Here are the latest opportunities to strengthen your faith and connect with the community.
Sunday, December 16th
Third Sunday of Advent

Bible Talk
9:00 am in the Old Manse

Worship 10:00 am
"Letter From a Roman Jail "

Family Potluck & Movie TONIGHT December 15th
Supper at 6:00 Movie at 6:45 pm

Sunday, December 16th
♬♫ A Caroling We Go! ♬♬
Meet at 2:00 to bake cookies.
Meet at 4:00 to go caroling.
Sing for joy, for in your midst is the Holy One!
Donations are now being received for Christmas Flower Memorials. Send contributions to the Church Office with the name of the Donor as well as the name(s) of the person(s) in whose honor/memory the gift is given. 
Donations must be received before December 19th.
Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 23rd 10:00 am

Practice for the Christmas pageant this Sunday the 16th will go until 11:45. There will be a dress rehearsal with the band on Saturday the 22nd at 9:30. We plan to do a run thru twice and hope to end at 10:30.

Sunday December 23rd
After the Pageant

Take a stroll down Goodie Lane. There will be plenty to choose from. Grab a tasty snack and make a donation to support the Christmas Joy offering.
If you are able sign up to bake a treat. Sign up sheet in CE Lobby
Christmas Eve
Family Service.

Dec. 24th
at 4:00 pm
Monday, Dec. 24th 8:00 pm
Christmas Dinner
Tuesday Dec. 25th
4:00 pm

Everyone is welcome.

Call the church office to make a reservation or Click here now.

Albert Fickeissen 12/16, Michele Salmon 12/16,
Jacquelyn Constantine 12/17, Charles Harvey 12/17,
Anderson Ross 12/17, Mary Boyle 12/18,
Gary Haupt 12/18, Susan Burke 12/19,
Lili Harbin 12/19, Bryon Enos 12/19,
Emily Gundersen 12/21, Katherine Tasca 12/21,
Nicole Zurawski 12/21, Nicole Notaro 12/22.
"Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm
and our intelligence aglow."
- Helen Keller