
Read More about how this came about, and see the pictoral display of this creative park.
The Tompkins County Solid Waste Division installed its fourth public space recycling bin in Ithaca's Stewart Park recently.
Read about efforts to get recycling into public spaces, as well as the county's new
collection station for liquid cooking fats, oils and grease (FOG), which reported that nearly 275 gallons of material were dropped off by residents in three months.
GLOW has completed several long-range projects recently, providing Compost Demonstration Sites at several local respective parks. Read More about the new sites, as well as results on the annual HHW collection. |
Pictured on the left, food prep at the Oct. 6 "Feeding the Hudson" event, i
nspired by "Feeding 5000" events hosted by Feedback in Europe and larger US cities. Read more about the event, planned to bring awareness to the issue of wasting perfectly edible food.
The New Paltz Food Recovery Program has transitioned to match several components of the EPA hierarchy for food recovery. Read more about programs including the Hudson Valley Food Recovery Hub, composting and animal feed initiatives that address food waste.
A ribbon cutting ceremony in August marked the completion of a three mile sewer line to convey leachate and sewage from the Madison County landfill to the City of Oneida's Wastewater Treatment facility. Read More about this upgrade to the county's program, as well as some innovative energy projects.
a 50 kWh solar ground mounted system >
The New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I) at RIT is planning their annual Research & Development student competition, which provides students across the state the opportunity to promote ideas to create more sustainable schools and communities. Read More about the sixth-annual student competition, which recognizes graduate and undergraduate level sustainability projects.
NERC's new Reuse Explorations Guide is intended to benefit a wide range of people - state, tribal, municipal, and community leaders; materials managers; and others who desire to expand reuse in their communities. It is designed for electronic viewing, with hyperlinks to additional information throughout.
Available for free download on
NERC's website
For more information, contact
Athena Lee Bradley
Did you know that NYSAR3 has a Google Group? This is a collaborative space for online discussions around a particular topic, such as waste reduction, reuse, or recycling. Taking advantage of NYSAR3's Google Group is easy:
The International Compost Awareness Week Committee is sponsoring a Poster Contest. The winning poster (which has a $500 prize) will promote International Compost Awareness Week, May 7-13, 2017. The contest submission, which ends Nov. 14, 2016, is open to anyone who wishes to promote this year's theme: "Compost! Healthy Soil, Healthy Food." For more information, go to:
contest application.
Last year's poster winner >
The Environmental Research & Education Foundation (
EREF) is accepting grant pre-proposals at: proposals@erefdn.org on topics that relate to sustainable solid waste management practices, including: waste minimization; recycling; Waste conversion to energy; diversion; and Landfilling. Deadline is Jan. 6, 2017.
NYSAR3 Fall Recycling Conference, Nov. 2-4, 2016; Otesaga Hotel, Cooperstown, NY USCC COMPOST '17 Conference & Trade Show, Jan. 23-26, 2017, Los Angeles, CA NYS Federation Conference, May 21-24, 2017, Bolton Landing, NY |
NYSAR3 members are eligible for a
free subscription
to Resource Recycling Magazine. Members can also sign up for the digital newsletters at the top of the webpage.
Note: This offer is only available to current members.
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