Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 122 - December 2018

On a recent school visit in western Tennessee I asked a young boy if he was excited about Christmas break. He was very somber and said, "No." Later, when I was having lunch a group of teachers were putting together bags for students to take home. They told me the bags were so kids would have food for the weekend. I thought about that little boy and wondered if he was going to go hungry for part of the winter break. It is heartbreaking what some children face at a time that should be joyful. Hopefully we can all share some joy to someone who needs it this season, Debbie
HO, HO, HO! Do you need something for your student's stocking? Here's a letter from me. If you'd like autographed bookplates to put in books for your class, contact me here with your student's names and your address.
It's beginning to look a bit like Christmas at my house,
but only a bit! Here's my grandmother Bailey's organ. I played it when I spent the night at her house. I would ride my bike up this huge hill to visit her. Strangely that hill got smaller as I got older! The bears globe was my mother's.
Mermaid Queens and Kings
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond for the cause of children's literacy? Nominate them for the Mermaid Queen and King award! Here's a list of past winners (at the bottom of the page).
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Every once in a great while I get crafty and I hope I have time to make these cute gift tags with my box of buttons. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season, filled with family and happy times. I hope you have enough to fill your tummy and your soul. I wish you much happiness and joy as you enter a new year of hope. God bless you in 2019,