(402) 346-1132
Two Wishes for You in 2019:
Inspiration & Intention
Letting go of anything you love is hard, but when it’s a primary relationship that has been your whole life, it can feel like a devastating loss for a long time.

No matter where you are in the divorce process, there will come a day when you have to face the end. You will need to pack up your grief and move on. This may feel like an insurmountable task, but the truth is that once you have put away the feelings of sadness and anger, you create room for relief, clarity, and a new perspective on how a new life can unfold.

Inspiration for letting go
One of the big reasons the holidays are so hard for those of us facing the loss of a relationship is that we miss our old rituals. But that also makes it a perfect time to develop new ones. One great way to ritualize the act of letting go is to literally give flight to your old dreams and desires through the use of Flying Wish Paper : Write it. Light it. Watch it fly.
"There’s a trick to the ‘graceful’ exit. It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, or a relationship is over–and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out."
~ Ellen Goodman
On each piece of paper, write something you want to let go of, then light it on fire and watch it fly. As the burning pieces of paper rise, say goodbye to your attachment to these things or feelings. Ritualizing acts of closure can bring you peace and inspire you to fill the space those old feelings occupied with a new resolve to recreate your destiny.

New intentions for the New Year
Holding on to bitterness means holding on to the past -- and the past is something you dearly need to get over. Sound harsh? Perhaps. But it’s meant as a wake-up call to focus on moving forward and daring to dream.

Actually, it can be quite exhilarating to realize that you are in charge of your own life. Practice visualizing what you want your life to look like in a year...5 years...10 years down the road. Write down your new life hopes and dreams in a journal and re-read them every month. Soon you will come to realize that you are the architect of your own Happily Ever After. There is so much power in self-belief!
This holiday season, give yourself the gift of letting go of expectations and find the beauty in moments you create with family and friends.
We're Holiday-Ready!
Office Closed: December 21 st - January 2 nd
As the holiday season approaches, we hope you are making plans to spend time with loved ones, that you are scheduling a dose of self-care and that you will find time to pause and reflect on the year behind you and what’s ahead for 2019. We hope to do the same.

Our office will be closed from Friday, December 21 st at 12:00 p.m. until we re-open at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 2, 2019. Until then, our team will be working hard to ensure your legal needs are met before the holidays.

We wish you peace and joy for the holidays!
Your Koenig | Dunne team
People & Pets
Daisy the fashionista!
Daisy is Attorney Lindsay Belmont’s two-year-old puppy. She is 11 pounds of fluff, love, and kisses! You can find Daisy playing with her squeaky toys, chasing squirrels, or snuggling on the couch. She is not a fan of cold weather, but she’ll take the chance to romp around in the snow every once in a while! Here, Daisy is seen in her finest winter sweater giving her mom that “Are you really making me wear this?” look. Daisy has brought so much joy into her mom’s life and has reaffirmed the old saying that happiness truly is a warm puppy.
Quality Time Correction
I couldn’t wait. It was likely going to be our own version of a Hallmark Christmas movie. But this one would be about a mother and her teenage daughters having the most magical Christmas time ever. No plot twists were allowed that would involve a hardship to overcome. My daughters and I were off to Chicago for two days to sight-see, shop, and spend time at a German Christmas market.
To ante up the expectation, for calendar reasons, this was to be my only weekend with the girls until after Christmas. This needed to be good. Keep Reading
Coach's Corner
with Susan Ann Koenig
What is precious to you?

I didn’t notice that the paper was red and green, only that it was beautifully wrapped. It was three days past my December birthday. I assumed the gift awaiting me at the end of a long day did not want to wait another moment to be opened.

I removed the plaid bow. I carefully lifted the tape. I opened the small brown box and pulled back the tissue. I gasped. Read More
Who is Koenig|Dunne?
For over 35 years, the Koenig|Dunne team has been helping people pick up the pieces of their life to make a new start. Bringing a family business back from the brink of financial ruin. Sheltering a child from the conflict of a custody battle. We do this work because its work we know matters.

Whether an amicable collaboration or lengthy litigation lies ahead, we’re the team who will empower you on your path to a better future, from start to finish. That’s a promise. We promise you – we will see you, hear you, and stand by you. Learn More
Guidance when you want it. Strength because you need it.
(402) 346-1132